Saturday, July 27, 2024

Mutati happy with investments in Central Province


Works and Supply Minister Felix Mutati
Works and Supply Minister Felix Mutati

Minister of Works and Supply, Felix Mutati says the Central Province Investment Forum and Expo will be unique because the region has practical investments that can be used as a platform for expansion.

Mr Mutati said the province has got people who are experienced, forward-looking and with the vision and capability to share what it means to persevere through investments.

The Minister was speaking when Central Province Permanent Secretary (PS), Chanda Kabwe, led him to tour Wangwa Farm Zambia Limited in Chibombo District last weekend.

He said Wangwa Farm has a unique confluence that integrates passion and also focuses on value addition where everything produced on the farm is turned into value including pig waste.

Mr. Mutati advised that the farm should be used as an investment platform during the forthcoming expo to show that the province is not starting from a scratch but already has practical investments.

He noted that Wangwa Farm is reminiscent of the expo itself and emphasized that the doors of government are always open to any investor.

And Wangwa Farm Zambia Limited Managing Director, Peter Luyt, said the expo is a fantastic opportunity for investors to invest in Zambia especially Central Province in particular.

Mr Luyt said farming is a viable venture but advised farmers to do their homework and invest properly without taking chances.

He observed that no African country can beat Zambia for investments because of the sound government policies, easy communication, good and hardworking people.

“I have been advising my friends to come and invest in Zambia because there could be other investment opportunities,” he said.

Mr. Luyt said his farm produces closer to 700 slaughter stocks and 100 metric tonnes of fish annually for the local market.

He added that he exports 300 pigs per week especially to Botswana, Zimbabwe and South Africa.

Mr Luyt further said the farm has 300 permanent workers and also provides support to more than 100 small scale farmers.

The Central Province Investment Forum and Expo will be held at Mulungushi University Main Campus from 8 to 13 October under the theme, ‘Accelerating Development for Inclusive and Sustainable Development’.


  1. Felix Mutati has been reduced to being Minister of Government Transport, Chitotela has taken over Works and Supply. The only time people remember him is when they are driving govt motoka without a pass

  2. There is more money being spent on this expo than what is ever hoped to recover in terms of investment. Who can invest in these times of K13 to 1US$

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