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Do not panic-President Lungu


President Lungu addresses journalists at State House on Thursday, July 6,2017-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA

President Edgar Lungu has assured that there is no need to panic following the invocation of Article 31 of the Constitution in light of what he says is a situation of threatened peace in Zambia.

And President Lungu has charged that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is free to go if it feels that Zambia is unsafe to sign an economic recovery programme with.

Meanwhile, President Lungu has maintained that he will not hold any talks with the opposition because there is nothing to discuss.

Addressing a media conference at State House in Lusaka this afternoon, President Lungu said the public should not panic because the invocation of Article 31 is meant to increase public safety.

He clarified that the police will now have added powers to stop and search anyone suspected of criminal misconduct and detain such persons for longer periods.

The Head of State says what he has done does not amount to dictatorship saying Zambia still remains one of the most democratic nations in Africa.

President Lungu however added that all those provisions are subject to parliamentary approval within seven of him signing the Statutory Instrument.

He further clarified that there will be no blanket curfew imposed on citizens but that people will be restricted access to certain places and building.

President Lungu said he needed to act as the country was under siege describing what is happening in the country as terrorism.

He however refused to admit that there is tension in the country.

President Lungu addresses journalists at State House on Thursday, July 6,2017-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA

President Lungu also defended himself by saying that he has not acted hastily in invoking Article 31 saying a pattern of increased lawlessness had begun to form and he needed to act.

He accused some opposition leaders of using what he called acts of terrorism aimed at forcing his government to renegotiate the outcome of the August elections.

President Lungu said there has been a systematic approach to stampede his government into talks with the opposition over a power sharing arrangement.

The Head of State said the power sharing agenda has been driven by some former colonialists who have been sponsoring regime changes in most parts of Africa.

On cabinet reshuffles, President Lungu said he will not be forced to make changes to his cabinet because some people feel some of Ministers are not performing accordingly.

He said he still has confident in the people he appointed to serve in his cabinet adding that cabinet appointments are made at his own discretion.

And President Lungu charged that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is free to go if they feel that Zambia is unsafe to sign an economic recovery programme with.

He said the IMF is free to go if they feel he has gone astray in the governance of the country.

President Lungu extended the same warning to the investment community saying they are free to withdraw their investment from Zambia if they feel that the country is unsafe for their investment.

He said to the contrary, the IMF and the investors should feel more protected now that Government has taken efforts to protect their investment into Zambia using the provisions of the law.


    • Absolutely your Excellency. We are alive to the fact that democracy is not the absence of national security responsibility. We have a country to preserve, public life, property and order to guaranty. Freedom is not absolute so you have our unflinching support for the common good. Its all about Zambia.

    • We are trying for our first child and I think is reassuring only the president.

      Great man isn’t he ?

      I have a PhD



    • I have keenly followed a struggling voice trying hard to come up with a narrative calling for restraint and constitutionalism. Maybe it’s about time we look closely at civil liberties, and the push for some reconciliation with the security of the State in a more serious context beyond some elementary pure idealistic postures away from reality. So far the fainted voices head presents a paradox of some kind. Unless they don’t get it, acts of terror thrive in the freedom of democracies as such, freedom cannot be absolute when it comes to arresting ta wave of terror and foster tranquility in the nation. The wave of terror presents a clear and present danger to the country. As such, its purge it in national interest.

    • @Mushota surely two of you is cruel! Please reconsider and I pray Nick is impotent and he wont reach nirvana!

    • These statements are not new.

      Kaunda said them and we ended up queuing for cooking oil, meal meal soap etc. Mugabe said them and the results are there for all to see.


      Those of us privileged or sadly not privileged to have seen into the heart of darkness and to see first hand the evil of war in countries such as DRC, Rwanda and Burundi will tell you LETS NOT TOY WITH PEACE!
      Mr President Sir I as one of your few true supporters have been with you since you made that speech at the late Great MCS funeral, I have supported you even here on this Lsktimes site for years now.. Reconcilation is key! Find it in your heart to forgive, Zambia is greater than all of us!

