Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sunday Interview with Dora Siliya on Fuel Shortages



    • Some Zambians are just so stup!d…They derserve the suffering…I urge them to vote Edgar Lungu again on 11 August so that they may experience cannibalism. The malnourished Kachasu and Gumbler Man told the Zambians he had no vision, the id!ots went and voted for him, today they want to turn around and say twachula pafula…Edgar must be given credit for honesty alteast on seeking public office…I am sure he is still so shocked and very surprised to this day, that Zambians are just so stup!d..They can vote for anything that walks.

  1. Got this from a blogger and modified:

    Mealie meal 2011 was K35. Mealie meal 2016 K100 and increasing everyday, in some instances fetching K135.

  2. 10 days attributed to bank, 10 days attributed to problematic contaminated stock replacement… Gotta love the maths involved. Now we have “3 or 4” months of these oil marketing companies importing finished products. Even if I start my calculation from today there are still 5 months until August 31st, so she clearly hasn’t seen these contracts or is fudging facts.

    As she states everything is back to normal then (according to her own percentages of 40% supply from Indeni and 60% finished product being normal), the market is currently in surplus as the contracts were given to cover the short fall of 40% and are in place until end of August.

    So I expect as we are running at 140% supply to the market that we should not hear the word shortage this year. I’ll just sit on the side…

  3. This woman is saying the economy has grown hence the high demand for fuel. Is it industry wanting the fuel or is it vehicles? There is also increased travel by EL and his escorts. What about the Presidential plane demand for aviation fuel?
    Why hasn’t the government not put measures in place to cater for increased fuel demands?
    Sad watching!

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