Saturday, July 27, 2024

Frank Bwalya seems to be in deep slumber about the role of civil society in Zambia-NGOCC


NGOCC Executive Director Director Engwase talks women in Chief Chungu's area in Luwingu.
NGOCC Executive Director Director Engwase 

Non-Governmental Organizations’ Coordinating Council NGOCC) Executive Director Engwase Mwale has dismissed allegations by Patriotic Front (PF) deputy Spokesperson Frank Bwalya that the women movement backed the opposition in the last general elections, reports Pan African Radio Journalist Hermit Hachilonde.

Speaking recently on a Pan African Radio current affairs programme dubbed “LET’S FIND OUT” anchored by Goodface Mulala and Isaac Nsoneka, Bwalya indicted NGOCC of taking a partisan bias the 2016 general elections stating that some women had prearranged themselves as canvassers for the United Party for National Development (UPND).

Ms. Mwale queried the wisdom of Mr. Bwalya for consistently snooping into the affairs of the NGOCC in his propagandist agenda.

She stated that the former Roman Catholic cleric seems to be ignorant about the objective of the civil society organizations.

Ms. Mwale explained that NGOCC’s core mandate is to foster Gender Equity and Equality through women’s empowerment.

She stressed that NGOCC shall continue putting a human voice in the fight against injustice adding that non one shall make it yield to armchair political pundits interested in maligning women.

She has since counseled Mr. Bwalya to rather contribute in improving Zambia’s political style and find time to heal from political hallucinations regarding CSOs in Zambia.

Ms. Mwale since recommended that Father Bwalya must focus his energy on building a mature political environment in Zambia where unity and respect for human rights and dignity should be the norm if he is to help with the growth of Zambia’s democratic dispensation.

“He seems to be in deep slumber about the role of civil society in Zambia’s democratic dispensation. In case he has forgotten, NGOCC’s mandate is to promote gender equity and equality through women’s empowerment.

“Our voice shall ever remain focused on fighting injustice and will never be cowed down by misdirected minds like those exhibited by Mr Frank Bwalya”

“We have never been partisan political agents and will never be. We request that instead of spreading falsehood, he must focus on adding his political experiences and energy to building a Zambia where unity and respect of human rights and dignity should be the norm” Ms. Mwale said


  1. Bwalya is trying to remain relevant, but much to his disappointment, his dream job has remained elusive. These are people HEEL must discard. They don’t add any value to PF and I am glad HE has not given him a government job.

    • I strongly feel there is something wrong with the brains of Frank Bwalya. I feel i will be a bit reluctant in commenting & condemning his utterances until i see his mental status results from Chainama hospital

    • Frank Bwalya is blind and bitter for not been employed by Edgar despite working tirelessly for PF.
      Anyone with name like:
      Kalusha Bwalya
      Ngandu Bwalya
      G.Bwalya M
      They never get rewarded by E.Lungu never.

    • Hichilema and Bwalya are now becoming desperate in their attempt to sound like they are the honorable elected members of the Presidency. They are using the human rights act and claiming that they were robbed of the election and mistreated in showing compassion towards incarcerated prisoners….what a fallacy!!!. They are politicians and should fight the game in the courts if they are not happy. For them to go around the country and say they do not recognise the presidency is unfortunate. The Presidency is bigger than any one person, its an institution in its own right and for these to *****s to go around the country in the manner they are doing, is a clear indication of trying to incite people into rioting and lawlessness. I have no doubt that Hichilema thinks he’s above all zambians and…

    • When Frank marries and had kids then he can talk about civil issues. He is too brainwashed by he catholic church.

    • Expecting a Catholic priest not to repress women displays deep ignorance of human nature and Catholicism. These priests’ primary commitment is to not value women first and, only, secondly to love God. Priests are alpha males who see women as mere chattels not to be engaged with emotionally.

  2. Ms Mwale, please, please go away! You are important only to yourself. Bwalya is important to Zambia, firstly as a proper Patriot upholding gov’t and matters that citizens care for.

    You on the other hand are not elected by anyone and nobody cares except troublemakers you share your ideology with. Suggesting you have one is just being polite. You are enemies of the state and the people.

  3. Bwalwa is as clueless and visionless as his chakolwa boss. Kambwili once said umuntu nga leka bu father balapena. Maybe its effects of kuleka bu father.

    • It is going to be a tough ride; every day will be a proof of why serious societies do not allow mediocrity to rise to the top of society.

  4. God does not play Dice. What CK said is real. I have seen many of those o called Nun or Fathers, once they denounce and get ifya muchalo, they do not last long. Its a cult. They sign and sell their souls to the devil. not God.
    There is no doubt these are good signs of hallucinating.
    Coming back to fellow bloggers;
    Let me address @Lombe.
    You seem to be obsessed with the Name of HH. There is no where in this article talking about HH but from no where, you begin elaborating ichili kumukoshi. You too need to be examined if found not normal, need medication.
    HH has nothing to do with this article. Besides, who cares if GBM and HH go round to proclaim what they believe in, does it change anything? Leave them alone !. Zambians are mature enough to judge for themselves. Besides, HH was…

  5. Besides, the numbers of voters HH vs ECL, were insignificant. HH has 1.7 Million, ECL has 1.8 Million, you talk ot less that 100,000 votes difference, so you can say the coverage is 50% Vs 50%. Try to get some sleep and leave them to gallivanting to see their members. Besides, ECL said he does not care whether UPND recognises him or not, so why are you bothered?

