Saturday, July 27, 2024

Veep calls for speedy integration of ICT


Vice President Mrs Inonge Wina addressing a meeting at Legatum Institute in London.
Vice President Mrs Inonge Wina addressing a meeting at Legatum Institute in London.

Kigali, May 12, ZANIS—Vice President Inonge Wina says enhancing political will and instilling sense of urgency is key to Africa’s vision of fast tracking girls’ inclusion in the Information Communication Technology (ICT) revolution in the transformation of Africa.

Speaking at the Smart Africa Women Summit in Kigali in Rwanda today, Mrs. Wina said there was need for a political will among Africa leaders in order to fast-track girls inclusion in ICT revolution and achieve gender parity.

ZANIS reports that the Vice President said Africa needs to also invest in capacity building, skills and develop tailor made programmes and continued training if the dream of fast tracking girls inclusion in the ICT revolution is to be realized.

Mrs Wina stated that investing in girls is investing in the future prosperity of a country and Africa as a whole.

She underscored the progress made by Rwanda in achieving gender parity and equity in all spheres of development especially in ICT which forms the core of business for the Transform Africa Summit 2017.

The Vice President said the Zambian government is eager to learn from Rwanda on how it has managed to achieve the gender parity and equity in all spheres of which even developed countries have not managed.

She disclosed that government came up with the National ICT Policy of 2006 which promotes usage of ICTs among women and later in 2014, devised the National Gender Policy which focuses on promotion and participation of women and girls in Science and Technology.

The Vice President further stated that the Zambia Information and Communication Technology Authority (ZICTA) working together with the Central Statistics Office has been undertaking regular surveys since 2013 to measure access and use of ICTs, and its impact among Women and the youth in urban and rural areas.

She said the surveys provide information for policy and programme interventions.
Mrs Wina said government is also encouraging ICT programmes at tertiary level aimed at increasing the number of females in science and technology programmes as well as promoting scientific research and innovation.

She disclosed that in order to increase the number of girls venturing into Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields, Zambia has partnered with the World Bank to target 14,000 girls at secondary level in 16 districts and empower 75,000 women in districts across the country.

She said government has gone a step further by making ICT Curriculum implementation in schools compulsory.

Mrs Wina however acknowledged that there are still a number of social-economic challenges to be dealt with in narrowing the gender gap.

She cited the high levels of illiteracy especially in rural areas, the cost of ICT equipment and limited access to digital devices and services and inadequate infrastructure which impedes connectivity as some of the challenges Zambia is facing.

And Rwanda’s First Lady Jeanette Kagame noted that women need to be empowered so that they can contribute to the economic growth of the country.

The First lady noted that despite the strides, more women have no access to ICT services in Africa and called on countries to share best initiatives that are working in their respective countries so that Africa can develop as a whole.

Mrs Kagame said her country is running a programme under her foundation of empowering young people with computers especially girls so that they have access to ICT knowledge.

Speaking at the same summit, UN Women Executive Director Undersecretary General Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka said Africa has to address issues affecting women especially to do with empowerment if the continent is to realise socio economic transformation and bridge the gap between men and women.

She noted that the gender digital gap has continued to widen in Africa and statistics are showing that women are not safe in Africa as they are vulnerable to trafficking.

The Smart Women’s Summit brought to the forefront the strategic interventions that are being pursued to empower women and girls in ICT and was held this year as an inaugural stream at the Transform Africa Summit led by African First Ladies and leaders from the private sector, civil society and academia.


  1. If your party can use a Ugandan to illegally gain access to secure ecz ict room and cook up election figures, what example are you setting. Unless you want Zambia to turn into 411 Nigeria yahoozee

  2. Innovation, WITH safety and security, and not just innovation alone, should be emphasized right from start. The current worldwide cyber-attack on ICT systems, which has affected 100 countries and counting, is a wake-up call.
    Engineering is about making things work for the common good of all even under adversity.

  3. open tor website……not need to block things ,put proper policies in place. let professionals be involved in formulating policy and pushing the ICT forward rather than listening to cadres whose interest is to please you and make some coins

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