Saturday, July 27, 2024

Dr Kaseba denies joining UPND


First Lady Dr Christine Kaseba speaks during the High level dialogue with African first Ladies on maternal and New born Health beyond 2014 with focus on adolescent girls at the UN Building in New York on September 22,2014 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
First Lady Dr Christine Kaseba speaks during the High level dialogue with African first Ladies on maternal and New born Health beyond 2014 with focus on adolescent girls at the UN Building in New York on September 22,2014 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA

Former First Lady Dr Christine Kaseba has denied joining the United Party for National Development (UPND) as its Vice President for Administration replacing Richard Kapita.

There was a statement circulating on social media stating that UPND national chairperson Mutale Nalumango announced the appointment of the former first lady as UPND vice president for administration. The statement was circulated on social media and caused a storm among supporters of the Patriotic Front (PF) and the UPND.

The statement read;
“Former firstly lady Dr. Christine Kaseba Sata has been appointed as United Party for National Development (UPND) Vice President for Administration with immediate effect, taking over from Mr Richard Kapita who left the party to join the PF. Announcing her appoint, UPND Chairperson Mutale Nalumango said Dr Kaseba had shown and demonstrated exemplary service to the people of Zambia during the time she served as first lady. Mrs Nalumango said her willingness to assist and ensure that every Zambian, be in the rural or urban areas was recognised and taken care of was a rare virtue in many politicans today hence the party decided to adopt and appoint her as Vice President.
Mrs Nalumango has since wished Dr. Kaseba the very best as she takes up her new appointment in the party’s quest to see to it that a better Zambia is realised for every Zambian.
Issued by: Jonas Kalimamukwento (Personal Assistant to Dr. Kaseba)

Cc. UPND President Hakainde Hichilema

But Dr Kaseba on her official Facebook page Bev Kaseba, Dr Kaseba wrote;

“I often wonder how people can blatantly tell untruths and be able to face the world. To start with, I don’t have a personnal assistant let alone know of any Jonas Kalimamukwento.
I wonder how UPND would make such an appointment without consultation and consent from me. I urge all to ignore that false statement with the contempt it deserves and if anyone knows of this Jonas please let me know for he deserves to be in prison. I remain proudly PF (patriotic front).”
In April Dr Kaseba appealed to the person running the fake page bearing her names to close it.


  1. She has too much baggage, the story of her staying at Reedbuck Hotel on a K18 000 from tax payers money does not resonate with the prudent economic management UPND propagates

    • Leave Christine out of your propaganda.

      if you have run out of ideas to imrove your dwindling political fortunes, just disband


    • Just appoint GBM is you really believe he is a shark in Zambian Politics. Or does it mean you also believe that he is a chinsese ?

  2. She can make a very good Vice President for Administration. Next, the time is now for Nawakwi and HH to start working together.

    • Nawakwi working with upnd is a good move forour democracy, but the trouble is selfish Akainde would feel threatened and therefore not entertain that move

    • Gen, its not about selfish ‘Akainde’, Nawakwi cannot work with anybody. Ba ma setin’gi ba madam aba. When things don’t work out she comes out to blame the partner(s). I wouldn’t like her to work with any political party, let alone UPND

  3. Are politicians made, or born politicians,coz its like when people build some name in a given field they resort to politics am told savoy imboela is now a politician

  4. I think this is a PF job because they want to find an excuse to stop supporting her after being embarrassed by the hotel bills they’re paying for her.

  5. Goodmorning,
    It has come to my attention that there is a Facebook account carrying the name of “Bev Kaseba” that is said to be refuting my appointment adding that this is a fake page. Let me state here that the opposite is actually true. This person behind the account “Bev Kaseba” is the impersonator. So I advice that you don’t take anything posted on that page as truth.

    Have a blessed day. CKS 09/06/15

  6. i would love mrs kaseba sata to be UPND.. she a strong woman…i just love her. VIVA kaseba vIVA scott and the UPND

  7. Of all the political parties just to join bakachema, I was going to be shocked! Even Nawakwi can’t accept working with hh unless hh accepts to be under Nawakwi because hh has a problem of not wanting to be led.

  8. That position for Vice President administration has been taken by Dr Gai Skot, replacing Mr Kapita. It will be deputized by Nawakwi Haambulo Edith, in a latest release by UNDP.

    Dr. Mwanasawa will be the new National deputy vice Chairperson, to be deputized by Mrs Shakafuswa.

    The changes are with immediate effect.

    Commenting on the appointment UPND President HH said “We wish the new appointees well in their roles. You take the positions at the time when everyone else is contemplating exiting”.