  6. Even though I have reservations about the role of some NGO’s or what they have ever achieved, I like the way Ms Mwale has ‘hammered’ the hapless Father Bwalya. He is another being that in the modern world should be in the political dustbin. But then, the PF is not attuned to any civilised political behaviour and sees Bwalya’s role as important in perpetuating the gullible culture that condemns Zambians to embracing mediocrity and seeing it as the norm.

  7. Frank chiyabi bwalya is the most stup1d Tonga man, that is why he is even masquerading to be Bemba when he is Tonga. I think the idi0t did well to drop his father title, he has four children and busy pretending to catholic father. Mrs. Mwale has spoken her mind and she is hundred percent right! Kambwili is now vindicated, Frank bwalya is now a mad man. It is too much of this idi0t with his propaganda.

    • Flaky Bwalwa cannot be Tonga. Only Bembas are that stoopid. Tongas are practical people who fend for themselves, not like Flaky who is barking for other men who are sleeping in their own houses with their wives and families.

  8. NGOCC has been quite after their campaign to adopt a flawed constitution backfired. Now Engwase Mwale has found something to yap about again. Kabili that is how to get the donors to cough up more muzulu. Maybe their 4x4s need replacement, there are latest models on the marjet.

  9. Kambwili once said umuntu nga leka bu father balapena. Maybe its effects of kuleka bu father. Was kambwili prophesying? He must be a good prophet. How did he know that former father Frank Bwalya will go Bananas. Kambwili can you tell us we should expect Bwalya to start picking from trash cans. Thank you Prophet Kambwili.

  10. Please don’t forget Kashimba Chimbwili told you that once someone is ex-communicated from priesthood alapena…

  11. It is not Ba Bwalya who has been in deep slumber but the NGOCC.
    Money hasn’t been flowing for the past one month. An attack on Ba Bwalya will possibly bring in a few dollars fot Mwale

  12. Kampeni you are very dull, Ngocc has not attacked this idi0t called Frank bwalya, they have just dismissed his foolish allegation. In short it is the same fool who started, so what you are saying is nonsense….

  13. Frank Bwalya is suffering the consequences of stolen electoral victory. They see almost everybody around them as an enemy for the simple reason that they(PF) are being haunted by the theft of the votes. And this will haunt them for the next 5 years. They are not going to rule in peace. The dove failed to fly at the fraudulent inauguration ceremony.

  14. frank bwalya is out to dent the pf party and its government .he does not talk anything senseble to the people not even those of his own. take him serious. so bravo let him damage the party after all he doesnt care.


  16. When the gods wish to punish us they answer our prayers.(Oscar Wilde)

    Edgar and his hordes of fake bishops and reverends will not take Zambia forward. Their campaign song says it all. We are in reverse.

  17. It was good riddance not to consider this foolish perceived catholic father in the name of Frank bwalya a Government position. Even party spokesperson is a mistake. They should find domeo else not that imbecile.

  18. t was good riddance not to consider this foolish perceived catholic father in the name of Frank bwalya a Government position. Even party spokesperson is a mistake. They should find someone else not that imbeci1e…

  19. It was good riddance not to consider this foolish perceived catholic father in the name of Frank bwalya a Government position. Even party spokesperson is a mistake. They should find someone else not that imbeci1e…

  20. Has anyonenoiced the shape of he head of Patriotic Front (PF) deputy Spokesperson Fatherless Frank Bwalya?
    I’m sure he has the Zias virus, akaluobo kalya iyo kalifulisha saana ubunangwa over over!

  21. Say anything abt Bwalya F & not the Catholic Church or Priests coz u will end up cursing yourself. Bwalya is not a Priest anymore& its public secrete. Its jst unfortunate that hez a was a source of Shame for the Church tho we can’t condemn him coz judgement is for God our Creator.

  22. The Church moved on a long time ago& is still meeting peoples needs. Keep it on Catholic Church! U ar a big Mother! Love u dearly!

  23. Plz be civilize& stop insulting Bembaz or Tonga’s. No one chose to be Nsenga, Ngoni, Bemba,Lozi,Tonga,Tumbuka, or Namwanga jst as u cabt choose parents to born from.We were all born belonging to a tribe. Its very unfortunate that some bitter people have no brains to debate issues of substance.

  24. In progressive economies, the people strive hard to achieve good jobs and submit flawless CVs. In backward economies, all you need to do is stand next to an empty tin who is chasing high office and do the moon dance.

  25. If God exists Neversvm should have been President. If God exists Chagwa could have won without question, if God exists Father Frank could not have left the Priest hood. If God exists we could not magnify Satanists. If God exists children of God could agree. Some want the ministry if guidance and religious affairs others are saying no. OK?/

  26. If God exists Nevers Mumba could have been President. If God exists Chagwa could have won without question, if God exists Father Frank could not have left the Priest hood. If God exists we could not magnify Satanists. If God exists children of God could agree. Some want the ministry of religious affairs others are saying no. OK?/

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