Thursday, January 16, 2025

Zambian MPs visit to Kenya to learn how to fight corruption stuns Kenyans


Zambia MPs
Zambia MPs

Kenyans on Twitter are reacting to a story in one of the main newspapers that a group of Zambian lawmakers are in the country to get tips on how to fight corruption.

The report says eight Zambian lawmakers from the committee on Privileges, Absences and Support Services visited Ethics and Anti Corruption Commission (EACC) commissioners at Integrity Centre in Nairobi to learn how the agency has been spearheading the war on graft.

The Commission has been constantly criticised for going after “small fish” and ignoring the elites who perpetrate the biggest scams.

An EACC official, Mwaniki Gachoka, is quoted as saying, “We are sharing experiences on fighting corruption and promoting ethics.”

“This is a study tour by our colleagues from the Zambian National Assembly. We are sharing experiences on fighting corruption and promoting ethics,” EACC commissioner Mwaniki Gachoka said.

“We are fighting corruption through many strategies. One of the is law enforcement – investigating cases and recommending them to the DPP.”

Zambian MP Garry Nkombo, who is leading the delegation, said they were studying best practices in managing corruption in governance.

Mr. Nkombo said they will also share their experiences and the problems they have encountered in the fight against the vice and processes in whistle-blowing and prosecution of suspects.

“We recognise the fact that corruption does exist and want to learn how Kenya has been dealing with it. It is generally agreed that corruption cannot be fought with kids’ gloves,” Mr. Nkombo said.

Transparency International lists Zambia as having a lower corruption score in the public sector compared to Kenya.

Kenyan media has been awash with reports of corruption in the government, one the latest being the alleged theft of 8bn Kenyan shillings ($78m; £59m) from an agency set up to deal with youth unemployment.

At least 40 civil servants have pleaded not guilty for their role in the corruption scandal.

A data visualization site recently tweeted a video montage of 40 corruption scandals reported in local media since 2013.

President Uhuru Kenyatta has warned that nobody who is found guilty will go unpunished while the Judiciary has asked agencies and investigators to provide evidence sufficient for convictions.


  1. You either have the will & morals NOT to engage in corruption.
    Going abroad will not knock the corruption out of a corrupt mind /individual, especially when corruption is endorsed from Nkwazi House -Plot 1.

    • What we are saying here is that.

      There is no corruption in this Government and this is merely to tighten up our already learned skills that has been fighting corruption.

      Give me any evidence there has been corruption in Zambia.

      None whatsoever

      I hold a PhD



    • But PF now this is playing games…uku kwena kubuta….this is wasting tax payers money which is also corruption…whoever came up with the idea is very corrupt

    • Tweets from Kenya!
      “Zambian MPs visiting Kenya is not only comical but makes you wonder how corrupt Zambia is”

    • Too many clowns everywhere. The only problem about the Zambian circus is that it is not entertaining. Sh!thole country.

    • Ba reporter nabo! you say the kenyans took to tweeter, but fail to simply quote a single tweet. smh! Y’all need to go back to school

    • If the marrow of the bone is corrupted, no amount of window dressing or fancy workshops will bring about a change of behavior.

      Corruption is so deeply embedded in Zambian systems, we simply do not even recognise how deep the crap goes. We even fool ourselves that a workshop in Kenya will cure the rot. Part of the solution is to know this. The declaration of fimo fimo is a denial of our corrupt status and should be abandoned forthwith, ASAP, now now.

      Secondly, as long as GRZ remains the largest employer in the country, we are going nowhere. GRZ, in an unholy union with banksters has unfortunately and unknowingly been strangling and suffocating private sector growth with high lending interest rates fuel by a visionless leadership that is hell bent on borrowing as a primary growth…

    • You don’t need to go to Nairobi and sleep in 5 star hotels 5 star Breakfast, lunch and dinner to learn how to fight corruption you simply need to sort out governance issues in National Assembly so long as the ACC Director is hand picked by the President and reports to the President of the day you will never move forward…

    • Mushota,
      why are you wondering that your ‘comment’ was down-voted so badly?

