Saturday, July 27, 2024

Lungu praises Zambia – Angola relation


President Edgar Chagwa Lungu (centre right) and his visiting Angolan counterpart Joao Manuel Concalves Lourenco (second left) witnesses as Minister of Home Affairs Stephen Kampyongo (right) and Angolan Minister for Interior Angelo De Baross Veiga Tavares signs a visa exemption agreement for ordinary passport holders of both countries for official or private business at State House in Lusaka on Wednesday,May 2,2018. PICTURE BY SALIM HENRY/STATE HOUSE ©2018

President Edgar Lungu has called for strengthening of ties between Zambia and Angola in order to foster development for both countries that will benefit the two peoples.

President Lungu notes that the relations between the two countries have been cordial dating back to Angola’s liberation struggle.

ZANIS reports that President Lungu made these remarks this afternoon at Sate House when he held bilateral talks with the visiting Angolan President Joao Lourenco.

The President affirmed that Zambia values the cordial relationship that exist between the two countries further commending Angola for its growing democracy and the successful hosting of that country’s elections.

President Lungu also stated that the two day state visit by the Angolan President is meant to share mutual relations between Zambia and Angola.

And the Angolan President Joao Lorenco said his visit is a sign of the important bond and friendship that exist between Zambia and Angola.

President Lorenco said Angola values the role Zambia played in its liberation struggle and further commended the first republican President Kenneth Kaunda for his role in the liberation of Angola.

He commended Zambia for having opened its doors to not only Angola but other countries in the SADC region.

Meanwhile, Zambia and Angola have signed five Bilateral Agreements in various sectors to enhance the development cooperation between the two countries.

Minister of Home Affairs Steven Kampyongo and Angola’s Minister for Interior Affairs Angelo Tavares signed an agreement for the Visa exemption for ordinary passports to allow nationals to enter either territory.

The Ministers also signed a reciprocal visa exemption on diplomatic and official passports.

The two ministers also signed an agreement in establishing cooperation of security and public order to fight crimes, terrorism and money laundering among others.

And Minister of Finance Margret Mwanakatwe and Angola minister of external relations Manuel Augusto signed an agreement to provide mutual assistance in customs administration in order to prevent, investigate and suppress customs offences.

At the same event, Minister of Agricultural Michael Katambo and Angolan Minister for external relations Manuel Augusto signed a protocol for cooperation aimed at establishing and strengthening bilateral relations in the agricultural sector between the two countries.

The Protocol seeks to enhance cooperation in agro production, agro research, and farm block development, research in livestock production, animal health and tran- boarder diseases control.


  1. Angolan Minister for Interior Angelo De Baross Veiga Tavares….these folks have no pride at all in their African roots.

    • You also have names like Edgar, Fred, Michael, Kenneth, Cosmos, Richard Mckenzie and you are busy looking at the specks in Angolans’ eyes. Why should an African president call himself Edgar?

    • @Enka…you still have English names in Zambia too. So you’re not any better. Here are English names of ALL your Heads of State: (David Kenneth) Kaunda (Frederick Jacob Titus) Chiluba, (Levy) Mwanawasa, (Michael) Sata, (Edgar) Lungu. Stop being hypocritical.

  2. Surely I dont get it …what’s the point of sitting there and witnessing ministers sign Bilateral Agreements, even the point of going to the airport; why not delegate this to the Minister of Foreign Affairs or Veep!!

  3. I support every good idea; Lungu; don’t waste money building a railway line to Chipata and Mozambique; build oil pipe line and get oil from Angola;

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