Saturday, July 27, 2024

NGOCC calls for axing of a teacher caught having carnal knowledge of a pupil


Non-Governmental Organizations’ Coordinating Council (NGOCC) Executive Director Engwase Mwale has called on relevant authority to immediately dismiss the Kasama Teacher who was caught red handed having carnal knowledge of a pupil at St. Theresa Girls Secondary School.

In a statement made available to pan African Radio, Ms. Mwale said the conduct of the teacher is a clear indication that he is a danger to the girl children especially those in boarding Schools.

She said it is unacceptable and unprofessional for a teacher to take advantage of the vulnerability of a pupil to abuse her in such a manner.

And Ms. Mwale noted that the Kasama case could only be a tip of a deeper and far reaching challenge in girls’ schools.

Ms. Mwale has since appealed to the Government, through the Ministry of Education, to put in place stringent measures to safeguard the girl child in most of the schools, especially in some boarding facilities with inadequate monitoring and protection mechanisms.

Ms. Mwale further appealed to the Police to investigate the matter given that the named teacher started abusing the girl at a time she was still a minor.

“Relevant authority should immediately dismiss the Kasama Teacher that was caught red handed having carnal knowledge of a pupil at St. Theresa Girls Secondary School” Ms. Mwale said


    • It baffles me why the school decided to expell the girl instead of rehabilitating her because it’s clear that she was taken advantage of by the teacher.

  1. Can the evidence be posted here so that we see what pf monkeys get up to. Lungu pardoned Clifford zimba aka General kanini for child molestation. Meaning lungu has allowed a defiler back into society and in touch with kids. Lungu promotes this behaviour and has also been known to cleanse himself using young women as he is hiv positive.

  2. Can the evidence be posted here so that we see what pf monkeys get up to. Lungu pardoned Clifford zimba aka General kanebe for child molestation. Meaning lungu has allowed a defiler back into society and in touch with kids. Lungu promotes this behaviour and has also been known to cleanse himself using young women as he is hiv positive.

  3. Is there any plausable reason why the student, who is the victim, be expelled for being sexually assaulted by a person in a position of trust? The conduct of the teacher is not only immoral and unprpfessional but criminal as well, He needs to be apprehended , tried and sent to jail asap. Those who decided to expell the student must be investigated and charged with aidind and abaiting, conspiracy and collusion to commit a morally decript felony on a minor. This is as sick as it gets.

  4. The problem is with women’s organisations and ngos.These institutions are ‘chewing’ donor funding for nothing.They should go to that school.Get the address of the victim.Counsel her and fix that teacher.Let them hire me I can have him prosecuted.

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