Saturday, July 27, 2024

President expected in Kampala, Uganda tomorrow


Republican President Edgar Lungu alights from the presidential jet at Samora Machel Airbase in Mbala when he made a stop over from Uganda on his way to Mwansabombwe
FILE: Republican President Edgar Lungu alights from the presidential jet at Samora Machel Airbase in Mbala when he made a stop over from Uganda on his way to Mwansabombwe

President Edgar Lungu is tomorrow expected in Kampala, Uganda for the 9th High Level Meeting of the Regional Oversight Mechanism of the Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework for the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Region slated for October 8, 2018.

President Lungu will be among other Heads of State and government officials from the 13 signatory countries of the Framework agreement, its Guarantors’ institutions, namely the United Nations (UN), African Union (AU), the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) and the Southern African Development Community (SADC).

Zambia’s High Commissioner to Tanzania, Benson Chali, who is also accredited to Uganda confirmed the development to ZANIS in Kampala.

Mr. Chali emphasised that it is important for President Lungu to attend the meeting because Zambia, which is a beacon of peace, is shining as an example to other African countries and yet holds an influx of refugees running away from war and political instability in neighbouring countries.

The Heads of State and Government meeting will be preceded by the ministerial meeting, which has since commenced at Munyonyo Speke Resort, of ministers of Defence and Home Affairs from statutory countries of the peace agreement.

Zambia’s Minister of Defence, Davies Chama, Ministry of Defence Permanent Secretary, Chalwe Lombe and his counterpart from the Ministry of Home Affairs, Chileshe Mulenga, are representing Zambia in the high level ministerial meeting.

According to the program obtained by ZANIS, the Heads of State and Government meeting will be officially opened by the host President, Yoweri Museveni.

The meeting will later review dialogue and political processes in the region, with special focus on the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Burundi, South Sudan and the Central African Republic (CAR).

President Lungu will also be among the heads’ delegates to receive a presentation by a representative of the Women’s Platform of the Peace, Security and Cooperation (PSC) Framework on the status of women in peace and political processes before the Heads of State and government go for a closed-door meeting.

President Lungu will return to Lusaka soon after the end of the meeting.

Meanwhile, President Edgar Lungu is in December, this year expected in Japan for a three-day state visit.

The state visit to be undertaken is at the invitation of Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe.

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Joseph Malanji disclosed this today on the sidelines of the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) ministerial meeting.

Mr. Malanji disclosed in Japan after a bilateral meeting with his Japanese counterpart, Taro Kono.

And Mr. Malanji said government will continue engaging the Japanese government in luring investors in order to accelerate Zambia’s development agenda.

The Minister said Zambia is utilising multilateral platforms such as TICAD to realize her foreign direct investment and other benefits to achieve national development.

Mr. Malanji said government considers Japan as a critical partner to the country’s national development assistance especially in the mining sector for high technical expertise as well as other sectors.

The Minister is leading a delegation in Japan to attend TICAD ministerial meeting which precedes the TICAD seven summit slated for 2019 in Yokohama.

TICAD Summit is a conference held every three years with the objective of promoting high-level policy dialogue between African leaders and development partners.

This is contained in a press statement issued to ZANIS in Lusaka today by

First Secretary for Press at the Republic of Zambian Embassy in Japan, Yotamu Mugara.



    • Thats all he knows i stated the lazy cowering bum was looking at the calender asking where he can fly to ..he feels important being escorted to KKIA and making statements on the tarmac!!

    • The religious books were all written by Imperialist oppressors with an abusive imagination,to brainwash the Masses. ….. Biblical Verses used by Slave Masters to Justify Slavery Ephesians 6:4-6: Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. Obey them not only to win their favor when their eye is on you, but like slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart.

    • Ephesians 6:5:Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ.
      Ephesians 6:9:And masters, treat your slaves in the same way. Do not threaten them, since you know that he who is both their Master and yours is in heaven, and there is no favoritism with him.
      Colossians 3:22:Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to win their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord.
      Colossians 4:1:Masters, provide your slaves with what is right and fair, because you know that you also have a Master in heaven.

    • Titus 2:9:Teach slaves to be subject to their masters in everything, to try to please them, not to talk back to them,
      1 Peter 2:18:Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh.
      Slaveowners would read these verses to slaves as part of the worship services that they allowed (and controlled) as a means of encouraging the proper attitude among their slaves. Based upon these isolated verses, slaveowners claimed that the Bible supported slavery and taught slaves to be obedient to their masters.

    • Lungu spends more time in the clouds than at State House as if it’s birds that voted/rigged for him.
      The country is in a crisis yet Lazy-Bumz buries his head in the sand & finds any slightest excuse to run away.

    • With all that’s happening in the country, the best thing you can do is make more foreign trips? Can’t you take time to address the people about the things that affect them?

