Saturday, July 27, 2024

Veep urges Peace Corps to help in the mukula ‘ war’



Vice President Mrs Inonge Wina addressing a meeting at Legatum Institute in London.
Vice President Mrs Inonge Wina addressing a meeting at Legatum Institute in London.
ice President Inonge Wina has implored American Peace Corps to help curb the extinction of the famous mukula trees in the country.

Mrs. Wina says government is concerned at the rate of mukula tress that are being indiscriminately cut off hence stakeholders like Peace Corps to help government in halting the illegal vice.

She added that peace corps working in the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock and Minister of Lands especially should complement government’s efforts in the development plan aimed at improving the forestry sector’s contribution to food and nutritional security, poverty reduction and economic growth.

ZANIS reports that the Vice President said this in Lusaka today during the swearing-in ceremony for Environment and Aquaculture volunteers.

“You may be aware that Zambia’s forest resources are under siege from many illegal loggers and traders. Therefore, your involvement as Peace Corps will help keep this scourge in check,” Mrs Wina said.

She said Peace Corps should help government conserve both the environment and forestry resources as this would improve the livelihood and resilience of rural communities.

She said government attaches the efforts of the US Government especially in the provision of human resources in complementing staffing levels in the two ministries and beyond.

And speaking earlier, US Ambassador to Zambia Eric Schultz pledged cementing the bilateral relations with the Zambian and his government.

Chief Chamuka of the Lenje speaking people said he is happy that the Peace Corps would bring technological transfer and culture adaption in Zambia.

The traditional leader said US and Zambia enjoy warn and cordial bilateral relations for many years now for the benefit of the peoples in the two countries.

The swearing-in ceremony was attended by Minister of Lands, National Resources and Environmental Protection Jean Kapata, Peace Corps Zambia Country Director Leon Kayego, American Embassy staff as well as government officials from the US and Zambian governments.


  1. Our Government sure this is a small issue an effective govt can handle without involving peace corp there are more serious issues that we need peace corp to help

    • Tuma peace corps tukonda nyeke too much, remember that ka peace corps girl who was claiming to have been raped in some Zambian village, and has decided to keep the child, luckily for Zambia one Zambian lady who hosted her spilled the beans about her sex partying and drinking behavior.

  2. Tuma peace corps tukonda nyeke too much, remember that ka peace corps girl who was claiming to have been raped in some Zambian village, and has decided to keep the child, luckily for Zambia one Zambian lady who hosted her spilled the beans about her sex partying and drinking behavior.

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