Thursday, February 13, 2025

The Week in Pictures



 President Banda arrives at the funeral house. On the right is the late Dennis Liwewe's son Ponga.
President Banda arrives at the funeral house. On the right is the late Dennis Liwewe’s son Ponga.


President Banda With Ponga, Liwewe's widow Sylvia (opposite Ponga) and daughter Kwangu (in floral dress)
President Banda With Ponga, Liwewe’s widow Sylvia (opposite Ponga)
and daughter Kwangu (in floral dress)


President Banda hugs the Late Dennis Liwewe's son Liwewe Liwewe
President Banda hugs the Late Dennis Liwewe’s son Liwewe Liwewe


 President Banda signing a book of condolences
President Banda signing a book of condolences


VICE President Dr Guy Scott upon his arrival at Kaulu ground for gracing of the celebrations of Senior Chief Kalindawalo of the Nsenga speaking people of Eastern Province in Petauke District .President Sata gazetted chief Kalindawalo after withdrawing recognition of the previous chief.
VICE President Dr Guy Scott upon his arrival at Kaulu ground for gracing of the celebrations of Senior Chief Kalindawalo of the Nsenga speaking people of Eastern Province in Petauke District .President Sata gazetted chief Kalindawalo after withdrawing recognition of the previous chief.


Chieftainess Nyanje of the Nsenga Peope with Senior Chief Kalindawalo at Kaulu during the celebrations in Petauke District.President Sata gazetted chief Kalindawalo after withdrawing recognition of the previous chief.
Chieftainess Nyanje of the Nsenga Peope with Senior Chief Kalindawalo at Kaulu during the celebrations in Petauke District.President Sata gazetted chief Kalindawalo after withdrawing recognition of the previous chief.


Chiefs Mishoro and Madzimawe of the Ngoni Speaking People of Eastern Provinceduring the celebrations of Senior Chief Kalindawalo of the Nsenga speaking people of Eastern Province in Petauke District on Wednesday
Chiefs Mishoro and Madzimawe of the Ngoni Speaking People of Eastern Provinceduring the celebrations of Senior Chief Kalindawalo of the Nsenga speaking people of Eastern Province in Petauke District on Wednesday


MMD president Nevers Mumba arrives at St Ignatius Parish for the  way of the Cross service
MMD president Nevers Mumba arrives at St Ignatius Parish for the way of the Cross service


People of the newly created  Ngabwe District in Central Province are facing difficulties crossing the Kafue River due to non functional Pontoon which is packed due to high water levels in the River
People of the newly created Ngabwe District in Central Province are facing difficulties crossing the Kafue River due to non functional Pontoon which is packed due to high water levels in the River


First President at a birthday party hosted for him at the Chinese Embassy
First President at a birthday party hosted for him at the Chinese Embassy


First Republican President Dr Kenneth Kaunda interacts with school pupils at Mulungushi International Conference Centre
First Republican President Dr Kenneth Kaunda interacts with school
pupils at Mulungushi International Conference Centre


First Republican President Dr Kenneth Kaunda shares a light moment with Commerce Deputy Minister Miles Sampa who was dressed in a 'Kaunda suit' and carrying a white handkerchief like the former president at the commemoration of Dr Kaunda's birthday by school pupils at Mulungushi International Conference Centre
First Republican President Dr Kenneth Kaunda shares a light moment
with Commerce Deputy Minister Miles Sampa who was dressed in a ‘Kaunda
suit’ and carrying a white handkerchief like the former president at
the commemoration of Dr Kaunda’s birthday by school pupils at
Mulungushi International Conference Centre


First Republican President Dr Kenneth Kaunda sings for school pupils at Mulungushi International Conference Centre in Lusaka
First Republican President Dr Kenneth Kaunda sings for school pupils
at Mulungushi International Conference Centre in Lusaka


First Republican President Dr Kenneth Kaunda addresses school pupils at Mulungushi International Conference Centre in Lusaka
First Republican President Dr Kenneth Kaunda addresses school pupils
at Mulungushi International Conference Centre in Lusaka


FIRST Lady Dr Christine Kaseba (right) shares a light moment with Tourism and Arts Minister Jean Kapata in Linda Township. Dr Kaseba congratulated Ms Kapata for her recent appointment.
FIRST Lady Dr Christine Kaseba (right) shares a light moment with Tourism and Arts Minister Jean Kapata in Linda Township. Dr Kaseba congratulated Ms Kapata for her recent appointment.