      At all costs Zambia needs to be preserved. You swore to defend Zambia within and without, I expect nothing less. You have my support but quickly nab the senseless and ruthless thugs. Zambia yearns for patriotic individuals. Every citizen gone astray needs to be put back in line. It is your duty to make me feel safe. To every well meaning Zambian, you have a duty to report any suspicious activity to police. The death of UPND will not be the final chapter of Zambia

    • Home Headlines
      Do not panic-President Lungu
      July 6, 201744251 views

      President Lungu addresses journalists at State House on Thursday, July 6,2017-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA

      President Edgar Lungu has assured that there is no need to panic following the invocation of Article 31 of the Constitution in light of what he says is a situation of threatened peace in Zambia.

      And President Lungu has charged that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is free to go if it feels that Zambia is unsafe to sign an economic recovery programme with.

      Meanwhile, President Lungu has maintained that he will not hold any talks with the opposition because there is nothing to discuss.

      Addressing a media conference at State House in Lusaka this afternoon, President Lungu said…

      At all costs Zambia needs to be preserved. You swore to defend Zambia within and without, I expect nothing less. You have my support but quickly nab the se.nse.less and ru.thless Zambia yearns for patriotic individuals. Every citizen gone astray needs to be put back in line. It is your duty to make me feel safe. To every well meaning Zambian, you have a duty to report any suspicious activity to police. The death of UPND will not be the final chapter of Zambia.

    • I remember when a man was made to eat a live CHAMELEON at a road-block in the last days of KK’s State of Emergency. The Chameleon had been found in his bag after a search by Para-military police. He later died.

      Bane, this Drunkar.d Moslem has failed the country.

    • What a fracas and a shame!!!! One press conference with the different interpretation of Article 31 of the Constitution. I have never seen such poor communication.
      In the morning we were told something else concerning “police will now have added powers to stop and search anyone suspected of criminal misconduct and detain such persons for longer periods.” And now ECL is refuting this is not the case. Again without waiting for the Police to investigate, HE ECL is the first one to point fingers to the opposition, I don’t think this is a right precedence that the cadres can emulate, instead, this will bring more hatred. This case is now becoming suspicious if it’s not intentional to fix any resistance or opposition

    • Lungu is a deluded man who is not fit to be President. How did this man become President? The country is in a deplorable state. Zambia has a depleted skilled work force. We need more scientists and engineers. A lawyer cannot build sanitation. An account cannot carry out life saving surgery. A politician can build and design homes etc. The cycle of corruption will never end! Cry my beloved country!

    • After reading this article again on my laptop, Ladies and Gentlemen I can conclude that Lazy Lungu is certainly neither a leader nor is he a good lawyer, the bum can not pitch at all or put his case across or sell his idea. He is the last person you would want to accompany you to convince your bank manager to give you a loan for your company…truly laughable.. he thinks IMF will collapse if they don’t give PF govt the $1.6Billion loan forgetting its him running a budget deficit. I am sure his MMD accountant Mutati was pulling whatever little hair he has on his head.

    • Anyone saying Lungu is a dictator is insane. It is HH and his supporters that would turn our country to dictatorship. Look at how they have not accepted the election result! Who has more NO by far….PF the ruling party or UPND? Definitely it is PF! Shame on you UPND for trying to ruin our peaceful and beloved Zambia

    • A Lungu trying very hard to stir tribal clashes in order to remain in state house or rather to be more specific, he is trying to incite other tribes to kill Tongas. I thought in a SOE the police would have detained such a person already. What else will he do to preserve his power? Will he not start killing citizens now?

    • They cant bring HH before a court, they cant produce the report on post election violence, etc. SOLUTION: State of Emergency!

  1. It’s evident, our leaders have no clue what they are doing. I rest my case. There’s nothing to say.

    • How did the government reach a conclusion that this was a terrorist attack without conclusive investigations?

      These acts are manageable if you have effective people running the security of the country. Talking about State of Emergency is over the top.

    • He has really become arrogant. What happened to the humble talk? it appears to have been discarded, I guess it is no longer fashionable.

    • What happened to the humble talk? it appears to have been discarded, I guess it is no longer fashionable.

