Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zambia highlights key essentials to Africa’s development


Zambia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Assistant Director (International Organisations) Eliphas Chinyonga addressing the 28th plenary meeting of the 71st Session of the UN General Assembly. New Partnership for Africa’s Development and Decade to Roll Back Malaria in Developing Countries, Particularly in Africa. PHOTO | KIM HAUGHTON | UN
Zambia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Assistant Director (International Organisations) Eliphas Chinyonga addressing the 28th plenary meeting of the 71st Session of the UN General Assembly. New Partnership for Africa’s Development and Decade to Roll Back Malaria in Developing Countries, Particularly in Africa. PHOTO | KIM HAUGHTON | UN

Zambia says sustainable trade, infrastructure development, gender equality and empowerment, peace, health and education are among key prerequisites to the development of Africa.

In a media statement released to the media by First Secretary for Press and Public Relations Permanent Mission of the Republic of Zambia to the United Nations Mr Chibaula Silwamba, Zambia made the remarks at the just-concluded Africa-week joint debate on New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), focusing on the progress in implementation and international support as well as on the decade to roll back malaria in developing countries, particularly in Africa.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Assistant Director (International Organisations), Mr. Eliphas Chinyonga said Zambia welcomed the programme for infrastructure development in Africa that NEPAD developed, focusing on transformative regional projects.

“Out of the priority Regional Infrastructure projects identified, Zambia is likely to benefit directly from those that are located or pass through the borders. These include Serenje–Nakonde Road with the total length of 614.71km; Lusaka-Lilongwe ICT Terrestrial Fiber Optic; Zambia-Tanzania-Kenya Transmission Line; and Batoka Gorge Hydro Power Project,” said Mr. Chinyonga at the UN General Assembly meeting.

“I am pleased to report that Zambia developed a compendium of climate oriented agriculture technologies in all three of its agro ecological regions. This was facilitated through the support from the NEPAD Climate Change Fund for mainstreaming Climate Smart Agriculture into the National Agriculture Investment Plan.”

He said Zambia is committed to promoting human capital development.

In this regard, Mr. Chinyonga said Zambia will continue to improve the teaching of science and mathematics, which are critical to attaining improvements in technology and innovation for enhanced industrialisation and job creation.

Mr. Chinyonga also said Zambia was focusing on reducing malaria related deaths countrywide and hoped to achieve a malaria-free Zambia by 2020.

Mr. Chinyonga said, so far, malaria prevalence and deaths have steadily decreased, culminating in an impressive 55 percent reduction in all cases of child mortality.

On gender equality and women empowerment, Mr. Chinyonga informed the global body that Zambia enacted the Gender Equity and Equality Act No. 22 of 2015, which has fully domesticated major international and regional instruments including the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa and the SADC Protocol on Gender and Development.

However, Mr. Chinyonga expressed Zambia’s concern that the process of integrating NEPAD into the African Union structures and processes has been slow, despite the African Union Commission and the NEPAD Agency working towards concluding the matter.

“It is our view that international support to facilitate the inclusion of realistic timelines for concluding the matter would be useful,” said Mr. Chinyonga.

“Notwithstanding the foregoing, Zambia still remains fully committed to ensuring that the priority areas of energy, industrialisation, intra-regional trade, food security, health, education, gender equality and adaptation to climate change are fast tracked under NEPAD.”


  1. When 14-year-old boy was executed in the electric chair he was too short for the chair so he used his Bible as a booster seat. 70 years after his execution he was proved to be innocent…

  2. That’s hogwash Bwana Chinyonga.
    On my bed, I was asking myself; “what are some of the secrets that invite success in life?”

    I found the answer right there in my room.
    The fan said, “be cool”,
    the roof said, “aim high”,
    the window said, “see the world”,
    the clock said,” every minute is precious”,
    the mirror said, “reflect before you act”.
    The calendar said, “be up to date”.
    The door said, “push hard for your goals”.
    The Rug said “kneel down and pray”.The toilet said “flush the Bad habits that will deter you from becoming someone influential in life!
    The holy Book laughed and said, “read me for direction”.

    • All talk no action.

      Just collecting allowances and staying in expensive hotels.

      What is all that got air going to do for the man on the street that cannot even afford to buy food?

  3. He should have mentioned governance. With good governance we would not have dictators in Africa, or even incompetent leaders who specialize in police brutality and lack vision. We would not have ministers who are not accountable to the people they serve but chose to overstay in office with no remorse.

    What the heck, UN is a talk shop you can preach what you do not practice.

    Dununa Livesi!

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