Saturday, July 27, 2024

Vice president Inonge Wina not pleased with stalled project in Western province


Vice President Inonge Wina (r) confers with Western Province Minister Nathaniel Mubukwanu (l) on arrival at Mongu Airport for a two-day working visit to inspect government developmental projects in the province
Vice President Inonge Wina (r) confers with Western Province Minister Nathaniel Mubukwanu (l) on arrival at Mongu Airport for a two-day working visit to inspect government developmental projects in the province

The construction of the 2.6-million-kwacha Veterinary laboratory in Mongu has stalled. This is because the funds which were released by the Ministry of Livestock for the project to be completed did not go to the provincial administration in Western province but were used by the Ministry on other projects.

Western province minister Nathaniel Mubukwanu disclosed this to Vice president Inonge Wina when she inspected the facility in Mongu. Mr. Mubukwanu said the construction of the lab, which started in 2012 should have been completed by 2016.

And the Vice president was not pleased that works on the lab have stalled, saying government will do everything possible to ensure works resume.

Mrs. Wina said the Mongu Veterinary laboratory is of importance to government because the province is a cattle-producing area, adding that government wants to enhance the production of livestock.

She said government is decentralising livestock services not only in Western, but all the provinces in the country to respond to outbreaks of livestock diseases.

The vice president says there is therefore need to expedite the completion of the lab.


  1. a simple visit to your homeland…… when did you know that the project had stalled? This is a Ministry of Livestock project not Western Provincial Administration. Ministry of Livestock are better placed to undertake the project to its completion as they have expertise

    • but were used by the Ministry on other projects.

      You meant pocketed.

      2012 till 2018 for a veterinary lab? 6 YEARS? this is SHAMEFUL

  2. Doesn’t this Old Hen Bo Inonge know that there is no money…she was one time acting National Planning Minster and she never issued any statement just getting allowances.

  3. That is why as leaders in the govt need to inspect projects if you dont act as foreman things cannot just work , there are some public officers who dont mind about what you are doing as govt .
    Better visit your works if not you lose the trust from people and all blame is on the head.

  4. This is very shameful for Government to discover now that this project has stalled which was supposed to be completed in 2016!

  5. I wonder what they really mean when they say “Zambia is developing and we are shaming our critics”, most of these projects have stalled, was it in Muchinga where ECL found stalled projects and castigated Kampyongo? somehow you feel this is all facade, play disappointed when deep down you knew even before to traveled there.

  6. Money meant to be used for the project was used for other things . Sounds very disorganised to do that in a country where a President tells people that ,’u ubomba mwibala alya mwibala.’

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