Saturday, July 27, 2024

ACC to open inquiry against dismissed Information Minister Chishimba Kambwili


Entrace to Kambwili Flats
Entrace to Kambwili Flats

The Anti-Corruption Commission will soon start probing how dismissed Information Minister Chishimba Kambwili acquired so much wealth at a time he served in government.

Highly placed sources at the ACC have revealed that an inquiry will soon be opened against Dr Kambwili to ascertain his source of wealth after President Edgar Lungu gave a go-ahead.

The source said the ACC is confident that a prima facie case can be established against the Roan MP which could see him prosecuted.

One of the subjects of the inquiry is the splash Kambwili Estates, a multi-million dollar villas located in Luanshya on the controversial land belonging to Luanshya Golf Club.

Another set of luxury villas belonging to Dr Kambwili have been constructed near Mitengo area on the Ndola-Mufulira road.

The other subject of investigations is the possible abuse of office authority in relation to Dr Kambwili’s dealings as Director of Mwamona Investments which has been receiving many contracts from both the public and private sectors without delivering the works.

The source said Dr Kambwili also purchased trucks and a brand new Range Rover for his UK based wife valued at over K1, 850, 000 from Alliance Motors in Lusaka and the car remains packed is and only driven by his wife when she comes to Zambia.

The ACC is also expected to probe Dr Kambwili’s purchase of high end properties in London under his children and wife.

The source said State House has full details of Dr Kambwili shoddy dealings and that the former Minister was the subject of President Edgar Lungu’s recent rebuke that some Ministers are making huge daily deposits in their bank accounts.

Efforts to get Dr Kambwili to comment on the development proved futile as he could not answer his mobile phone.

Part of the 200 Kambwili Estate Flats
Part of the 200 Kambwili Estate Flats


  1. At face value this is commendable but it should go deeper if I’m to believe CK isn’t just a target of the purge led by RB. The rot in PF goes right to the very top.

    • Waiting to see how suddenly THE POST (THE MAST) will be a darling for Kambwili. Just like all former Ministers today they cry and rush to The Post but before during their time in Govt they fought running battles with The Post. Some ex ministers like Ronnie Shikapwasha, Mpombo and others are busy running to The Post and so will Kambwili. Things catch up people. Let us respect people no matter what because you don’t know tomorrow .

    • Okay CK to be probed hopefully the nation will be kept informed. @ itizi turu indeed as the saying goes when fish rots it starts with the head! ECL’s reference was he’d be firing some ministers it was plural! One down lets move on with the list…….who is the second?

    • I quote “ACC have revealed that an inquiry will soon be opened against Dr Kambwili to ascertain his source of wealth after President Edgar Lungu gave a go-ahead”. So its true ACC is not independent right? why should they only come in when the president gives a go ahead…….. Total nonsense

    • No wonder the chap campaigned so hard he knew that his ‘dirty’ dealings depended upon PF’s return to power. He didn’t campaign for the betterment of the people of Zambia as some people are made to believe but he campaigned only for his big neck and tummy so that he can continue where he ended in his corruption in the name of Imbwili. Ati Baby Cobra, my foot!

    • @Dombwa. I’m asking myself the same question as to why they’d only come in once the President gives a go ahead! Institutions like the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC), the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC), and the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions should be left independent.

    • Chipantepante PF administration!!! Firstly, in the economic adjustment programmes we need to disband ACC as a cost saving measure because it’s simply useless. ACC is a drain on our economy. Consumption subsidies were saving a better purpose than this ACC. So ACC, must have been disbanded before removing subsidies. They have mentioned Kambwili right now and yet they know alot of Ministers and other officials who are stealing and ACC is just waiting for Lungu to fire so that they start following them.
      Secondly, this dude called Lungu knew about all this a long time ago but he still went ahead to appoint a corrupt person and only to drop him after a few months, I guess that’s what is called “dununa reverse.” A lead as to always be ahead of issues not what we are seeing in this dude.

