Saturday, July 27, 2024

Paramount Chief Mpezeni offers land for developmental purpose


PARAMOUNT Chief Mpezeni speaking during the commissioning of a bore hole at Chipata General Hospital in Chipata
PARAMOUNT Chief Mpezeni speaking during the commissioning of a bore hole at Chipata General Hospital in Chipata
PARAMOUNT Chief Mpezeni of the Ngoni Speaking People of Eastern Province has offered land at Feni Sub-Centre in Chipata District for the construction of a modern market.

Luangeni Patriotic Front (PF) Member of Parliament Charles Zulu disclosed during the official opening of Feni Clinic in Chipata on Saturday that the Paramount Chief had offered land for the construction of the market.

Mr Zulu said the construction of the market was expected to start soon and finish the construction works within six months. He appealed to people to unite towards the construction of a modern market at Feni Sub-Centre.

The lawmaker who donated pockets of cement towards the construction of a market said he was optimistic that the works were going to be expedited in order to allow the marketeers to sell in a decent place.

“The Paramount Chief (Mpezeni) has offered land for the construction of modern market here (Feni Sub-Centre) and the market is expected to be completed within six months,” he said.

Mr Zulu also commended the electorates for voting for the PF in the August 11th general elections.

He said he even President-elect Edgar Lungu was happy with the votes he received from the people of Luangeni.

Mr Zulu said he was happy that the people of Luangeni listened to the campaign messages and made them to make the decision to vote for PF. He pledged that he would continue fighting for the developments in Luangeni constituency.

He said he would personally contribute for the well-being of the people of Luangeni assuring that he would not go to sleep to let the people suffer.

“This is not time to campaign and let me state that I will not go to sleep but continue working hard for the benefits of the people of Luangeni Constituency,” he said.

Mr Zulu also said the Government was committed to the completion of the roads network such as Chipata-Vubwi-Chadiza and Chipata –Chadiza-Katete in Eastern Province.

He said the works have slowed down due to numerous challenges which the country had faced since 2014 after the death of president Michael Sata.

Speaking at the same function, Eastern Province Permanent Secretary Chanda Kasolo asked the people along the border to help Government against illegal smuggling of maize.

Mr Kasolo said there were reports of rampant smuggling of maize across the borders which he said it must come to an end through vigilance of the people.

And Headman Lupoko who represented Chief Mpezeni at the function asked the Government to complete the Chipata-Vubwi-Chadiza roads.

He wondered why the road network had taken long to be completed saying the people were eagerly waiting for the completion of the road which a Chinese company was undertaking.


  1. Other chiefs please emulate the works of the Ngoni Chief Mpezeni for being flexible on land especially for the benefit of citizens. Hospitals, markets, police posts, Post offices, deep tanks etc etc, are some of them where Chiefs can exercise their mighty to allocate land.

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