    • @MyZambia, the mask has fallen! Sadly few can read between the lines. Giving excessive powers to Police without concrete proof of terrorism is just too reckless! Sadly, PF never seem to realize or care about the negative impact this SOE is already having on our economy. Any form of UNCERTAINTY in the country is poison for the economy:
      1. The Tourism industry and the hospitality business is the first casualty. With almost 100% cancellations of planned visits and loss of business we should not panic? We are chasing tourists to other countries?
      2. With restrictions on cash transactions, how do SMEs graduate to MSE or larger companies where transactions get larger. We should not panic?
      3. What happens to movement of goods and services in view of the curfew? What will be the impact of this…

    • He has declared a State of Emergency ?, but he still claims that “There is no tension in the Nation.”
      What’s this now!

    • @Lombe (MA)
      You are absolutely SPOT ON …this is the selfsame reason I have always been urging them to host a Press Conference at State House for the last 24 months to expose this man’s limitations, he has absolutely no clue whatsoever even worse now that he is consumed with power and surrounded with greedy empty tins.

    • JP @ learn to read. There is no state of emergency in Zambia! ECL is the President period. HH lost and Edgar Lungu won. We are fed up of HH and his supporters.

      Well done Lungu, continue working and shame this arrogant and hate breeding HH. Who has more MPs. PF OR UPND? It’s PF the ruling party. So please stop this nonsense

    • Forget the City Centre Market fire. But in his address to nation, the president highlighted the series of strange fires, including the ZESCO pylons. But anti Lungu with their warped reasoning are asking the Commander to wait for police investigations to be concluded before he can act! Wait until the source of your income is burnt then you will appreciate these efforts.

    • This is due to lazy Journalism…Instead of saying like ‘responding to a query on the IMF if they package will be withdrawn, the President responded by saying they’re free to leave…’ LT while I appreciate your efforts, you should also improve on your reporting skills…

    • My Dear, the report is fine. The problem is you are reading it in Swedish English . Read it in Zambian English. Change your setting in your browser to Zambian English and NOT US, UK or Swedish or even Pigeon West Africa, and voilà you will get the meaning Cristal clear

  2. Zambians enjoy your newly found freedom. Do not go near or touch Zesco power poles, or go near a market while ‘looking suspicious’, you are gone for a long long time in jail. Do not cross the path any PF official, you are gone! Now where is Chishimba Kabwili to defend the vulnerable!

  3. Now you are a proper President, EL. Don’t dance to imperialists like some tuma opposition leaders, Zambia is a sovereign state. The imperialists are looters of our natural resources like they have been doing in DRC. No sellouts should come near power, with their greedy and exploitation. Stamp your authority Ba Kateka and deal with the economy with homegrown solutions.

    • But you cannot survive as a Zambia in isolation of other countries. Anyway, the poor people who will feel the heat of your misjudgment are mostly those who voted for PF. We don not care any more but we will live together.

    • Your imperialist are the Chinese and the Indians. They own you and your mines, you have to beg for dollars and jobs from them.

    • The selfsame imperialists like FQM who are being bailed out of court by this President of yours when they are using Zambia to prop up DRC mines!!

  4. LT how do you have 90% news on Lungu alone.Are building personality cult.Why not interview others to comment even on this Emergency thing to educate people.The President himself asked media to educate masses on implication.We have lost it agsin in Zambia even worse than under KK.Listen news coverage in SA,Botswana, Namibia etc you dont get this.ZNBC even first lady is headline!

    • LT is okay. If you listened to Press Conference and you read this article, you will agree the report is right. Its a report which is not subjective to opinion!

  5. The butterfly effect: Small actions can produce maga effects. We are now on a sliding slope…

  6. For some reason, people forget that FRANCE, of all places FRANCE is actually under the state of Emergency and has been for a while. New York was under State of Emergency in March this year!!

    Why are people making a big deal out of a mere indication that we could move to state of emergency after all the things that have been happening.

    Burning down the country’s biggest market and plunging two towns into darkness in a short space of time is not something you can simply say all is well. Somebody need to sit up and take responsibility for not protecting Zambians and that someone is the president and if he is taking measures to do that, we better give him space to act as enshrined in the constitution

    • Can you compare the thinking Lungu to those people running the affairs in USA and France. Get his language my friend- This is Africa.

