Monday, June 17, 2024
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  1. Dr Scott, maybe you are blind as to what s happening around you. You have become a target of some of the people around you so as to pave way for someone else who can take over in an emergency. wake up; smell the coffee; If that clown Munkombwe can stand up and tell you off? think man, save face and step down.

    • Who else can be Vice-president if Scott resigned? Absolutely no one, anyone will attract coffin-carrying PF cadres.

    • Munkombwe a grade 2 telling off a PhD holder… this must be the most useless white man without pride

    • Chenda must be telling Mulenga Sata lies about Sikote,he is the biggest bootliker in PF and many do not know this , he is worse than Snowden Lubinda.

  2. You would do us all a favour if you stopped playing this tiresome ‘donchi kubeba’ game. People are simply fed up with your non-stop lies. Would you kindly please treat people with respect?

  3. Thats my Sikote !!! This rumour almost spoiled my day.Glad my Muzungu wanga is still in.Thumbs up Sikote !!!

    • kekekekekeke true there would be one comedian down, we need the entertainment, Zambia s personal comedian

    • For as long as he has not received his letter of dismissal, Scott would want to make us believe he still has his job. Truth of the matter is, the letter is being prepared to be delivered if not already delivered. Politically boring and seemingly clueless Emmanuel Chenda from the Kabimba Cartel will be the new Vice-President. Sata’s way of trying to neutralise the group of which Scott is a member.

  4. Lusaka Times, it is time to pull up your socks!

    DISMAL reports? Yes, for once your headline may be correct! Dismal reporting by LT? Definitely!

    Can I help you with your spelling? I think you meant DISMISSAL? No?

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