Saturday, July 27, 2024

Government warns small traders against hiking mealie meal price


Some of the donated bags of mealie meal
mealie meal

GOVERNMENT has warned small scale meali meal traders in Kalulushi against hiking the price of the staple food beyond its recommended of not more than K80.00 per 25kg or breakfast or risked their licenses be revoked.

District Commissioner Kenny Siachisumo yesterday issued a warning that any trader found hiked mealie meal price beyond K80.00 per 25 kilogrammes bag of breakfast would have trading license revoked.

He noted that small business entities in the area were exploiting people by selling them consumers by selling meali meal at exorbitant prices.

“In some out let’s a 25 kilogramme of breakfast is costing at K90.00 or K95.00 while some are packing in small transparent plastic bags,commonly as pamela.

All these two methods are making situation look as if we have some kind of shortage of mealie meal in Kalulushi while we have no shortage at all.

“Because on Monday Antelope had received 600 x 25kilogram and the other two were expected to receive the same on Tuesday,” he said.

Mr Siachisumo said the district had three major out let’s that always maintain enough stocks of mealie meal, but wondered why small traders had started hiking prices up to K95.00 per 25 kilogrammes of breakfast.

“We have the information that some small business traders, especially in the second class trading area are buying mealie meal in bulk from our three local major out let’s and later start selling at higher prices,” he said.

Mr Siachisumo said at Antelope a 25kg of breakfast was at K75.00, then at Super Mealile it was at K78.00 while at Olympic the same brand and quantity was at K80.00.

He cautioned all consumers to be weary of those unscrupulous traders, adding that most of them were trying to tarnish the image of the Government in power.


  1. who is delaying solar milling plants? HE Edgar Lungu why are solar milling plants taking this long? In time like this where millers are not working with government the best the govt can do is to establish its own milling plants or put in place measures that can force millers to do the right thing.

  2. Kasanga

    Lungu and PF stole all the money so they can not establish milling plants anymore.

    ZDW reports that “Deputy Minister of Information and Broadcasting Forrie Raise Tembo has been implicated in the smuggling of 21 trucks loaded with maize to Mozambique.
    Tembo is the Member of Parliament (MP) for Nyimba.
    The Police, Zambia National Service and OP intercepted Tembo’s trucks last Thursday and are still detained at Nyimba police station.”

    We wait to see what PF will to their maize smuggling MP in the East.

    For those who remember I said it last that PF is behind this critical shortage of maize meal with the aim of using the situation fro vote buying. Unfortunately, because PF lacks proper planning it did not envisage that this crazy idea would get terribly out of hand make…

    • For those who remember I said it last that PF is behind this critical shortage of maize meal with the aim of using the situation fro vote buying. Unfortunately, because PF lacks proper planning it did not envisage that this crazy idea would get terribly out of hand make them loose votes.

      PF and Lungu have caused this critical maize meal whether deliberately or through their carelessness.

      On UPND and the HH team will solve this situation once and for all.

      Vote UPND and HH team.

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