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    • .. and the best commentator of the year award goes to….. silence….. NOSTRADAMUS!!!!
      Standing ovation from Sata…

  1. The headline and content not adding up. I expected LT to ask bloggers to confer this award to the blogger who insults alot

  2. It goes without saying that the Zambian people should not accept the said constitution once the government decides to release it. This is the time Civil Society the opposition and all well meaning Zambians should stand up with one voice.
    Why should all of 13 million people be railroaded by a handful of power hungry ignoramuses?

    • Zambians are too docile and don’t see its importance our Kenyan bothers and sisters are more organised when it comes to issues of this nature.

    • Firstly, all those in the TC whom we all thought had an iota of being strong willed, have just lost the little respect they had in zedian eyes!! They were given a NATIONAL DUTY to perform & NOT A POLITICAL EXERCISE!! They acted on behalf of the Zedians!! NOT ON BEHALF OF A TINPOT DICTATOR!!

      They have always had the TOOLS TO PUBLISH IN THEIR HANDS -Their Website!! – BUT CHOSE NOT TO!! What were they afraid of?? Were they threatened to be thrown in prison that everything under their pants shook so hard, they couldn’t stand the thought for even a fraction of a second, thus ACQUIESCED to COLLUDE with PF on this one & LAMELY CLAIM the mandate had expired??

  3. Mostly african presidents think they are the alfa and the omega.
    As is the case here in Zambia the supreme leader thinks we are stupid.I cant hesitate 2 state the fact that the man is drunk with power.
    But he shud owaz b reminded that we will owaz have the last laugh one day and we r watching.Some pipo think that Zambians are sleepy but thats a virtue of an inteligent mind.We are silent observers.Ask KK he can testify.

  4. We will ‘ve a constitution when we stop voting for Broken Hill Man or Zinjathropus! These 2 think you are drifting away from their traditions n culture when we request a 21st Century constitution

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