    • If ACC will not a case with this BUFFOON they might as well disband it…this is similar to Mpundu Trust scandal only that RB was smart enough to hide behind a fake Nigerian Bank loan. BUFFOON Kambwili on the other hand has been stealing with such impunity and arrogance even his boss is jealous.

    • Chishimba kambwili, I told you that firing you was only a tip of the iceberg and that this is the beginning of your political career. I also told you three days ago that as long as Mr Edgar Lungu remains the Republican and PF President, working in collusion with RB and Dora Siliya, your political future is very bleak even when you say you will be loyal to the PF. You will soon start seeking sympathy from your arch enemies namely HH AND GBM. Time of reckoning has come for you, CK.

    • But these investigations were supposed to be done and recommended to the president before he was fired. come on you fulls at ACC, always 10 steps behind. This means the president fired the minister based on rumours. Disband ACC with immediate effect. They are wasting our taxes.

    • The ACC should also investigate Dawson Kafwaya, the chap became very rich immediately when he joined PF. He collected a lot of money from the Chinese that is why the solwezi chingola road could not continue. All PF members are stinking with corruption starting with the big thief in state house. Kambwili is not alone. The only difference is that kambwili became so greedy that he thought Zambia was his supper market. He bit more than he could chew.
      Well Zambians deserve it, let the thieves become richer while the masses die of hunger. That is what they voted for, corruption.

    • I also believe that the PF/MMD (Mutati) government might be looking for a case to lump on you so that eventually you are found wanting and loose your MP-ship. Icikulya?

      Agony is when you think this fellow is stealing and you end up learning that it was out of agonizing unmitigated jealousy. Remember, it is innocent until proven guilty. Even Dr. CK has enermies, no doubt about this. Normal procedure at play here vis Fire CK from his ministerial position so that he can either be investigated, tried, prosecuted or investigated and found clean. We know that CK is not like those tuma gold diggers in Govt coffers but if he is found wanting fairly, prosecute and let him go down period. I will then be extremely disappointed in him!

    • Lets be honest, nothing will come of this, its a Smoke Screen to take the focus off everyone else. There will be no Conviction and like will continue as before…….

    • The whole PF team should be investigated starting with the President if he feels he is clean. Corruption and theft in PF has been the order of the day and very few will come out clean. When the head is rotten it is hard for the rest to keep clean. If they could plunder to such levels for one person who now still says they did not rig the elections they knew that once they stepped down they would be locked up no need for investigations as the evidence is screaming at us and the poor were dancing to dununa reverse, mwalachuula. Wamona Kambwili you closed private media now you will be locked up with noone to inform the nation whether you are victimized or not. I always say integrity is paramount in my life as I do not need to fear just in case the govt changes.

    • So, are we going to believe that ECL knew nothing about this estate until it reached completion? Did Kambwili buy this or did he build it? What happened to intelligence? Pass the popcorn!

    • The problem with our Justice System is that once another President comes to power Kambwili will be set free like a case of Liato. Thats why our politicians dont learn.

    • Haters of Lungu.
      Find something better to do than gnashing of teeth and writing rubbish on LT which is so unprofitable.

    • What a country, Everything and anything its the president, How do you expect to develop when everything revolves around one man, Poor Africa, I have said it before, The Zambian presidency has too much power if not all the power, Not until we change the constitution to cut off some of these excessive powers Zambia and Africa will still be a dark country full of poverty. By the way as long as he remains in PF nothing will happen to him, But can you imagine what would have happened to these thugs in PF if HH had won the election. Prisons would have been full by now.

    • There’s obvious corruption here. A minister’s salary is inappropriate to the assets Mr kambwili is displaying. This looks like the case of Abacha who was President for some 6 years in which him and his family made billions. If this is why he was fired then I’m with Lungu in this case

    • This will be another Austin Liato case. Much noise and no recoveries.

      Those Kambwili flats Luanshya must go back to the people of Luanshya to generate income to fix the water shortage in the town.

