Saturday, July 27, 2024

African countries to collaborate to foster science and technological advancement-President Lungu


Egypt's Sisi during a reception ceremony to his Zambian counterpart Edgar Lungu in Cairo (Photo-Ahram)
Egypt’s Sisi during a reception ceremony to his Zambian counterpart Edgar Lungu in Cairo (Photo-Ahram)
President Edgar Lungu says African countries should begin to collaborate in fostering science and technological advancement on the continent.

President Lungu said this in Cairo, Egypt today shortly after touring the Arab Organisation for Industralisation.

President Lungu said most African countries look beyond their regions for technology advancement yet there are African countries like Egypt with advanced technology.

He said integration in Africa should not only end at political level in maintaining peace on the continent but African technocrats in science and technology should begin to meet and push the science advancement agenda.

And Arab Organisation for Industralisation manger Abdel Azizi Sef Aldin said the organisation is a model for military involvement in development.

Mr Sef Aldin said the organisation produced a number technological produce raging from military to civilian goods

And Zambia and Egypt have signed four memoranda of understandings in the fields of tourism, health, youth and sports, agriculture and politics.

And speaking after witnessing the signing ceremony, President Edgar Lungu said the agreements will enhance closer economic and social ties between the two countries.

President Lungu said he is looking forward to the implementation of the agreed areas of bilateral corporation.

The President urged more Egyptian companies to invest in Zambia especially in the agriculture sector.

Meanwhile President Lungu said Zambia will continue to support efforts aimed at fostering development, peace and prosperity on the African continent.

The head of state said Zambia applauds the role Egypt plays in maintaining peace and stability in African.

And Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El Sis said Egypt is looking forward to cooperating more with Zambia in order to unlock the full potential of the two nations.

President El Sisi said Egypt is committed to providing technical support in the field of medical care.

President Lungu is in Cairo, Egypt for a three day state visit at the invitation of his Egyptian counterpart President Abdel Fattah El Sisi.


  1. If all thse countries with advanced technology are investing in our agriculture and they are given minimum five year tax relief and tax free importation of capital equipment, tractors, planters harvesters etc, how are we as a nation benefitting,
    Advanced technology minimises labour. So thse investors make money in zambia, pay no tax, use minimal labour, charge zambians for the produce then send the profits back to their countries or to tax havens.
    Arent we better investing in our own pipo,

    • Zambians lack the business acumen to succeed in the 21st century.
      The houseboy, gardenboy and truckboy mentality is pervasive. Zambians should concentrate on what they do best….PROVIDING CHEAP LABOUR. They do that adeptly here in Manchester, Luton and London.

  2. As if Egyptians identify themselves as Africans! They have more ties with the Arab nations in terms of economy and terrorist tendencies . Lungu should just attach himself to sub Saharan Africans with whom he has common culture.

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