Saturday, July 27, 2024

UPND says HH has not yet received apology from Tayali


UPND Spokesman Charles Kakoma
UPND Spokesman Charles Kakoma

The UPND and its Leader Hakainde Hichilema say they have not yet received any official communication regarding the apology from Economic and Equity Party Leader Chilufya Tayali.

UPND Spokesperson Charles Kakoma said the party has only noted media reports that Mr. Tayali has apologised to Mr. Hichilema and other people whom he could have offended.

Mr. Kakoma has however stated that some of the matters that are subject of the apology are active in court.

He said normal legal processes should therefore be followed in settling the matters outside or inside court.

Mr. Kakoma said the UPND and Mr. Hichilema will respond to the apology in due course.

Mr. Tayali last week apologized to UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema for the incessant attacks on him.


  1. The nation has so many issues that an opposition party should be addressing.

    Yet this always childish Kakoma decides to talk about receiving an apology from some lunatic.

    Kakoma is always a waste of space looking for cheap headlines.

    • @independent observer, i agree with you to a large extent. if kakoma wud rather talk about this lunatic let him go to the pf secretariate and pick hh’s copy

  2. The Tayali types of personality never learn, let the law take its full course, it may turn out to be the best remedy for him. He will thank you in future.

  3. Why can’t Hichilema resign on his own? He has failed the UPND, since he took over from Saki there has never been any elections in UPND. He keeps on losing elections. He lost to 2 old men, then later to a political nonentity, what kind of a man is he?

  4. Zambia is losing Billions via P.F, graft, dishonesty, & misplaced priorities, as a result condemning the poor to extreme poverty, & premature death.
    Look @ P.F leaders looting, ie 42 Wheelbarrows, useless V.V.I.P Jet costing Millions of U$D currently sitting on a a Swiss airport tarmac, acuring parking charges, when kids learn under trees.
    Now the issue;
    ka Tayali because of a need to satiate his belly, & have air-conditioning in his dingy hovel, goes supporting P.F plunder which he knows is totally wrong, coz he’s work shy, & wants an easy buck, & in the process to please his master’s goes & defames, & insults other citizens, then when it gets hot in the kitchen, offers some sorry lame flimsy apology.

  5. Tayali your sponsors PF couldn’t even help u pay it ka small debt, they ditched u like they did Mutati, u think u can trust thieves uli chipuba,PF are masters in using people, ask that beach Sharon the whole PF leadership nailed her and they gave her a toilet cleaning Job.

    • Has Professor HANSONI proved through a research that Tayali is sponsored by PF? Let him publish the findings on his University Letterhead and send it to the UN. He still acts like a Grade VII dropout.

  6. This Charles Kakoma, is he okay upstairs? Look at him, applied Vaseline Blue Seal head and face

    Ànd who cares about Tayali apart from Hacks?

  7. Slow to reacting to Chinese companies mistreating and giving Zambians slave conditions but SWIFT at arresting opposition political leaders.

  8. What purpose will an apology from a political nonentity like Tayali serve? Will this apology boost the dwindling fortunes of HH and the UPND?

  9. That’s where ECL differs with HH. How do start fighting with Tayali of all the people. How many people will fight with if voted to Plot One God forbid.

  10. You the same chaps were busy supporting TAYALI after he disappointing you because he told a lie you turn again and say nonentity. Why were praise singing the nonentity.

  11. When Adolf got rid of the chief whip to replace him with Musokotwane we looked forward to a change with the man above. Tayali made a statement it might not be the one, one was looking for but am sure we can find a solution when we are all sober.

  12. Ba upned spokesman in one paragraph you telling us you have not received apology package from tayali. In the next paragraph you tell us you will respond to the apology in due course. Are you sure ni right chief spokesperson ????

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