      NB – Kambwili in an arrogant I.diot but Zambians prefer to talk about American politics than fixing your own sh.t!

  2. What goes around comes around.

    But this raises the possibility that this is just a sideshow to divert attention from the real criminals.
    Vodiga Rungu must have known about these going-ons for some time and must somehow be party to the same.

    Regardless, make the ogre squeal like a little girl.

    • Lock up this gorilla! He has recently acquired lots of plots on land that was meant for expansion of Makeni Police.

  3. There it’s. I get angry when some PF guys say he should be left alone because he campaigned vigorously for the parts. Utter rubbish. No patronage. All thieves must face the music. Even Musenge Mwenya must dance pelete.

    • This why ministers and their wives should declare their assets immediately they are appointed and they and their wives should also publicly declare their interests in public contracts.

    • @HH Techilema, or whatever you are, I’ve challenged your fellow PF cadre, Mr Kudos who thinks like you to look at the Zambia Privatisation Report of Parastatals and the Mines and tell Zambians who the real thieves who stole their wealth are! I gave him the names of men who were responsible for the Privatisation and significant among them are Valentine Chitalu, who was the DG for ZPA and Francis Kaunda who was the Chairman of ZCCM and Head of the Privatisation Team of Mines. For your information and that of the doubting Thomases, HH was but a fingerling in this widely sung song of Privatisation. Where do you place Kavindele, Kaunda Lemba-lemba, Mwananshiku etc who were members of the Zambia Privatisation Team?

  4. Everyone in PF including Edward was wearing patapata before sept 2011. Their rags to riches stories defies any book. Maybe only their Pastor Amata can explain it.

  5. This is commendable and President Lungu will win more independent Zambians support if he continues anti corruption crusade.It should however not be selective.When Kaizer Zulu is also probed the we will know it neither tribal nor political.We are watching

    • After proving everybody else, he should then explain his own wealth and the ACC should prove him too. Does he also have a matrix of corruption behind him like Chiluba? Is it true about kickbacks and backhanders from contractors going on at State House?


    • ACC doesnt need permission to investigate anybody…let ACC report to a Judge not politicians…then we will praise him.
      Wake up!!

  6. The is thief and must be caged. He was outspoken when removing RB’s immunity while he wanted to steal. Him and Given Lubinda who stole from FRA while at agriculture should be caged

  7. Comment:am a miner working night shifts,pay tax(abnormal)and my net pay is lesser than my basic pay.l can lay a brick on the plot l bought 10yrs ago,but kambwili is a wazzock,bonkard name them.may the Lord have mercy on him.


  9. the only time things will be known is when they are all out of office . truth is all of them are rooters and have damaged the economy.

    • This is the selfsame reason the taxpayer are coughing up a whooping $1million/km to lay mere tarmac not even relaying a kilometer of Germany’s Autoban Motorway or Englands M1 Motorway would cost that much.

  10. Lungu should be very careful.He is scared of Kambwili becoming a president in 2021.ifwe mu PF we shall stand for kambwilli.Lungu is also a corrupt chap and should stop this act.Why is he keeping Kaizer Zulu.Let us not fight others if you know that you’re corrupt.Otherwise ba Lungu will end up being in prison after 2021.He should not start arresting pipo.He is divinding the party.Why can’t he behave like americans who don’t follow each other.Where was Lungu?We can’t behave like this.Sometimes we need to be fair instead of fighting friends.We want unity in PF and not threats to others.Kambwili made Lungu win and pipo are annoyed in Kopala for what he has started doing.We need Kambwili and will vote for him in 2021.Ba Lungu we have respect but you’re not clean too.Leave Kambwili alone…

  11. How was he allowed to steal so much? Beyond prosecution there should be stronger audit controls for public money. People are greedy. Why do all this all you need is a simple house and car especially if you are dokoator like CK – he can get job anywhere. No further comments just cage him but release the UPND people who were protecting the vote

    • We have serious governance issues…this is the first thing we should have sorted out immediately MMD was kicked out but PF had its own ideas.
      Zambia need to wake up from their docility

  12. Comment:
    Yaa I can see ba Kambwili ending like FTJ. But baPF knew about his wealth way back before elections but why probing him now? That’s the reason why other people are saying ECL used him to campaign for him.