    • @ MMD Chief Bootlicker it’s only some guity UPND terrorist elements who are opposed to the Republican President Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu’s actions…

    • Old Full, theirs no comparison hete, France was actually under some serious terror attacks.
      The new York state of emergency was to facilitate for urgent repairs of the transit system.
      It’s nothing like this imaginary stage managed crisis.

    • If what he is doing is as good as you are indicating, why did he ask us for forgiveness? The devil is in the detail. Watch thie space.
      Kanganja pre emptied it and we know it was already planned. Similarly Kampyongo said it before and so did PF in general! Zambians may look docile but are not stupid

  7. If there is anyone panicking it is Mr Lungu himself, his face and his mixed-up utterances testify to this. For example, he states that the steps he has taken do not mean a declaration of a curfew but in all honesty, let’s face it, they constitute a full time CURFEW.
    Mr Lungu goes further to say, the IMF is free to go if they are not happy with what is going on in Zambia, the handling of the economy and governance. I think this is a selfish statement which ignores the interests of the people. He is comfortable and well set for the rest of his life while the poor will continue to suffer as a result of his actions. The people must come first.
    He claims Zambia is one of the most democratic in Africa. Laughable! Was he really serious? I think the man needs a long self-imposed exile to…

    • Well said my brother, and the poor people who will feel the heat mostly are those who voted for PF. We don not care any more but we will live together.

    • He’s using a racking ball to kill a fly…he has a small brain this Lazy Lungu due to lack of exposure when he was young.

    • Burning the entire house just to kill a rat! Shameful! City market was a disaster waiting to happen! Comrades, Stop bearing false witness against innocent citizens! The Law God wrote with His own finger forbids falsehoods! Let’s be factual! Can the investigation report be published as to the root cause of Soweto fires. What the Lusaka City Council revealed explains the possible cause – subdivision of shops and illegal electricity connections – short circuits especially that the time of onset of the fire coincides with the time of switching on of lights! Sha!

  8. UPND has badly de-campaigned itself. Come 2021 Zambians will just be saying, ”Remember how UPND burn’t houses and shops for Bembas in Namwala; remember how UPND burn’t the City Market and many poor people suffered and died of shock; remember how HH burn’t courts in Western Province, government buildings, remember—-, remember—— and the list will be endless.

    • All fire outbreaks are planned actions to discredit opposition and slid Zambia into one party state. All people with brains such as Guy Scott foresaw this in 2015 and others 2016. Its only du11 minds like you Muma who think opposition guts buildings. Just wait and see….

    • janza jumbele – Because of the absence of strategy and carelessness by the opposition, they can expose themselves to blackmail and they only have themselves to blame.

    • Indeed, UPND has decampained itself from thuggery to an upright governance system for better and democratic Zambia. It is then a positive move can only pray for the party to successfully and permanently dissociate itself forever. Any rightful minded person will follow where ever UPND will go just for the sake running away from this thuggery governance system (Dictatorial leader with thuggery governance system)

  9. Lungu is not panicking the tribal party and its supporters are panicking! Soon, we shall know the hooligans!

    • Go back to where you came from. Leave Zambians alone to live in peace. It is only non-Zambians like yourself that can praise wrong activity among the peace-loving people like Zambians

  10. Your Excellency all well meaning Zambians will support you waveringly. Adamson Mushala rose during KK’s era and caused havoc, it was but a short time. The people of Zambia need to condemn these barbaric and desperate actions by people with derailed thinking. This cannot be democracy. If people promised their financiers heaven in copper mining in Zambia, they should just swallow their pride and tell them sorry the people of Zambia were not consulted and decided otherwise. Surely the terrorists will be brought to book sooner than later.

  11. Lungu is following the footsteps of his Mentor,Robert Mugabe. In year 2000 Mugabe told IMF and the West to go to Hell. Right now Mugabe is kneeling b4 IMF and other Financial Institutions begging for a Cash Bailout but to no avail. The Zimbabwe Economy is ruined and what was a Bread Basket is now a Basket Case. Lungu is doing to the Zambian Economy what Mugabe did to the Zimbabwean Economy. Without IMF Loan, Western Donor AID and other Financial Assistance the Zambian Economy will definitely collapse and the imploding Economy will engulf Lungu and his Economic Illiterate Advisers. By the end of this year the Kwacha will devalue and prices of goods and services will skyrocket and Zambians will suffer with Dictator and Sadist Lungu at the Helm.