    • yea just keep traveling your public is dying of hunger….totally corrupt!!! he should travel more as his days are over

    • Lazy Lungu knows Days of Prayers is coming …the best time to use the oppressors book the bible to delude simple hearts and simple mind!!

  2. So he is going to meet his fellow dictators who have refused to give up power such as presidents of burundi, uganda, dr congo to see how he can also hang on for the third term in 2021.

  3. Will this put food on table of Zambians or will it bring back the to life the killed unza student.

    • Sharon are you by any chance Mumba JR aka “Zambian Enterprise” ? asking for a friend!!!

  4. lungu gallivanting around for “peace and security summit” in Uganda for DRC while in his own home country the Chinese are shooting Zambians like its a war zone.

  5. I think that both trips are good, stop thinking with your upnd cadres. How can a sensible person condemn a state visit to Japan? You want the President to refuse the invitation? How can a sensible Zambian condemn a visit to participate in peace for DRC? Unless you think with your not your head, as they do in upnd.

    • Never mind retirees , if all this money used on hiring jets , including the money for that usless trip to NY was used to pay student meal allawances, that poor student who died would still be with us……

  6. Every 2 months now lungu is using DRC as an excuse to travel……how many more meeting are you going to use tax payers money on in the name of DRC peace while civil servants are not getting paid and students have no meal allowances ???

    • HH is using Namwala’s uprisings and slaughter of other people who lived in Namwala from other region as an excuse to stay in power in UPND Nicompos! I know it doesn’t make sense. It didn’t to me as well when BoSpakata started to Hallucinate.

    • Hey like lilo
      She’s hit you where it matters. Debate like a man you think you are. Or are you blank between your legs. What insolence!

  7. Reminds me last days of RB. He stopped listening and got airborn.

    Power does not belong to lungu. We have the power to make or break. MUSIYENI

    The girl you killed at unza would have made a big change in Zambia

  8. Haha, this year Presidential Challenger’s mileage will go up like crazy as Cameroon n Congo inaugurations are coming up

    • This year Namwala Utd Football Club needed to be reminded about a five-time CHILDISH losing presidential candidate who thinks he is a president.

  9. Remember how lungu and PF used the name ” Lusaka water and sanitation ” to borrow almost $800 million on different occasions ? Only when we raised suspicions and the US government said they were the main sponsores of that project did PF stop using that name to borrow and steal money…..only cholera came to bite them on their backsides because no such borrowed monies were used by PF on Lusaka water and sanitation….

    Now lungu is employing the same trick …using name DRC conflict to roam around waisting tax payers money..

  10. I thought peer pressure was just for adolescence, but even leaders suffer from peer pressure.

    It’ll be nice to hear a dissenting voice from African leaders, but business goes on, no matter what.

    Peace without dissenting voice is not peace.

  11. Neh ! came back from new york been silent amidst all the countries problems all we now hear is next stop ” kampala” and wait some shameless rant at KK international Airport is expected.

    • Yep, Not a word from lungu during the social cash fiasco, not a word from him during these UNZA riots when students have no meal allowance , not knowing as JJ said lungu was too busy looking at his itinary notice board planning his next outing…

    • This Edgar must realize who the stakeholders are and apportion time.I think he does not realize that he chose his ministers and the people chose him ,funny enough he addresses his ministers and flips his middle finger on the electorate.

  12. SHARON is irritating with his comments on PRESIDENT HH , Please LT BLOCK THIS gay. ECL dealing with JAPAN is very dangerous to our loans with CHINA, CHINA WILL COME FULL FORCE TO GRAB ZESCO , ZNBC AND KKIA soon as they get details on WHAT U SHALL TALK IN japan, PLEASE KEEP AWAY FROM JAPAN IF U WANT LOAN CANCLELATIONS FROM CHINA

  13. orphaned Zambians, your absentee president is always gone. It’s the same thing like having no president at all. He will go outside the country and give speeches written for him there, but fail to address his people not even once. There is hunger now over police killing an innocent girl, it would have been better to go there than being Vasco Da gama

  14. Usa japan Uganda and upcoming inaugurations. Your residential address is in the sky. Why not open embassys in these places you frequent so that mbassadors attend ,,?”

  15. Even when the heading says ECL will be in Uganda, Sharon will just write onHH Why dont you write on other opposition Parties like Muliokela, Kambwili or Tayali? Pure hate of HH

  16. I hope that he has left clear instructions for the arrest and detention of Hichilema for proposing and sponsoring the violence at UNZA that resulted in the death of a student. Why do most Adventists support such an evil man? Mwami twapenga! Yahova wakwa Abraham, Shadrick,. Misheck na Abednego

  17. There we go again .Air mile Nomad at it again with his endless and unnecessary travels.How much are you costing tax payers with your aimless travel and who is benefiting from it ?

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