  13. Vika bwalala veka veka. These were thieves, are still thieves and will for ever remain thieves. He is not the only one. I am fed up with these thieves

  14. Whatever rot is discovered, what is indisputable is that HH can never be better if he was put in the same shoes. Simply put, there is No presidential material in HH.
    He is just a figurehead for a tribal ambition.

  15. I am so happy because barely 2 months after elections ba pfoools are now faced with reality. We warned you that ecl will use some of you just to win elections and purge you out of his govt afterwards, but because you are too dull you could not accept. Next on the line is Frank Bwalya and Mumbi Phiri then Nkandu Luo and “Scar” face Harry Kalaba. Keep watching

  16. These are the zambian leaders who have been entrusted in managing our resources see now how they are paying the poor who are busy singing satanic songs-dununa reverse.

  17. Blind supporting belongs to medieval ages. That motion to have Deputy ministers came at a wrong time when Government is experiencing financial constraints. Really, it is not an emergency to have these people and we are not even supposed to debate this. The problem is there is just this general moral degradation amongst us Zambians where we want to accumulate wealth without working for it. Dubious contracts, misapplication of funds, misappropriation of funds,etc etc. So everyone now wants to be a minister to have accsess to easy contracts and land. Tax payers money is tax payers money and it should be spent prudently and with accountability!

  18. The Post newspaper would have exposed the corruption long before the chicks were hatched. No wonder he made sure the peoples choice
    – The Post was closed unlike what we were told of unpaid ZRA taxes. The Post was a going concern and they knew how the taxes would be paid.

  19. What goes around comes around please ask the people of Luanshya to give you more details of property owned by Kambwili, most of the property is normally renovated and built by Mpundu who is his proxy, look at the shoody pavements being built by his company. However please also investigate his other two collegues who also share the contacts with him, even their proxies must be prosecuted (Guys that pass as owners on contracts on behalf of the main Guys). The three “BIG” guys in Luanshya are called the three C’s, I am beggining to like Lungu

    • And that is the $450 million PF set aside for urban road construction on the copperbelt…by the time this loan is due …most of these roads/ pavements will need resurfacing.
      This is the cycle of rot we tolerate..

  20. This man shouldn’t even have been allowed into politics because he is a very well known professional thief, copper thief. people intending to into politics must have a criminal check and not wait until they have stolen from poor Zamb ians.

  21. Wrong to say why probe him after he’s fired. If he’s in office it’s not proper and investigation would be difficult.

  22. After Edgar Lungu gave a g ahead” Ma rubbish so if he not give them a go ahead they couldn.t have probe him. All of us who are against his leadership will be probed. I pity for Kambwili nokulanda kwakwe kulya bwafya sana. RB is at work, he will make sure all PF Founders are dance to his tune for what we did him in 2011. How i wish Sata was alive mwati ni Edgar Chagwa Agwa Lungu!!!

  23. Maweeeeee!!And these are the people(kambwili) who were very vocal and ardent critics of the MMD leadership. They just wanted to get into power to come and steal and plunder. The ACC must not leave no stone unturned in investigating these acquired riches. I think that’s why he got sick that time of the elections after hearing that HH was headed for victory.

  24. Kambwili is corrupt, yes. But he is not being probed for being corrupt but for his ambition. If it was for corruption most of the ministers would have been undergoing the same. If lungu was against corruption he wouldn’t have appointed Dora

  25. What do Zambians use to decide which person to vote for? Certainly it is not brains. How do you explain why they would vote for a character like this into public office? How do you choose a thief to represent you?

    • @30Naomi, HOW would you know that he is a thief when he HAS HAD NO CRIMINAL RECORD OF CONVICTION? People also MARRY and DIVORCE after they discover the spouse is NOT as THEY THOUGHT! IT HAPPENS!