  12. People don’t worry, every dog has its own day. This Pf empire will soon crumble.
    We all know Lungu has been living on borrowed time. It’s getting closer!

  13. When one is dealing with die hard tribalists who are camped in upnd,only the steps taken by H.E.Edgar Lungu can do or else the whole Zambia maybe burnt by HH’s supporters!!
    PRESIDENT ECL,PLEASE TAKE NOTE THAT ALL WELL MEANING ZAMBIANS ARE BEHIND!!!only cuundu chaitwa (upnd) followers are complaining as usual but we must ignore them because they will never appreciate anything done by PF Govnt!!
    OUR MEN IN UNIFORM SHOULD UP THEIR GAME TO ENSURE THAT HH AND HIS SUPPORTERS ARE CAGED!!as for HH himself,lock him in chimbokaila or mukobeko then throw the keys into Indian ocean as we do not him in society again!!ZAMBIAN PEACE OR SECURITY IS MORE VITAL THAN THE LIFE OR FREEDOM OF ONE EVIL PERSON HH!!

  14. He has awoken from his slumber and airport tarmac statements to hold a press conference at last. ONLY in a threatened state of emergency situation.
    The only people creating unnecessary panic and tension are those accusing the opposition of being behind the criminal acts without waiting for proper investigations. In any case, whether its a PF or UPND individual or individuals involved does not necessarily mean they have the blessing of the party. They may be acting on their own. Baseless paranoia by people who only react as opposed to actually thinking and working, is what will be the unmaking of the country. Lungu’s statements are dangerous. They serve no one but his own ego and survival instinct. He is paranoid instead of exhibiting soberness and allowing clarity to be sought.

  15. President should speak tough. Yes this is what everyone has been waiting for. Be lethal and firm while upholding democratic tenents. People took you for a ride for too long in the name democracy and human rights which they decompaigned last year. Treason hearing is suspended for those of you who don’t know. HH has now finished taking rounds on all his core accused. Throw in some more to help mutintas marital responsibilities.

  16. Thank you ,Mr President.Those who are on the other side of the law are the worst critics – sort and smoke them out.Am not in panicked mode because am law abiding.My life is normal,and I see it that way in time to come,especially with the proclamation. Mr President,I now feel safer than before.Thumbs up.

  17. PF never seem to realize or care about the negative impact this SOE is already having on our economy. Any form of UNCERTAINTY in the country is poison for the economy:
    1. The Tourism industry and the hospitality business is the first casualty. With almost 100% cancellations of planned visits and loss of business we should not panic? We are chasing tourists to other countries? Expect more job losses.
    2. With restrictions on cash transactions, how do SMEs graduate to MSE or larger companies where transactions get larger. We should not panic?
    3. What happens to movement of goods and services in view of the curfew? What will be the impact of this decision on movement of Copper concentrates and Copper cathodes in view of further restrictions on transit times?
    4. ZRA fell short in Tax…

  18. 4. ZRA fell short in Tax collection first half this year. An SOE is definitely a big blow to business because the uncertainty it brings. Have we made projections on the impact on revenue?
    5. What shall be the number of work hours every week in order to accommodate the curfew?
    A lot of economic questions remain unanswered. Why are we shooting ourselves in the foot like this?

  19. These evil up and downs will be punished by God one day. It’s like the devil is using them to ensure that come 2021,no Zambian worth the name can vote for these thugs. They will forever remain in opposition !

  20. Burning the entire house just to kill a rat! Shameful! City market was a disaster waiting to happen! Comrades, Stop bearing false witness against innocent citizens! The Law God wrote with His own finger forbids falsehoods! Let’s be factual! Can the investigation report be published as to the root cause of Soweto fires. What the Lusaka City Council revealed explains the possible cause – subdivision of shops and illegal electricity connections – short circuits especially that the time of onset of the fire coincides with the time of switching on of lights! Sha!

