Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zambia’s international image seriously dented due to media suffocation under PF-Tayali


Zambian Voice Executive Director Chilufya Tayali
Zambian Voice Executive Director Chilufya Tayali
The Zambian Voice Executive Director Chilufya Tayali says Zambia’s international image has seriously been dented due to media suffocation under the Patriotic Front (PF) Government, reports Pan African Radio Journalist Hermit Hachilonde.

Speaking on Pan African Radio Programme dubbed “Media Agenda” recently, Mr. Tayali said the abuse of journalists and infringements of their rights worsened after the death of President Michael Sata.

He said PF Government is far away from appreciating the media because the current happenings in Zambia leave much to be desired in terms of media protection.

Mr. Tayali stressed the need to do a lot to help the media and avoid such a bad international reading about Zambia.

He said it is imperative that the media is protected and allowed to disseminate information freely without fear or favour.

“Zambia’s international image has seriously been dented due to media suffocation under the PF Government especially under president Lungu’s leadership” Mr. Tayali said


    • Tayali you might be saying the truth but, if its coming out of your mouth its tainted with sour graping because Lungu denied you a post.

      Before it became clear to you that Lungu was not going to appoint you, you were defending PF ‘s atrocities with much vernon in the hope that Lungu will give you a post. Shame on you Tayali your are just a cheap bellytician who will support anything as long as you receive crumbs out of a PF buffoon ‘s table.

      Its laughable to hear that Tayali formed a katemba party in a tantrum fit after Lungu throw out his hopes of getting a government post. How preposterous!

      Umwaiche Tayali ama donors na ba musula and his income has dwindled because Lungu discontinued his mouthing and verbal diarrhoea allowance.

      I will writing to Donald Trump to deal…

    • I will writing to Donald Trump to deal with all African dictators starting with Ka Lungu then Ka mugabe, M7, Kagame, etc.

      You are too late on the scene, some of us have been hammering PF on the same issues for a long time now.

      Chagwa must fall.

    • I just came to understand yesterday that ZWdogs have been deleted as well. We thought the crack down was on those accused of not paying taxes?
      You guys at LT need kiss PF’sasssses, we need this website, and you need us, we do this for FREE remember that.

    • Has lusakatimes been taken over by ZNBC’s Richard Mwanza? Its become boring, slow, inaccurate. Come on guys with so much happening in the country I expect an online publication to be on its toes.
      By the way Tayali’s no longer at ZV, he’s president of EEP.

  1. Tayali you are soooo right. Lungu is much worse than Sata regarding freedom of the press. “the abuse of journalists and infringements of their rights worsened after the death of President Michael Sata.” Journalists must stand up and fight this government

  2. Itizi Turu, Tayali is still Zambian voice executive director, that is his brain child CSO, he cannot be quoted as president of a political party because his party is not yet registered. Sorry you don’t have information on that one….

  3. Ba Tayali, you look malnourished, is food scarce, call Ba GBM for some food. Insala ila sabaisha, just get a job. Donors seem to be tired of fake NGOs like ZV.

  4. And his party though not yet registered is called MEDES, itizi turu you are very behind. The man changed the name few days after announcement…

  5. And his party though not yet registered is called MEDES, itizi turu you are very behind. The man changed the name few days after announcement…..

  6. Reading news is very boring nowadays after closing the post and watchdog. It is only in Zambia Zimbabwe, Uganda etc.where a President controls everything in the Country E.g ECZ, ACC, ,Courts, police and Army, ZNBC etc. People of Zambia why did we vote for PF especially under Lungu? This party is satanic no blessings is coming from them just busy stealing looting government coffers, threatening opponents we are tired of PF.

  7. Tayali you have just confirmed your hypocrisy! You are one of that have laboured massively for rubbish Zambian media is going through. You supported everything that this sham of a government did when you enjoyed spare change from the public funds given to you as a token of appreciation for seconding everything they did during the campaigns. You even supported the lunacy Kambwili was exhibiting. Today, you want to bite the finger that fed your damn a.s at the expense of the majority poor. Sit down somewhere where the sun does not shine. In short, shut up and go away!!

  8. Tayali you have just confirmed your hypocrisy! You are one of those that have laboured massively for the rubbish the Zambian media is going through today. You supported everything that this sham of a government did when you enjoyed spare change from the public funds given to you as a token of appreciation for seconding everything they did during the campaigns. You even supported the lunacy Kambwili was exhibiting. Today, you want to bite the finger that fed your damn a.s at the expense of the majority poor. Sit down somewhere where the sun does not shine. In short, shut up and go away!!

  9. Try the Zambian observer – in this atrocious climate of press suppression, it hovers on giving us other insights closer to objectivity and the truth.

  10. This Magg0t was screaming praises for Edward the Dictator- aka Chairman Chagwa just this past August, greedily hoping for a job to r@pe taxpayers cash, like his Patron Saint Big Kambwili.
    When this piece of Larvae was not given that job he so desired by Chairman Chagwa, all of the sudden ” he can see clearly now the rain has gone” like in the song.

  11. A lot of people always talk about mu7, Mugabage, Lungu et al. What about our western neighbor Angola? How long has he been in power? Pa Africa tate Lol!!!

    • South park, in Africa power perpetuity is in many forms i. e. a leader finds ways of clinging to power forever like museveni, uncle Bob, do Santos etc or the “party ” find ways of continuing in office like Mozambique, Tanzania, Namibia, Botswana. Zambia and Malawi are among a few exceptions and change of leadership and government will continue in these two countries whether one likes it or not.

  12. Ba tyre Li Freedoms that you are talking about are mbwembwembwe. If you pay what is due to the government, you end up with less troubles with it.

  13. Lungu knows he will die in office.
    That’s why hedge wants to suffocate the independent media for if being criticized in the grave.
    Lungu is the worst president Zambia has seen.
    You can’t have your political advicer a grade nine. Keizer Zulu.

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