    • He is one of the best students that UNZA has produced. So, talking about brain, he is more intelligent than you Naomi.
      Don’t make noise if you have no story to tell

  26. You seriously think Lungu can fight corruption? Think again. If he was to start fighting corruption that would be the end of PF, for PF cannot last one month if there is serious fight against corruption and they know it. Chakolwa would be the first to go. This Kabwili issue has other reasons behind it best known by the drunkard in state house. May be it is meant to divert attention from worsening economy. All dictators do such things to please the naive.

  27. It’s not only Chimbwili kashimba, there are alot more corrupt ministers that must be fired and probed. I personally think ACC should work independently and not wait for “go aheads” from Edgar. All those who were found wanting according to the Auditor General’s report must be brought to book.

  28. Kambwili built those flats in westerlea street in Lunshya before PF came into govnt, on this one the ACC are fishing in a dry pond maybe other properties. ECL is just trying to purge his percieved opponents in PF because i’m sure he is positioning himself for 2021.This is what we call witch hunting which wont take him anywhere.

  29. This corruption fight is selective it is not genuine this is what we call witch-hunt because Kambwili is on record having told lungu that the just ended general elections Pf lost to Upnd so they were supposed to concede defeat. That’s how grudge against the the minister developed by lungu if this is genuine fight for corruption how come corrupt ministers like Dora siliya are still serving.Useless government.machende!

  30. Sorry for me Kambwili cannot be worse than the HH and GBM combination.
    I am ready to listen to UPND and maybe in future consider voting for them if they will present themselves as an intelligent and better alternative. I have said it before and I repeat UPND, and HH in his current state and alliances IS NOT the alternative that I am looking.
    You guys surely you can find a more intelligent person than HH to lead UPND and provide a viable alternative leadership for Zambia. The starting point is to free yourself from the notion that HH is wealthy and so you cannot do without him. Remember this fallacy started when HB replaced Mazoka plus of course the “only tonga for president” mantra. Its a myth, you do.not need a rich man, what you need is an intelligent person, an organiser, a uniter,…

  31. What has destroyed Africa in general and Zambia in particular is the Munkombwe coinage called politics of the belly. Africans mistakenly think that when they are in political power then they possess the resources of the country and because of that mirth they plunder the economy with impunity and only realise that they were just custodians when the long arm of the law start pursuing them once out of power.
    Politicians in Africa have never ascended in power to serve the masses but it has been an easy way to lift themselves from the shackles of poverty to over night rich men and women. As long as those eyeing for public office do not understand that they are servants of the people, development will remain elusive on the African continent.

  32. Contd…. Its a myth, you do.not need a rich man, what you need is an intelligent person, an organiser, a uniter, a mobiliser of bith membership and funding for the party. HH does not even fund the party but mobilises from others. In fact none of the presidents we have had so far including the incumbent has ever dipped into his pocket to fund the party he leads, not even one ngwee. What does that tell you? You can’t stick to a perpetual serial loser like a leach sticks onto a corpse that is about buried. There is no future for HH in Zambian politics, get it from me and identify another leader like Kambela Mazoka or Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula, who were uniters not tribalists. You have until 2021 either to identify a new leader, or to live with the uncertain future that is HH and lose…

  33. Contd…. You have until 2021 either to identify a new leader, or to live with the 99.5% uncertain future that is HH and lose the next elections and go into oblivion. What a pity that no one in UPND can analyse politics intelligently….they have all chosen to be hiho hiho hiho hiho hiho.

  34. The president know there is so much corruption how can the so called eagle eagle from intercity be driving latest Ford rangers , bmw s , chilubanama is one of the culprits look at his boys yet the president just pics on ck alone , plenty people steal

  35. The president know there is so much corruption how can the so called eagle eagle from intercity be driving latest Ford rangers , bmw s , chilubanama is one of the culprits look at his boys yet the president just pics on ck alone , plenty people steal from.poor zambians


  37. Charity begins at home! Did Lungu account for Taxes on the sudden growth in wealth in his first eighteen months of his Presidency?