    • These chaps claim to be Christians but inward, they are terrible Wolves in Sheep clothing. They are blinded by their hatred for UPND because they know UPND does not tolerate corruption. The PF corruption in the name of infrastructure development is unprecedented. In order to feel safe, they have resorted to state capture. A good example of state capture is what Mugabe has done to Zimbabwe. Blind supporters of Chagwa don’t see these machinations on account of being blinded by irrational hate! Wait for reality to dawn.

  21. For now this is the only way to go. Those condemning the president for this action have no heart for this nation. Those still insulting the president when he is trying to sort out a problem that is affecting people regardless of political affiliation, you are only indicating that you may have something to do with the same problems at hand. Even if you hate your neighbour if they are mourning you go to help them thats being human. The comments of hate by some UPND supporters here contradicts the call of peace by HH in his Unity & Heroes day message. Does it mean he is not respected too? We have one Zambia and it should not be sacrificed on political aspirations. God bless Zambia and protect this nation from blood thirst people.

  22. First it was solders in the township…..then panga fights……now its this? who is running this country? whats going on…..the lawlessness is just too much! the politicians brought all this upon us….

  23. Tyrants always look for every excuse to unleash the animal instincts that comes to them naturally. Lungu is tredding the path of Museveni …very fast.

  24. The UPNDonkeys are now in disarray, some are not supportive of the arsonist crusade especially after the anger and disappointment shown by Zambia citizens against the arson acts of UPNDonkeys. It was clearly a huge miscalculation by the donkeys, yet again, who thought that people would rise against the government. I think it won’t be long before we see UPNDonkey party break apart.

    • By the way, did you know that PF means party fool. Is better to be a donkey than being a fool because the outward behavior of a fool is thuggery while a donkey is obedient to normal life.

  25. Power has gone to the head of this man, we don’t want MUGABE politics in Zambia. We don’t need ques of essential commodities to come back. Zambians…….what has happened ? we are not going to let the situation become a suppression of the masses!!!!!!

    • Really laughable..what happened you ask? You forget your countrymen and women are docile…they only time the complain is when DSTV and Zambia Breweries increase prices or why the match is not being shown on ZNBC.

  26. Good move Mr president sir, every right minded Zambian is behind you. Can’t wait to see a long list of these devilish minions brought to book.

  27. One thing for sure is that it’s definitely the opposition behind this fires, that cannot be disputed,

  28. He refused to admit there is tension in the country but imposed state of emergency….
    what a load of contradictions!
    Only God help us with such leaders

  29. KK tried this same behavior of antagonising the IMF & World Bank and the consequences were dire, they are what actually collapsed the economy and forced Mr Kaunda out of power. Power must have gotten to Lungu’s head to tempt fate so blatantly, he might not come out of this wreck less political and economic malaise unscathed, he could end up like Kabila or Gaddafy.

  30. Bane we have a mentally sick dictator in Zambia. This is a f00l of a president. His party might have caused fires and blames it on the opposition. At least he should have waited for the fire investigations or called for private investigators before opening his sticky mouth to accuse the opposition and to warn IMF and the investors to go. This mans ending will be bad because he has stup1d advisors. He will fall like his name.

  31. You #Terrible I would rather keep a donkey than PF monkeys. The same monkeys who urinated on RB have done the same on Changwa and soon you monkeys will be assigned to the zoo where you belong. Wait until your Zambian women start to cross over to neibouring countries as prostitues if Lungu’s behaviour is not controlled.

  32. What I find remarkable is that all opposition parties, with the notable exception of the UPND, have issued statements sadness about the fires and the downing of electricity pylons. Can the fanatical UPND bloggers explain why the UPND is so quiet on these matters?

  33. What I find remarkable is that all opposition parties, with the notable exception of the UPND, have issued statements expressing sadness about the fires and the downing of electricity pylons. Can the fanatical UPND bloggers explain why the UPND is so quiet on these matters?

  34. This is the right direction for Zambia. Power share? With the criminals refusing democratic processes? Just button down and let’s get order back in place.

    I hope this is not fake news!

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