      Easy answer: Since you are hiding in Scotland (or wherever), you obviously don’t see what Zambians in Zambia see and experience on a daily basis; but then, of course, they hold no PhD which empowers them to do some abstract thinking…

  2. Wow , that’s like a Kachasu drunkard going to ask a chubuku drunkard how to manage living without alcohol abuse.Maybe Tz or Botswana woulda been better choices

    • Katondo boys learned how to become conman from Kenyan criminals, now Zambian MPs have gone to learn more on how to become first class conmen

    • When I tell people that UPND MPs are busy fooools this is what I mean not only is it laughable going to Kenya it is tantamount to corruption as these MPs will be paid for this in allowances…surely what can you learn from the biggest criminals in the business I mean Kenya is country where even politicians loot funds for a primary school and get away with it.

  3. You can’t learn like that.As an intellectual myself these jerks of MPS just needs to do a training in anti-bribery and code of conduct which I can teach them myself.Already its corruption by going to Kenya coz its just about adventure.The only place you can to learn about corruption fight is “heaven” i.e. if its exits.

  4. stop insulting Lungu, the leader of the delegation is UPND Mr Nkombo, so am sure they chose Kenya themselves.


  5. Was this trip about receiving per diem allowances or what? Learning to fight corruption from Kenyans – really??? Do our MPs read foreign newspapers?

    • They do not understand English. Just look at our laws from 2011 to date. Written by crooks, approved by illiterate for use by “learned” crooks

    • No they don’t, Kenyan corruption is among the worst in the world.I lived there for many years. When my friend from Kenya sent me an article in the Kenyan press, my answer was,”Is this a joke?”

  6. Wisdom is going to learn how to fight corruption from a nation with higher corruption levels than ours…..yaba.

    • You seem to be wiser than many. From ordinary mathematics to Addma, from ordinary sciences to pure sciences: then you become a champion.

  7. kikikiki, what is surprising is Mr Kombo is leading the delegation!! i expect him to be the one advising his friends! so u all went to kenya jst to leran how to stop abusing ur authorities and offices, coz i believe thats how corruption starts! the favours one can give due to the nature of office they hold in exchange with other valuable materials or money! the punishment for those convicted on corruption offences should be so big that others learn to desist from such practices

  8. Misguided like going to North Korea or Saudi Arabia to learn about human rights .Zambia sure is no saint but it scores better than Kenya on graft.

    • Really laughable …they will soon be heading to Turkey, Syria, Saudi Arabia to learn how to uphold human rights and they will also stay longer in Saudi Arabia to learn how to protect rights of a girl child whilst staying in 7 star hotel in Riyadh.

  9. As long as we remain a poverty-stricken country no corruption fight will ever be won.If it was the President or his Ministers who had gone to Kenya for the same purpose the likes of Garry Nkombo could have raised their voices the loudest condemning him.Muleichushafye.You are just wasting taxpayers money. Be rich and prosperous like Norway, Sweden and Finland. You have got all the resources at your disposal. Shame on you Zambia!

  10. Even a grade 1 can tell you how not to be corrupt – why go all the way to Kenya. Why not ask Zambians what you can do in order not to be corrupt – WE WILL TELL YOU – and the answer is simple – STOP STEALING !

  11. Why not just refer to Mwanawasa’s tenure 2001 to 2008. you will see how corruption was down sized. The Zambian economy boosted and the dollar rate was trading at K3 to $1 dollar.

    • vubwi
      What are you trying to say?Yes the price of copper had gone up just like now,the difference is that under Mwanawasa when the price of copper went up the whole econom y received a boast,today the copper prices are high but the effect cant be felt.

    • In fact if Mwanawasa stayed longer he would have enacted a windfall tax BUT the powers who had vested interest in copper were not going to let him see his dream become a reality

  12. So upnd mps have been admiring when the president travels to go & get investment for the country, now they also decided to travel, corruptly

  13. Only validates that Zambian MPs are less informed and wasting taxpayers money. Do these chaos even take time to read and do simple research before making such embarrassing moves. It baffles me that this is the type of leadership we have remained with, the leadership that thinks only of allowances and them bellies. These are just selfish trips that will never be fruitful, where are the ethics and integrity in these so called Honorable fimofimo?

    • And the govt wants IMF bailout, which lending institution can lend money to this bunch of these dotards.

  14. STUPIDITY AT ITS BEST….leadrship crisis, how do you to kenya to just learn on how to curb corruption? It just means that our system is rotten to the core.