    Lungu should lead by example by Declaring his Taxes, and explaining the extra-ordinary acquisition of wealth in months!

    All Ministers must follow suit by explaining the relationships betwween the growth in their wealth and Taxes paid on their incomes!

    The Nation needs to get benefits from the Politicians’ Taxes.

  38. I don’t like HH, but please he’s not the subject here. Our duty is to help the president to clean the mess so that our resources can be channeled to development.

  39. ACC should be objective in their work than being selective.The principal acountant and his thieving friends in choma who have been sharing gvt money with his friends at will we are told are freely moving the streets because of friendship with the acc boss in the province.The President should effect transfers and dismissals if us poor Zambians have to have confidence in your ant corruption crusade.

  40. Who remembers how Levy Mwanawasa sent Chiluba from pillar to post over corruption EVEN AFTER being hand picked by Chiluba whilst Levy was sleeping? Now can just campaigning be equated to being given the Presidency? Zambia

  41. It is the details that lend credence to any situation. Who says he is guilty? I say he is innocent until proved otherwise. Go on working hard until God says NO.

  42. i dont knw why politician ar so dull, now blogger ar following too.kambwili z c intelligent and smart will come out clean , mark my words. kambwili z only that z a many rival to lungu. opposition this z ur oppotunity because no more pf popularity n both cb and lusaka. the key areas.count urself forming govenment lungu has made fire to burn him wait and see.

  43. All the people with questionable records should not have been allowed to stand as MPs in the first. I want to disagree that Edward has just come to know about Kambwili’s thieving habits. There are even others that he knows are corrupt among his ministers including the former agriculture minister and now Injustice minister who bought farm inputs at exorbitant prices, to share the extra with his master, at the expense of the poor Zambians. Just allow Kambwili to spill the beans you will be shocked to learn that after all none in the current cabinet qualifies to hold their positions due to corruption which has been allowed to thrive at an unprecedented rate under PF. Again we must be very careful with the whole drama. ECL may just want to do some window dressing to show donors that he is…

  44. There are so many corrupt people around so much that in Councils the Council Heads have given themselves so much land. Just look at one former town clerk who has given himself/herself over three hectares land within a prime area in Ndola. This is our land and one cannot just allocate himself/herself so much land. What about others? ACC, please move in and find out how this person got so much land at the expense of other Zambians.

  45. I know the source of CKs wealth.
    IT IS THE DAMN INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT. HH has been saying it for a long time. Thats the over-priced roads are the ATM of most PF officials starting from statehouse to Frank Bwalya.

  46. When KK introduced the Leadership Code we called him a dictator. He knew the animal in us is insatiable. It’s time to start asking people to explain the source of their wealth. Even the mines are affected by corrupt buyers and managers.

  47. Mr Terrible
    You have terribly veered off the subject. The issue here is NOT HAKAINDE HICHILEMA and 2021. It is grand larceny and the unprecedented levels of kleptocracy only witnessed in former Zaire under the then Kukungbendu Ngbendu Wa Zabanga aka Mobutu Seseseko who stole an entire city. You seem to be intelligent but I can testify to many intelligent folks lamentably failing for veering into irrelevances.

  48. Although it seems something to commend ECL for, I’ll have to wait and see hoe it pans out. Too many of these cases have in the past ended up as flushes in the pan. There’s no way a minister can accumulate so macho wealth without corruption. We’ve seen investment initiatives by Zambians being sabotaged by his likes and becoming bankrupted, such as Zinitz Ltd, yet these guys collude with Chinese and other investors to enrich themselves at the expense of other Zambians. This is why it’s hard to have democracy in Zambia and defeat corruption. How can you do anything when the who government stinks of corruption and abuse of office? Deal with his deal promptly and rapidly, then we’ll believe you ECL.