    At the same function, HH donated running shoes to the ladies, adding that they should take a leaf from the running style exhibited by Drs Nalumango and Mwanawasa during the last elections. He names the shoes Shiwang’andu formula.

  9. That is the danger of the world today. It is lies for breakfast, lunch, supper and bed time. Who ever invented the online thing created a monster that will destroy us all.

  10. Hats off to Dr.Kaseba for shaming desperate tribal party UPND!!only a lunatic can join UPND from mighty PF!!HH’s desperation for plot one will oneday send to chainama mental clinic!!!he dreams about attracting prominent people and masses into his kachema party but fails bcoz WISE PEOPLE CAN EASILY TELL THAT PF IS VERY STRONG AND WOULD EASILY RETAIN POWER UNDER ECL IN 2016!!!the few rejects like Masebo,GBM,Munkombwe who supported him in January have all gone quiet after seeing how majority voters still love PF!!!BA KACHEMA JUST BE READY FOR KOLOPA.COM RELOADED IN 2016!!

    • Eddy or whatever your real name is. The kolopa you’re talking about is for PF leaders to kolopa all the wealth (tax payers money) get richer and richer while you remain poor and your children will grow up in poverty. Wake up! These people don’t mean well for Zambia, they’re there to eat and get richer for their own families, cant you see how the country has gone down just in the few days EL has been in power? Don’t you ever stop to think in what sort of country your children will grow up in after you’re dead? We need a prudent government, just go to govt hospitals and see whats happening, I hope you get sick soon and are taken to UTH.

    • #EDDY,dont you see a hoax in this,a big fish like kaseba would have attracted a huge press conference at upnd hq.however i suspect pf want to kolopa her,maybe she has presidential ambitions!

  11. Eddy or whatevr your name is u re the people who jst talk as if u don’t reason, whn things re wrong lern to understand n axcept the failure of the government its bad to suport evn if u see wrong things re happening in your country.

  12. @Kamwi
    Stop being bitter with people who are expressing their views. HH is a very rich man but I have never heard of him doing charitable work any where in Zambia. What does that show? He is a selfish guy who will wipe the Zambian coffers in a day for his own pocket. At least PF are doing something that everyone else can see apart from the bitter M’membe and UPND cadres like you!!!!

    • @Mthangatambeta

      UPND, please publicise HH’s charitable work so that Mthangatambeta does not get away with his allegations.

      Please do for the sake of goodness.

  13. @Kamwi and Saboi :Only you in opposition,M’membe and other haters cant see or appreciate PF’s splendid works and we understand why.its because you want your tribal HH to rule so that he can employ your relatives!!!HH cant do anything good for mother Zambia apart from stealing more dollars.this is a man who took part in selling public firms and made millions out of it leaving millions of Zambians today unemployed!!SO I,MY FAMILY,CLOSE FRIENDS AND RELATIVES WILL NEVER VOTE FOR HH NO MATTER WHAT YOU MAY SAY!!!WE ARE PF FOR LIFE AND U CAN AS WELL BE WITH YOUR GREED KACHEMA!!!

    • @Eddy

      Do not block your memory and think everyone’s memories are blocked.

      Privatisation was an MMD government programme and companies such as Ernst Young and Grant Thornton were contracted to do receiverships on behalf of major creditors (i.e zanaco) and shareholders (GRZ, among others). At the time the late President of PF and Zambia Mr. Michael Chilufya Sata held a very powerful Ministerial portfolio as Minister Without Portfolio. HH was no nearer to any GRZ position and influence, other than CEO of Grant Thorton. You know very well that had HH cheated GRZ he would have definitely been punished, unless of course the late Sata had a personal interest, which I doubt.

      Your type thrive in a sea of illiteracy and ignorance that the ordinary Zambian voters find themselves today.

    • Are you a christian if yes then repent bcoz paradise is for people who have no hate for anyone made in God’s image.As me I pray to the mighty God to help me to love every human being

  14. Kaseba cannot join UPND but Rainbow. That was a mistake, she is Rainbow and not UPND. But whatever it is she will not win any election even in her own village. What happened to Maureen getting the UPND Vice presidency? Is HH obsessed with former first ladies?

  15. Dr. Kaseba can’t, never do such a thing. UPND is really crumbling. HH is no longer desperate for power. He is fighting off frustration arising from failure to rise to the highest position. If Kaseba can become UPND vice president, then I deserve to be the president of UPND and HH should become a branch PF publicity secretary.

  16. upnd carders,

    Leave Dr. Kaseba alone you *****s. If you want a female Vice president in your party, call on Maurine Mwanawasa the thief to join the president thief. Maurine is a fake doctor . Leave the real Doctor for PF. Leave the doctor alone…

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