Saturday, July 27, 2024

There is urgent need to appoint an Auditor General, ZICA urges Government


ZICA President Jason Kazilimani
ZICA President Jason Kazilimani

The Zambia Institute of Chartered Accountants (ZICA) has called for the urgent appointment of the Auditor General.

Addressing a Fourth Quarter Media briefing on various national matters, ZICA President Jason Kazilimani says as a professional accountancy body, ZICA is concerned that the office of the auditor general remains unoccupied when it is a very important governance institution which should not be left unoccupied for such a long time.

Mr. Kazilimani said that ZICA was aware that the public audit act has not been operationalised and therefore a substantive auditor general has not yet been appointed, but stated that a precedent for a similar situation was set when the office of the Clerk of the National Assembly fell vacant, the clerk was appointed, while the parliamentary service commission had not yet been operationalized

Mr Kazilimani said that the same can also be done in the case of the auditor general, adding that it’s also ZICA’S considered view that the qualifications of the incumbent Auditor General should be as appropriately stipulated in the public order act of 2016.

On the re-introduction of the sales tax to replace the value added tax, Mr. Kazilimani said that there is need to take stock of how the system will be implemented with minimal interruption to business, noting that currently, there is lack of information about how it will be implemented a situation that is causing anxiety among investors.

And Mr. Kazilimani has noted the need for equivalent increase in productive assets of the economy to assist in repayment of interest obligation.

Mr. Kazilimani said that ZICA welcomes the minister of finance’s announcement that government is in the process of instituting public investment management reforms to establish a comprehensive system for appraisal of projects.

Meanwhile ZICA has welcomed the dismissal of about 12 accountants involved in misappropriation of public funds by the civil service commission.

Mr Kazilimani however noted the need for more to be done with regards recovering the stolen funds as provided for in the public finance management act of 2018.


  1. Lungu’s GRZ operating without an auditor general is a deliberate loophole for more $42m trucks and abuse of social cash transfers from foreign aid.

    • Edgar and his cohorts are deliberately keeping the position vacant until they can find a compromised guy who will not question the many illicit GRZ deals

    • Do you live in Zambia? Auditor general to come and do what? What ever auditor general highlights is for decoration, no prosecutions or anything so you need the position filled for what. You as ZICA, don’t you know that even courts descisions are not respected. Ministers stayed in office legally, asked to pay back by the courts but have cheekly refused to pay back, so you think auditor general is one they will listen to

  2. We also want to some controlling officers(PSs) fired for misapplication of funds. Why should junior officers be sacrificed every time? As for the appointment of Auditor General, of course they are looking for someone who will be dancing to their tunes.

  3. This is thievery by high placed GRZ officials under the disguise of ‘auditor general vacancy”.Lungu you should be very ashamed.

  4. Having an auditor general does not change anything at all. There is absolutely nothing that happens to anyone highlighted in the Auiditor Generals report for years. Lets keep it vacant and save the little resources we have paying somebody.

  5. They wont appoint one as he will have to sign of their cheques they are stealing…what country surely talk about austerity measures yet not have an auditor

  6. This is the most dreaded office for people with long fingers. The development, may not be by default but by design. For any responsible project, accounting is the first and last office to stand.

  7. Yes this is a professional body which remains neutral and advises government correctly on what needs to be done. Not that nincompoop at EAZ.

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