  49. The source said Dr Kambwili also purchased trucks and a brand new Range Rover for his UK based wife valued at over K1, 850, 000 from Alliance Motors in Lusaka and the car remains packed is and only driven by his wife when she comes to Zambia.

    This is what pains alot and some poor guillable Zambians who queue to vote for these conmen go to bed on an empty stomach.
    wake up fi namyo who scramble for chitenge and T/shirt. Tell all those marketeers in all markets not to be duped utuma loans from politicians.

  50. ACC should also probe Buildcon Investments Ndola and its owner Moses Mubanga. These guys have got estates in the USA and are always winning government contracts. Kambwili is very close to the chap running that company. He has no less than ten high end American and German built vehicles. In fact the houses in Ndola along mufulira road are being built by this Mubanga guy’s company. That is his signature design you see in this article.

  51. Me my conscious is free because from the word go I never predicated any good to come from these guys I prepared myself for the worst and this the beginning of it all.

  52. This has come a little bit too considering this has happened over a span of a good number of year. Where was the ACC and police ? Do they needs Lungu’s instructions to start probing ministers like Kambwili or they are supposed to be led by evidence of crime like the one in the picture ?


  54. The whole thing is rubish! The president has to give a go ahead? what if he doesnt? Those pf thieves can only be investigated if the president allows? There is no fight againt corruption. The whole pf is corrupt, period!



  57. Aka kunkubiti nomba ni nani ch.ikala iwe Chimbwili? The ACC is now on your stinking backside like flies on! Ninshiku shakwa Noah, lekeni lunye nomba bebele! By the time the ACC finishes with Chibwili, he will weigh same like Mushota Remmy at death, 10kg! Busholi mang sipombwe sabatu!

  58. He deserves this treatment.He though his mouth will serve him longer for involving himself in corruption.We shall see as he has caused alot of damage to the media.We shall see where he will rush to when all the private media are closed.
    I knew that the end of Kambwili will be very bad as he continued insulting other tribes.

  59. leave chishimba alone please ,is already fired let him enjoy his money,I know every minister in pf they have stolen money.I have got no doubt with that

  60. Be real guys!!politics in zambia today is all about money.almost all local politicians are well to do zambians including those in opposition.which old mp or minister is poor?check how Jack Mwiimbu,Gary Nkombo are rich!!all PF ministers have a lot of money!!then almost all mps are rich today.SO LEAVE DR CK ALONE!!!HH AND GBM FIGHT FOR STATE HOUSE DAY AND NIGHT FOR THE SAKE OF MONEY!!!IF ANYTHING HH AND GBM CAN BE WORSE THAN DR CK IF HH WON!!

  61. Why does ACC need a “go ahead” from State House? What kind of kantemba country do we have where ACC have to ask the head kaponya for permission? Or does the head kaponya control the ACC?

  62. Bukabolala. This chap came and ruined a once beautiful street known for hard working people. Ubungo mune bwakuletelela. That land you built ama property is for the mines. The over 200+ properties, over 28 cars umuntu umo! Abakashi kubulaya ati baleisula clinic on what money on her salary? Just take everything away because he needs proof as to how he came into money. Inyanji aibile nasho mu chite question na ma fleet cars akwete. Amayanda konse uuntu umo? He needs to lose all ties to any government job after these allegation. Chikabolala mwachimona nomba!

  63. Terrible, doing things that are not pleasing in the sight of God Almighty. And all this in a Christian Zambia! Correct the situation, promptly, Lungu.

  64. CK cut a piece of land for himself from Luanshya Golf Course. He is a well known thug in Luanshya. Most people in Luanshya, especially businessmen who used to have contracts with the mines have no kind words for this guy, akubapoka Ama contracts yonse! the old smelter structure, the chap instead of sharing with other contractors, he grabbed the job to himself to raze it down, and got all the scrap. Sadly most of his workers were not being paid. Awe sure let him explain the source of his mule! Cha bipa you annihilated almost all private media, so no voice to be heard!! He thought he was smart. You can not defy God’s principle.

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