Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zambia performing well in environmental protection- Molapetsi


PERMANENT Secretary in the Ministry of Water Development, Sanitation and Environmental Development, Dr. Edward Chomba speaking at Strategic Approach to International Chemical Management High Level meeting in Stockholm on 12th March, 2018
PERMANENT Secretary in the Ministry of Water Development, Sanitation and Environmental Development, Dr. Edward Chomba speaking at Strategic Approach to International Chemical Management High Level meeting in Stockholm on 12th March, 2018

Water Development, Sanitation and Environmental Protection Permanent Secretary (PS) Edward Chomba says government is making significant progress in the sound management of chemicals.

Dr. Chomba says government supports the operations of the Integrated Health and Environment Observatory, Legal and Institutional strengthening for the Sound Management of Chemicals in Africa.

The PS said this when he officiated at the CHEMOBS workshop in Lusaka today.

Dr. Chomba stated that the main goal of the project is to contribute to improved health and environmental strategies through strengthening national and regional institutions.
He disclosed that his ministry is implementing the Project with the Ministry of Health with supervision from Zambia Environmental Management Agency with other stakeholders to support and execute the project.

And speaking at the same function Africa Institute for the Environmentally Sound Management of Hazardous Wastes Executive Director Joseph Molapetsi said the Institute is proud of what Zambia has achieved in environmental protection.

Dr. Molapetsi said Zambia was one of the first countries in Africa to ratify the CHEMOBS Project and the Sub –Sahara region would take a
leaf from Zambia and how she is executing the CHEMOBS Project.


  1. Doing well on what ? Haven’t these people seen mukula tree over harvesting ,the use of pit latrines and the filthy pollution that brought widespread cholera?

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