Saturday, July 27, 2024

India’s First Lady donates K10, 000 to ZAMISE


First Lady Esther Lungu with India’s First Lady Savita Kovind during a tour of the Zambia Institute of Special Education (ZAMISE) in Lusaka on Wednesday, April 11,2018-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA

Indian First Lady, Savita Kovind who made a donation of K10000 when she visited Zambia Institute of Special Education (ZAMISE) in the company of first Lady Esther Lungu.

The Indian first Lady said said she is impressed with the school.

And First Lady Esther Lungu said children with special needs need to be shown care and love like any other children in society.

The First Lady noted that children with special needs also have the right to proper education and social life.

The First Lady said she has the passion to see that children with special needs are appreciated hence, she is happy to see that schools such as ZAMISE have taken up such responsibility.

Earlier, ZAMISE Principle Grace Mulenga indicated that the school is committed to empowering children with special needs with quality education to enable them lead independent lives.


  1. Where did she get kwachas from?
    Ester Lungu donates 10,000 rupees in India.
    I loose dignity I gave that family.

    • Is that a joke! Thats $1000. Why not can give it to her country’s poor in Bombay. Build them toilets!

    • $1,000 to be news? LT have respect for Zambians. These Indians are so stingy it’s embarrassing how we love silly donations.

    • It’s a donation. If a giver becomes a culprit it is not because his gift is too small but because the expectations of the recipient are too high and that’s where the problem lies. You dig?

    • Kukonda va mahara… and how much have you given to the millions of needy people in India yourself if I may ask?

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