Sunday, February 9, 2025

Public Service Commission has expresses disappointment with civil servants’ poor work culture


MOTHERS waiting to have their under five children weighed at Kaoma District Hospital last week
MOTHERS waiting to have their under five children weighed at Kaoma
District Hospital

The Public Service Commission has expressed its disappointment at the poor work culture exhibited at Kaoma District Hospital in Western province.Deputy Commission chairperson Hillary Chipango has for this reason called for immediate disciplinary action against erring health personnel at the institution.

ZANIS reports that Commissioner Chipango accompanied by his counterpart from Teaching Service Commission chairperson Stanley Mhango discovered this during an impromptu visit to the health institution.Speaking in an interview after the tour, Mr. Chipango noted that in addition the Health facility was understaffed as opposed to records from the ministry of health.

When the Deputy Commission chairperson and his team arrived at the Hospital, he was shocked to find queues of patients attended to by one health official as other members of staff had not reported for duty.

Mr Chipango warned that his Commissions would take stern action against erring officers that would be found wanting as bad attitudes towards work in the civil service put the name of the President in ridicule.He further stated that the Commission would not hesitate but dismiss undisciplined officers.

The Deputy Commission chairperson and his team is in Kaoma District to meet civil servants and to listen to matters arising in the District.


  1. Oh ths is not news. What about stolen government money by big bwanas and low wages for civil servants. You et what you sow.
    A clever government cannot ask for more than what it deserves. Poor wages = poor service kwasila.

  2. When you compare Zambia’s civil service to other countries and why things are not working for Zambia, it is because in Zambia the following are the problems:
    1. Political Interference where unqualified cadres are made to supervise professionals!
    2. Lack of Diversity. This Zambians only make up is a recipe for failure. Infuse Expatriates in the system and you will have internal controls.
    3. Over employment stretching already meagre government resources. Maintaining a lean Civil Service increases efficiency and there will be enough money to motivate the workers!
    4. Old timers don’t want to go and the well qualified younger ones get frustrated and leave!
    4. Civil service is not supposed to be the major employer. The Private sector should be the major employer and Government policies…

  3. 5. Civil service is not supposed to be the major employer. The Private sector should be the major employer and Government policies can make or break the private sector! The major killer for the Private sector is Prohibitive and Oppressive Tax regime!

  4. The Public Service Commission should express its disappointment at the poor work culture exhibited by State House and Lungu in particular. Stop throwing innocent people under the bus when you know who brought this hopeless work culture. Start at the top. State House.

  5. The public service commission is a waste of time. When Chiluba was taking power from Kaunda he cried about how lazy, bloated and useless civil service was. This commission was aware of his justified cry. It’s 27 years later and this is when the commission is making noise about a hospital. It’s the entire Civil service that is rotten and it needs to be fixed. Do your job you undeserving commission

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