Saturday, July 27, 2024

Government refutes shortage of mealie meal reports at Mbala Secondary School


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A senior government official has refuted media reports that most public learning institutions in Northern Province have run out of mealie meal.

This follows reports by a named private media organisation that Mbala Secondary School has no mealie meal to feed pupils.

Mbala District Commissioner, Kedrick Sikombe, has revealed that contrary to the reports, the school has enough food to cater for this term and first two weeks of next term.

The visibly annoyed Sikombe said this after inspecting the store room at the learning institution today.

He has alleged that the named reporter was hired to tarnish the image of the institution and has since called on him to retract the story.

Mr.Sikombe, who described the move as cheap and mere politicking, has since warned private media organisation to be professional in their reporting.

And Mbala Head Teacher, Harry Silungwe, said the school is saddened by the alarming reports which have since caused panic among parents with pupils at the learning institution.

Mr Silungwe appealed to politicians not to use pupils in schools to gain political mileage.

The Head teachers said the school has over 250 x 25kg bags of breakfast mealie meal to last for this term and first two weeks of second term.

And School Boarding Prefect, Mercy Maipambe, said the feeding programme at the school is normal as they are able to feed three times a day.

She has since called on parents with pupils at the school not to panic but ignore the false media report.

A check by a ZANIS news crew in Mbala district this morning at Cereal Milling Company found huge stocks of mealie meal.

On Thursday this week a private TV station run a story on their main news alleging that Mbala Secondary School has run out of mealie meal.


  1. Ths is chip politics,am a teacher @ mbala and there’s enough food for our pupils to last tha whol tem,u can’t win vots by simply teln lies its nt gona hapen jst stop it and tok abt real isues coz a sku ent a campen ground.

  2. But Zanis has just told us the mealie meal is at cereal milling plant. Is that where the 250 bags are stored? Or maybe you quickly negotiated with the milling plant for nkongole after the embarrassment?

  3. Thankyou @ 1mr muzo for confirming that indeed there is mealie meal at that school.I believe the poor souls’ diet comprises mainly badly cooked nshima with half cooked cabbage and rotten beans and when they are lucky, Kapenta full of tudoyo.That fellow Zambians is what we call well fed in Zambia.Our standards are so rubbish that it takes real desperate parents to take their children to these sheet-holes called government boarding schools.We can do better by voting with our brains and not this stu pid phenomenon called sympathy vote.Lets raise our standards and not be comfortable with sub-standard existence.The fact that Kaingu sends his children abroad to pursue their education says alot about how little confidence our have about the education system they superintendent over. Open your…

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