First Lady Dr Christine Kaseba with Standard Chartered Chartered Bank Chief Executive officer Andrew Okai during the Standard Chartered Bank- Habitat for Humanity Zambia builds House s for Vulnerable women in Linda Compound in Lusaka
First Lady Dr Christine Kaseba with Standard Chartered Chartered Bank Chief Executive officer Andrew Okai during the Standard Chartered Bank- Habitat for Humanity Zambia builds House s for Vulnerable women in Linda Compound in Lusaka


KAFULA road is receiving a major facelift in Chipata District.The road is on the central business area.This road has since been closed by Sable Transport and Construction Limited
KAFULA road is receiving a major facelift in Chipata District.The road is on the central business area.This road has since been closed by Sable Transport and Construction Limited


THE new Ministry of Home Affairs headquarters currently under construction in Lusaka.
THE new Ministry of Home Affairs headquarters currently under construction in Lusaka.


Children watching  crocodiles at the Kalimba Farm Reptile Farm in Lusaka during the easter weekend
Children watching crocodiles at the Kalimba Farm Reptile Farm in Lusaka during the easter weekend


A crocodile lays under a tree that has bird nests
A crocodile lays under a tree that has bird nests


A Chinese man poses for a photograph with a python wrapped on him at Kalimba Reptile Farm
A Chinese man poses for a photograph with a python wrapped on him at Kalimba Reptile Farm


A Chinese man angling in one of the fishing ponds atKalimba Reptile Farm
A Chinese man angling in one of the fishing ponds atKalimba Reptile Farm


Citizen Economic Empowerment Commission (CEEC) Director General Likando Mukumbuta (r) displays a mango fruit  during his remarks as Commerce Minister Robert Sichinga (2nd l), Citizen Economic Empowerment Commission (CEEC) Chairman Dr. Mutukwa Kasuka (2nd r) and Western Province Minister Josephine Limataa (l) observe before the Flagging of Mango Value Chain in Mongu District of Western Province
Citizen Economic Empowerment Commission (CEEC) Director General Likando Mukumbuta (r) displays a mango fruit during his remarks as Commerce Minister Robert Sichinga (2nd l), Citizen Economic Empowerment Commission (CEEC) Chairman Dr. Mutukwa Kasuka (2nd r) and Western Province Minister Josephine Limataa (l) observe before the Flagging of Mango Value Chain in Mongu District of Western Province


  1. Interesting pictures.Happy 90 th birthday super Ken and rest in peace super Dennis.We will miss your voice.Such a great son of the African soil.Mhsrip

  2. Ok you jst got to love the fitness our Ruphia in picture number one. you would understand why he is a father to twins and married to half his age lady.

  3. Kaunda is FIT mwe bantu. I would advise people to b vegeterians for them to LIVE LONG. GREAT for KK.

    God be with you.

  4. President Banda what country is he president of our repporters lack good english and vice president of is Guy Scott what a mixe up

    • You fool, reporter has one ‘P’. In-fact you should be the last person to point out grammatical blemishes of others.

  5. Pic. 1 RB is as a giant in stature as he is in public life, good to see him looking so healthy, I don’t know about being fit.Well done LT for ignoring that traitor, limelight seeker on RB’s right. The picture of the day is no.8, MMD party president Nevers Mumba,he looks fit, healthy, stylish,talks right and carries himself with dignity.I can understand why there is no contest there.He’s simply the president in waiting, traitors better get used used that.

  6. Nice to see RB.President for all Zambians.Not the guy who has turned State house into a hiding cave.I like nevers too..

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