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Home Kubu Crafts GM accused of calling his workers ‘baboons’ and ‘stupid black Africans’

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  1. This when you are waking up,,,,, Horligan is boer, racist who has failed to live in his country south africa,,,,,, hates black people,, infact you have left out two other big racists Daan Brink of livingstone adventures and peter jones of river club,,,,, big racists,,,, labour officers, immigration officers and other govt officers get paid by this racist thats why all these complaints amount to nothing and thats why they call zambians st.upid black people,,,

    Daan Brink even donated helicopitor services for Sata`s campaign prior to 2011 elections!!… to top it all these are Scot`s whisky friends

    • This is why I detest Boers. Racism runs in their blood.

      1. Deport Stephen Horligan immediately
      2. Zambians and well meaning tourists do not buy anything at Kubu Crafts. Doing so is supporting racism.
      3. PF Cadres organize protests at the premises. Do what you do best.

      It’s time we put Boers in their place in our country.

    • There is nothing to investigate here

      just waste the motherfcuker

      how long are we going to be on the receiving end?……And even in our own country?
      we are always the ones that fcuked all the time. its time we stood up for ourselves.

      its unbelievable to hear some bloggers on LT worshiping the white race.. ati musungu nalanda ninshi chachine. when will you be free from mental slavery?

      these people do that because they know that most black are impotent and wont do a thing but once you react and give them a piece of who you really are, they will start respecting you.

      you can accept to be called a monkey like the engineer (Australia) and be happy or be even and call them pigs and see their faces flushing

    • When I was in administration, these whites accused me “similar”, so I decided to go and teach them “manner”. Not to praise myself, but I see number of participants in my courses continue to rise, now at a point of overwhelming. You may agree with me that I have contributed to “humble” Sata, the man will no longer die as a dictator, as it was 2 years ago.
      I wish I could go to Kubu Crafts and train those workers how to treat bullies.

    • Peter Jones of River Club.. explains a lot of things. You’re stopped at the gate by a guard with a radio and have to request to go in! The first time i went i was with my white aunt so maybe that’s why we were let in. Next time I took someone there, we were denied entry.
      Its so frustrating that I can’t enjoy my Zambezi river from anywhere I like and now zawa is charging to even see the water! Zambia is no longer for Zambians…

    • @ Disappointed in y’all whatever happened to the law that all land extending 50 meters from the river banks is no man’s land and can not be claimed by anyone as private property? A lot has happened in Zambia such that laws are just on paper!

  2. 50 years after independence and you are telling me their are no proper chanels to deal such issues. ..what powers has the DC got to deal with this particular employer? You have a former trade uunionist in Ministry of Labour who is doing absolutely nothing for the welfare of workers.

    • You should be found and crucified, why are you insighting. What will happen with those workers if company closes? You racist. I hope they attack you there, Lesa ni Malyotola, chi PF.

  3. Deport the chap.He can`t keep on insulting our people.If we can`t accept insults and beatings from our own Zambian employers like GBM what about this foreigner ? Time action was taken.

    • In traditional Zambia, thieves get beaten and not arrested. GBM is a traditional man, a nephew to Sosala. Your ILO laws never apply to him and his trucks drivers.
      @Saulosi, you even know that many Zambians including yourself suffer for inborn “inferior complex”.
      Which book is that which start with “Zebenza musatanyoko”, and he responded, “naiwe wine musatanyoko”.

  4. The problem also is the inferiority attitudes towards Boers by most residents in Livingstone. Most of the residents there think foreigners are more superior than them. Secondly, its the sleepy and corrupt attitudes by Government officials in Livingstone, because if this guy insulted Sata, he would be out of Zambia by now.
    This Boer should not be allowed in Zambia. And Boers, generally, are very backwards and uncivilized.
    If Government does not do anything, Livingstone residents should use civil disobedience to flush the guy out of Zambia.


  6. ..I was expecting to read an article entitled….’White South African given 24hrs to leave the country on account of his racist remarks’…..or….’Boer deported for racist outburst’…or anything in that vein to show that some ultimate action has been done than being told about investigations….what investigation??…we are all aware that our brothers, especially in lodges run by these boers in the tourist town, are day in day out subjected to racism. They keep quite to keep their jobs….so when they get courage and speak out….deport the bagger period investigation required….. Brothers, use your phones to record them….

  7. He can’t be deported. He has already oiled the palms of Govt machinery……
    before he left.

    We need HH to bring sanity in the country.

  8. I hv stayed many years in Zambia and been called a mwenya in an abusive tone a thousand times. I didn’t have a place to go and complaint. I suffered the insult silently. But there were many complaints lodged against me even at the slightest show of authority.
    Racism is in the blood of humanity. Learn to live with it. We all ate racists. So let’s not cry like a little boy!

