Saturday, July 27, 2024

Rock the vote with HH video



    • @Robin

      Yes, there’s a physically disabled artist in the video.
      Your point?
      I suppose, in your opinion, this gentleman should have been barred from participating in the video because he’s disabled and the word for disabled (ichilema) happens to rhyme with the candidates name?

      Why don’t you just say outright what you want to say instead of playing cute and asking us to clarify. Sha!

    • Thats the empowerment HH is talking about. Every one should be given equal opportunities to shine.

      Brilliant and inspiring video.

  1. Speak for yourself am not on that everyone group.

    In other news a Tonga Chief was campaigning for HH on Sunday telling his people to all come and vote in large numbers…nothing wrong with that however my problem is if a Bemba chief or Paramount Chief Mpezeni did this HH supporters would be crying foul…

    Now imagine if this was encouraged do you really think UPND would come even 3rd.? I for one would appreciate it if chiefs were non partisan.

    • @BIG L. So when Chief Chikanta was campaigning for PF there was nothing wrong? In case you don’t know, go back a year or so back a see how Chief Chikanta was vuvuzelaling and grovelling for Sata (MHSRIP).

      Don’t be a wet blanket.

    • @Bwana Mkubwa thank you for that. People have short memories. When HH makes promises than they cry – when late Sata made promises no one questioned they just responded in the affirmative “ACTION MAN”…

    • @ Big L

      You are like a broken record. All your comments are based around tribe. Speak about issues, or if it’s easier for you, talk about the dancing in the video even, or what you are eating for lunch today – it will be new, more interesting and less hateful.

      Stop talking about tribe!

      Understand? Sha!

    • Big Loser, and you wonder why people insult you. it is because you are easy to insult because you talk sh!t about other tribes you ***! Damn, that was easy. Adhere to what my chi baibe Jessie Wa Mu Town is trying to put across and am hoping it might make it’s way through that reinforced concrete barrier that surrounds your pea-sized tribalist brain. *** THE PF!!

    • Robin, you are so wicked! May the Almighty reward you as you deserve…no wonder you still don’t have a Presidential Candidate…you probably will never ever have again. God is speaking…listen you wicked soul

    • Muyangana

      Ask your HH to use the principles of marketing to sell himself unlike taking advantage of the vulnerable in society.

      Why not use Tonga , because you know only a Bemba song can sell .

    • Robin, my dear friend who looks down on lame people, did it ever occur to your little PF brain that maybe, just maybe whoever did this video is Bemba and that is why it is not in Tonga? hmm? Do you think all Bembas are tribalistic little fcuks like you? hmm? You need to get out more dude, spending your days muchitele cha nkoko at your mother’s place blogging from your dad’s phone clearly is not helping your development as a fully functioning and non-discrimating human being. You and Big Loser are both a$$holes so I guess you two can hang out and try to find out who the bigger a$$hole is betwix the two of you. FCUK THE PF!

  2. When does Edgar Lungu think he can at least denounce violence. He has never done it before. Edgar, are we going to continue with pangas ???????

  3. Young people of Zambia; mark and claim your destiny with vigor. Reject the Edgar Lungu chigumura. He does not want you. He wants power for himself and those frauds around him. Lets stand for sanity in our politics, our government and our future. Say no to PF under Lungu. Twakana.

  4. This should be on ZNBC so that sick Permanent Secretary called Kasolo can have monthly periods.
    As see that the HH fever is now on. The company has now gotten a national character.
    We leaving you if you not running. For a change, Zambia will have a proper CEO.
    Even Chitimukulu and Mpezeni will attend his inauguration on 23rd January. We likely to have at least ten foreign Heads of State.
    Your Zambia, My Zambia, Our Zambia; can’t be said better than this!

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