  15. This is sheer nonsense of the highest degree. Laws and regulations are there for a reason, if you follow them you will rid yourselves of corruption and not to fly thousands of miles at the expense of tax payers money to go and learn from another corrupt nation. Botswana is just in the backyard, would have made more sense. Who authorised this tour of nonsense?

    • he is an MP hence he participates in parliamentary activities, despite me not agreeing with these kind of activities

  16. @mushota, you make me to wonder what you are doing where you are, are you not just in a mental hospital?

    • Zo -ona!!
      Ati, I have a P.H.D.
      Question is P.H.D in what, with such shallow reasoning capabilities?
      P.H.D, in Leg opening in the mental institution??

  17. This is a very good move. The saying goes “SET A THIEF TO CATCH A THIEF” – most people do not understand this proverb. A thief will know most of the tricks that his fellow thieves use hence he is the right person to consult when you want to apprehend another thief.
    Kenya has a very neutral and strong justice system and that is how they managed to overturn the presidential election result against incumbent president Kenyatta. Zambian MPs will learn the struggles Kenya is going through and learn from their few successes and many failures.

    • (cont…)

  18. How do u learn how to curb corruption from corrupt people, if these people went to Tanzania to learn from John Pombe Magufuli it could have made sense. What they did is like going to king mswati to learn how to have one wife!!!!

  19. Utter nonsense!! Just making allowances for themselves. Who approved that trip? There is no rational reasoning behind the whole episode. That’s corruption in itself. They need to be arrested from the airport as they return home.

  20. Without insulting our brothers and sisters in Kenya, let us deal with our own delegation! What have they done about the FIC report? The presence of opposition MPs shows you that we have the most useless opposition in the history of this country whose interest is only Money!

  21. This is disappointing, we have Tanzania, Botswana and Namibia that we can learn from, Kenya will induct the MPs in the opposite direction. Who says Kenya is a champion in this area? If this was about tourism, then it qualifies. The MPs have gone for a holiday

  22. Anonymous writes that this waste of tax payers money to travel to Kenya to understudy is corruption in itself. I fully concur with that assertion. If these so called honourable MPs were serious with their oversight duties, they would have called the heads of the Anti-Corruption Commision (ACC Hopefully it has not become CC) and the police Inspector General to account to them on the actions being taken in view of the FIC report.

    The contents and the statements from the FIC staff is a serious indictment on the Zambian leadership. The President in particular has of late stated that we need to fight this scourge of corruption, but when provided with irrefutable and actionable evidence , he has gone quite. He has no guts to even stop some PF cadres and his minions from casting negative…

  23. Go and see John Pombe,the best performing President on Africa.You will learn a lot.He is a bulldozer.Just look at how the country Tanzania is performing.Men of action and not the so called “walk the talk who embrace corruption day and night”

  24. It takes a thief to catch a thief. Lets learn from thieves and so we can come home and catch the thieves

  25. .. aspersion on the integrity of FIC and its Staff.

    As for Garry Nkombo and his gang, please come back home. You guys have become the joke of the month on social media for the love of travelling allowances ,photo shots and a lack of common sense and intellect . Shame!

  26. They all look tired and frustrated from the perpetual loses they have been subjected to by Akainde. You cant pick Kenya as a case study for such a subject, you are horribly disappointing.

  27. Botswana is right next Door. The Sesheke MP could have taken a Pontoon to Kazungula, and learnt how the Tswanas do it.

  28. When it comes to allowances, the UPND are first on the queue. The only Bill they unanimously support in parley is that of an upward adjustment of emoluments

  29. Kenya is more corrupt than Zambia. Go to Tanzania if you want to learn about good governance and accountability.

  30. Here are some comments from the Kenyan STAR newspaper;

    “Wonders will never cease! If these guys are surely serious then why come to hyenas to learn on how to take care of sheep? As a Kenyan, I’m yet to “see” how these guys have ever fought corruption if not being in bed with this vice.”

    “A Zambian parliamentary delegation is in Kenya to learn how to effectively fight corruption???… biggest joke of the week,…. are missing something to keep us engaged? Perhaps they are in the right place, we need to teach them a few tricks… they want to set up an NYS, and a cereals board for starters- we should teach them how to fleece their institutions with no sweat at all…”

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