    • Mwenya was your local nickname, its a good name.
      Racist name is Mwenye. Sure sure, the Indians in Zambia shows off, I don’t like them and now worst with their Vendanta. Ba Mwenye are worse than Boers from RSA.
      Best race to work with are Japanese and Chinese.

    • Nilu has complained about being called racist names and having nowhere to seek relief only to get racist reactions from the very people complaining and condemning racism. Maybe he or she is right: Racism is in the blood of humanity.
      I beg to differ on one thing tho. Instead of learning to live with it let’s fight it. From within and from without.

  9. i think its time zambians realised they could do something . thats our nation and nobody will come from the middle of no where to insult you …teach that ****er some sense

  10. Yes, the best ware Japanese and Chinese.

    Asians are generally respectful and relate to everyone as equals.

    Where we complain, there is usually swift action from the embassies themselves.

    Not so with racist Boers…

    • ati asians? kwisa, ask those students of yours you have sent to china. Umunobefye mwina africa chapwa. Abashala aba,have also been infected with the cancer of racism and so they just show the same signs. the darker you are, the less they think of you. White supremacy has really done its job i tell you. Japanese/chinese infected so much that they paint their hair blond, just to look white. some even go further to have the so called corrective eye surgery all in the name of trying to look as much as they can to white. In S. korea, if you korean and you have a dark complexion, they tend to think of you as low or of a lesser social class. Maybe it debateable there, but we all know what these trends in thought originally come from and what purpose they serve.Umusungu temunobe!!!!!!

  11. YOU ARE ALL HYPOCRITES! But that doesn’t surprise me, because Zambians are just like that: inconsistent, treacherous, pretentious, sheep-in-wolfskin, daft, unsophisticated, pull-him-downs (among themselves!), haters.

    The Kubu Craft Manager is just fine, whatever name he called his workers. How dare does any Zambian complain about racism when you all openly practice tribalism against each other. Only monkeys behave like that. There is so much intolerance towards any minority group in Zambia that I think Zambians deserve being called monkeys. The only time you will graduate from that category of animals to be human beings is when you stop behaving like monkeys and start behaving like human beings. A monkey has no right complaining about being called a monkey.

    • Mwembeshi,

      You are a racist. Your opinions should be consigned to the toilet where they belong.

      I don’t understand why pigs like you come to Zambia. Please, leave.

      Leave because you’re a cancer on us. Leave because we detest you.

      Do not bother to say what you think. Just leave.

      Ungrateful racists are not welcome here.

  12. First, I am already out of Zambia. I would not say thank God! Because Zambia is a lovely country bit with people with inferiority complex. They hate the whites, but skin whitening cream has one of the largest markets in Zambia . Lol! Hypocrites at his top! Today I saw in Post newspaper that Panji has said that the “Zambians are very lazy and very lazy indeed.” In my days and even now, Zambian love the donations and investment that come in the country. But they will not tolerate the investors. Zambians think that like UNICEF, even investment in business is a donation. The investor should bring the money and then he should leave it for the Zambians to drink and womanize. How childish! Grow up. Dont cry. Feel superior. Work hard and then do what the Boar, the Chinese and the Indians are…

    • @Nilu,

      I say good riddance!

      The less of your ilk we have here the better. I can already see that Zambia is better now you’ve left. Thank you very much.

      Next, this Boer…
      BTW, to the one wondering why we are wishing PF cadres on this Boer instead of the police, I say because it is a very fearful thing to fall in the hands of angry PF cadres and I wish this upon this racist Boer. And the police are corrupt.

  13. SHAME ON ALL OF YOU . WHO MADE YOU JUDGE & JURY . All you have done is read vindictive gossip from someone who hasn’t even got the balls to identify themselves . As for calling this person a racist you must all be tarred with the same brush because you are now making racist & derogatory remarks by calling him a BOER , PIG , MOTHER****ER & ****ER. What give you the right to do this . So once again I ask WHO MADE YOU JUDGE & JURY , YOU HAVE ALREADY CONVICTED THIS PERSON JUST BY READING A REPORT FROM THE LOCAL GOSSIP COLUMN . DO YOU BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU READ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Now I understand why black South Africans Kill Boers! Boers are serious Racists they deserve the death penalty – Period!

  15. @John…
    Strange way of begging from foreigners. Call the investors, then after they invest, throw them out, so that you lazy guy can drink chibuku and day dream that you are in New York. You love to ape the white, love thair money, but you want all the foreigners should leave Zambia after investing and providing jobs to you. Again I say, what a childish guy you are. You do not have any capacity to do anything but bark, drink and fcku. It serves you right when someone screams at you while supervising, otherwise not only you will not work, you will steal anything that is on the floor. Grow up, along with your useless Kwacha! Just abusing anyone will not bring prosperity. Work, work work you lazy guy!

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