Saturday, July 27, 2024

Delegates from Zambia and DRC meets in South Africa to finalise discussion on Road Project


Bilateral negotiations   Team From Zambia and DRC regarding the Kasomeno-Mwenda Road between Zambia and Democratic Republic of Congo.
Bilateral negotiations
Team From Zambia and DRC regarding the Kasomeno-Mwenda Road between Zambia and Democratic Republic of Congo.

Minister of Housing and Infrastructure Development, Ronald Chitotela is leading a high-level team to Johannesburg, South Africa to conclude bilateral negotiations and technical meetings regarding the Kasomeno-Mwenda Road between Zambia and Democratic Republic of Congo.

The project which is a public- private-partnership project will serve a dual purpose, firstly, to formally present the findings of the feasibility studies and secondly, to finalize the MOU/Bilateral agreement presented in Kinshasa on October 29th, 2018.

The project was approved by Cabinet in 2015. At the meeting, Mr Chitotela called for speedy completion related to the bilateral negotiations being held between the two countries.

Mr Nixon Chilangwa stated that his province will benefit from the traffic that this trade route will open.

And Minister of Infrastructure from the DRC, Baikpon Pon said the DRC was committed to opening up its country through transport corridors being pursued by SADC.

When completed the road will serve to open a new trade corridor from Nakonde to the DRC. The new trade route will cut the distance by about 400km from Nakonde to the Congo.

A new bridge will also be built across the Luapula river at Kashiba. Zambian has done the largest extent of this stretch through the Link-Zambia 8000 project which include, the Nakonde-Mbala-Kasama stretch and the Kasama- Luwingu-Mansa road.

This project envisions to finish the last stretch from Chipili-Kashiba across the Luapula and to Kasomeno in the DRC.

Others accompanying the Ministers include Provincial Minister, Hon. Nixon Chilangwa, the Permanent Secretaries from; Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure Development, Charles Mushota, and Luapula Permanent Secretary Dr. Buleti Nsemukila.

Others are officials from the Road Development Agency Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure Development, the Permanent Secretary from Luapula Province. This also include a similar set of representatives from the DRC.


    • Good job boyi Emmanuel for hosting. Now you start to grow up, hanging out with Luapula United. Missing on that team is Harry Kalaba.

    • @Nostra … you forget how we used to call it back then not Luapula United but Liverpool United, lol.

      Let’s roll … we are opening up the best province with the only Mediterranean climate with 4 full seasons in Sub-Saharan Africa.

      Kwesu kwali wamisho ko tulye iminofu ya mbowa!!!

    • Why not meet at mukambo boarder? I have thoroughly searched in the article hoping to find something like “a south African firm will construct the road” but nothing, what made these kongolez and zedians to go to south Africa.

    • Why not meet in Kitwe or Ndola or kasumbalesa border post or Luapula for a project that has been approved…what are you hiding in RSA …do these empty tins know the meaning of austerity …just the name Chitotela should ring alarm bells throw in hungry Emmanuel Mwamba you have a full flown scandal. I wonder the rate is per kilometer for this selfsame road…wouldn’t be surprised if its $2million/km.
      What is wrong with these wasteful crooks!!

  1. Give Valden Findlay the running of TOLL Gates or you’ll be fired.

    Brian Mushimba will also be fired for distancing himself from the $400 million plane buying. How can a Minister of Transport say I don’t know anything about the planes? So who bought the Planes?

    • He knows that the time for judgement in High court is nearing …those aircraft were procured via ZAF or Defense..the acting ZAF General will be scarified.

  2. Could someone offer a plausible explanation why discussions over a road between Zambia and DRC were being held in SA? Not to mention the necessity of a huge delegation?
    Over how many days, … travel, accommodation, allowances, accrued expenses, incidental payments thereof?

    • Clearly there is no leadership..imagine a minister saying to old Sata that we are going to RSA to discuss that matter of the road with our DRC colleagues.
      Too much waste!!

  3. Why meet in SA honestly… the number 1 fellows to promote your own….mwalisula mwebene or you too apamwamba to have meetings in your own lands….ati austerity….muleikalafye mwilabilisha fimo infintu pantu kukalifyafye abantu imitima……really I fail to understand, why SA when you can give business to your own…..

  4. This is really a waste of money all those hotels, air fair and eating and drinking on govt tab, these guys really just don`t give a damn about the Zambian people, they could have hosted the Congolese delegation in Zambia and made some money out of this meeting. Dununa Reverse

  5. Why go all the way to south Africa to discuss a road between our two countries?, sometimes when people make silly comments about the kind of leadership we have and about the kind of people we are, we should not argue, although not all of us think this way but if those that represent us portray this kind of thinking, then we are doomed as a continent, here their is nothing like common sense it should just be natural to think correctly.

  6. WELL, FROM THE ARTICLE IT IS CLEAR BOTH ZAMBIANS and CONGOLESE IN THIS DELEGATION ARE WASTEFUL, THEY ONLY WANTED ALLOWANCES BY TRAVELLING TO SOUTH AFRICA!! While we agree that in the PPP the financier could be in S.Africa, they(Financier) should have been the ones to travel to save the two governments money and the three parties could have as well convened in Zambia, a central point!! On a technical note, Zambia should be getting more money from this road since we have already done a greater part from Nakonde to Chipili and I believe the distance is reducing by more that 400 Km from Nakonde to Lubumbashi, may be by over 600Km as traffic will not come down all the way to Kapiri and traverse copperbelt to reach Lubumbashi!!

  7. So the poor tax payer had to foot the bill for the summit which couldn’t be held in Nakonde or anywhere closer?We always have to make some allowances out of everything.So sad.

  8. Logic dictates that meetings should have been in Zambia.. until we value our own people( businesses) to manage and host these so called high profile meetings, we shall forever keep observing what is currently pertaining!

  9. When we question Lungu’s leadership qualities, some blind followers write long correspondences to defend him and yet the writing is on the wall that the presido does not understand anything about leadership. I like PF slogan because it really describes who they are- DUNUNA RESERVE

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