Saturday, July 27, 2024

UNZA sets up a printing company, targets ballot papers tender


The University of Zambia has commissioned a K10.5 million ultra modern commercial printer.

During the commissioning ceremony at the UNZA Vice Chancellor Prof Luke Mumba revealed that the printer had the capacity to handle all kinds of printing jobs including election ballot papers.

The Vice Chancellor said UNZA was now ready to handle any form of printing and has invited companies, organisations and the government to make use of the ultra modern printing machine for quality end products.

Prof. Mumba says the institution has embarked on a robust recapitalization programme of its operations in order to expand the institution’s revenue base.

He also expects the printing revenue for UNZA Printers to increase from the current K675, 000 to K1.7 million per quarter.

He said the institution expects to make around K6.8 million per annum from the printer and be able to recoup the expenditure within a short time frame.

Prof Mumba also explained that the new printer will increase UNZA’s printing market share from the current 30 percent to 60 percent in the Higher Education sector.

He disclosed that the money used to purchase the printer was not a loan or a grant but was earned using UNZA’S internal revenue lines.

Meanwhile, Minister of Higher Education Prof. Nkandu Luo said there was need to create a mechanism to ensure that such business ventures live up to their expectations.

Prof. Luo, whose speech was read by Higher Education Permanent Secretary Mabvuto Sakala, further demanded that her ministry wants to see profits being made from the printer.

Prof. Luo also said that allocated funding to the higher education sector will not be sufficient to meet the full costs required to ensure that UNZA runs smoothly.

She noted that despite her knowledge of the many challenges UNZA faces, it was only possible to resolve them when it was clear that the institution could not handle them by itself.

Earlier on, Heidelberg, the company which supplied the printer to UNZA said the version of the printer was “a true revelation to the printing business”.

Heidelberg South Africa Company representative Gordon Smith said the machine saved 300 hours per year due to automated plate change.


    • Instead of targeting GRZ target neighbouring countries and run the company like a subsidiary delinked from UNZA. GRZ will never pay you for doing such a big job and you will end up having give up all your high take machinery to the bank where you got the loan.

    • All the world ‘s serious universities have printing presses and publishing companies. I wonder what unza has been doing since 1967

  1. This is what the Lusaka City Council should also do in order to keep Lusaka a beautiful City and with lots of activities. They can create fee paying parking areas at busy places like markets, hospitals, shopping malls etc. Well done UNZA and don’t relent.

    • @Nkope. It can’t work with LCC because any revenue they may have from any businesses they may start would go straight to Central govt. It is Under PF that all councils were moved to be under central govt.

    • Look at this XXXX Princess posting nonsense she forgets that she needs people to comment when she posts her feminists articles …some people are so shortsighted!!

    • That’s because You have nothing to do and contribute here …all you can do is change names like a silly child

  2. As much as this is the way to go, the business may and will suffer because the profits will be channelled to paying lecturers salaries, a part that is not in the equation yet. And if the PF govt under the able leadership of one ECL sees that UNZA is making money from it’s printers they will draft a bill to make it govt property.

    • @True Zambian. Don’t think small. It is in every way govt property and a service institution for that matter. You have no idea how many institutions of govt institutions that previous govts grabbed after going into business. Govt simply said it wasn’t part of the mandate of those institutions to start business.
      Muzi zibako vintu.

    • You would expect a better informative statement from UNZA but its the same below standard rubbish …I mean there is no mention of the company name, is it on UNZA campus? Is it a subsidiary …how do they intend to compete for business for govt tenders when GRZ funds them and you have arrogant ministers like that educated foooool Luo, she will never release any funding or pay bills like they do to ZAMTEL and one is going to say anythiing.

  3. “Heidelberg South Africa Company representative Gordon Smith said the machine saved 300 hours per year due to automated plate change.” What kind of hours (300) are these??? are they man hours or operational hours?? Just asking!!!

  4. The higher learning institution in Zambia needs some of these technologies to ensure that graduates from TVET and Universities can find jobs within the country. We need to have this kind of thinking in all areas/sectors of our economy to boost our local production and services to provide the much needed jobs for our citizens. We have enough trained personnel in graphic designing and printing who are roaming the streets. This venture will definitely give hope to our your men and women in this industry.

  5. Okay its a good idea and smart business ,but can UNZA operators be trusted to remain politically neutral and uncorrupted ? You can’t be a referee’s assistant and a player too.

  6. Long overdue! UNZA must reclaim its spot in Lusaka in terms of beauty, brains and innovation through Applied Research and all this nonsense of depending on Government for survival will be the thing of the past. A lot of people who have graduated from UNZA would like to participate in non-degree research work which will ultimately start supporting the manufacturing and Agro base.
    Its time we started thinking outside the box as the saying goes.

  7. Unza could also start investing into research by reproducing some parts of that machine so that it does not soon become a White Elephant. This would also cut down on operational costs

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