Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Lungu not happy with Opposition and CSOs for branding his administration as Corrupt


President Lungu and Vice President Inonge Wina at the Swearing in Ceremony
President Lungu and Vice President Inonge Wina at the Swearing in Ceremony with the board of commissioners of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) at Statehouse

President Edgar Lungu has expressed displeasure with the campaign by opposition political parties in collaboration with some Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to brand and frame his administration as corrupt.

President Lungu says the intention of the opposition political parties and the CSOs is to attract the attention of the International Community so they can finance their campaign of framing the current administration as being corrupt.

The Head of State has pointed out that some public officers have been found wanting and have been relieved of their duties at Ministerial and civil service level.

“We all know that some public officers have been found wanting , not only at ministerial level but in the civil service , and we have parted company, but our detractors are the first to embrace those that leave my administration in the spirit of the enemy of my enemy is a friend, ” he said .

President Lungu said his government does not tolerate or condone corruption because graft off any kind is costly to the country and the citizens.

President Lungu said as President and Lawyer by profession, he wants corruption to come to an end in Zambia.

He however said he would not like innocent people to be accused of corruption and left to suffer the shame for the rest of their lives.

The President added that Whistle Blowers are welcome, but if they make false, frivolous or groundless complaints or allegations, they endanger their own freedom, describing Saturday’s demonstrations outside parliament as baseless.

“It is Clear from the baseless demonstrations we are seeing on Saturday’s that our detractors have upped their game to please their sponsors, less so the Zambian people, in whose interest we serve?” the President Asked

He said in as much as he wants corruption to be annihilated in Zambia, he wouldn’t like innocent people to be accused of corruption and left to suffer the shame for the rest of their lives.

“This trend of framing people, especially through Social Media needs to be stopped to protect innocent people. As a matter of fact, the Anti-Corruption Act states that false accusers are supposed to be prosecuted themselves, ” said President Lungu.

President Lungu said this when he swore in the Board of Commissioners of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC- at State House in Lusaka today.

He has called on the Commissioners to help (ACC) build capacities that will not just assist successful persecutions but will save the courts time by not crucifying the innocent.

President Lungu has told the commissioners that the ACC Act states that false accusers are supposed to be persecuted themselves.

Those who have been sworn-in to the ACC board are Anderson Zikonda as Chairperson and Yvonne Chibiya as Vice Chairperson.

Other ACC Board Members are Kafula Mwiche, Maimbo Ziela and Hlobotha Nkunika.

President LUNGU said all the members are experienced professionals and he expressed confidence that they will add value to the fight against corruption.

Meanwhile, newly appointed Chairperson of the ACC Board Justice Zikonda said corruption is a cancer and that its fight needs the support of all well-meaning citizens.


  1. Mr President,we want you to succeed in this quest but your words and action do not correlate. It is one thing to talk and another to act. The scourge has no political will from your government. Even the people that you have sworn in, they are supposed to be sworn in by independent body so that they act with impartiality. As long as those people pass through your hands, there will be no transparency in the fight against this deadly scourge,corruption. How are they going to fight a finger that feeds them. When a rat is on bread, it is difficult to kill it lest you mess the bread with it. Corruption is institution. It has eaten the moral fabric of society. People who were nothing before they came in power are now heroes and heroines. It is a big shame to our nation.

    • But as lawyer, Lungu was stealing clients’ money. How can someone in his position deny the corruption in Zambia?

    • Lazy Lungu is truly a clown….have you observed how he talks when its about corruption he will stated something like whistle-blowers are welcome then backtrack and state false reporters will be prosecuted. You handpick commissioners and you are busy issuing them orders

    • Yes Mr. President. Neither was Adolf Hitler pleased to be called a murderous totalitarian bigot And Mubutu was not pleased to be called a dictator. The list goes on. So its not only you who has suffered from this problem.
      And this silly notion that the CSOs are detractors trying to gain money from their “sponsors” shows what a stubborn and corrupt man you are. Instead of listening to your people, you start branding them all sorts of names. Ok, just wait, we will meet in 2021 and beyond.

    • “The Head of State has pointed out that some public officers have been found wanting and have been relieved of their duties at Ministerial and civil service level.”
      Chitotela is still a minister even with pending cases on the way …you have even reshuffled him what does that say about you?

    • “He has called on the Commissioners to help (ACC) build capacities that will not just assist successful persecutions but will save the courts time by not crucifying the innocent.”

      Surely this man Lazy Lungu is not serious at all…I doubt he is even a lawyer who studied law…its painful to read his utterances on paper its like its a drunk person talking. Ba Fresher is right to probe his identity….Mulongoti said the man needs thorough mental scrutiny!!

    • He sees nothing wrong with taking what’s not yours, you will talk all you can and actually he thinks theirs something wrong with you all. He has no moral campus.

    • Power sweet power!
      President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s presidential exit is all but sealed amid reports that China will likely help in his removal from office, after he recently allegedly angered Beijing by giving exclusive diamond exploration and mining rights to Russia ahead of the Asian powerhouse, Spotlight Zimbabwe, has beenMnangagwa’s tenure in office is already hanging by a thread, as a faction in the military close to Vice President, Rtd General Constantino Chiwenga, wants him to voluntarily resign and make way for Chiwenga, after he has dismally failed to resuscitate the country’s economy, which is now nearing total collapse in the face of the worst and unseen power outages in the nation’s history of up to 18 hours a day, growing fuel and water shortages, a wave of extortionate…

    • Lungu is a Mafioso “The President added that Whistle Blowers are welcome, but if they make false, frivolous or groundless complaints or allegations, they endanger their own freedom” This is a threat!!

    • So Paramount Thief sees no theft in the Thiefdom, chacine filya batila munshumfwa aile namashinsha Ku buko. Tulelolela.

  2. Well, when you have scandals such as the $42 million fire tender, mobile ambulances, plane loads of cadres travelling to the US just because you are going to the UN but meanwhile our embassy in DC has broken windows and peeling paint, purchase of a private jet meanwhile patients are sleeping on the floor in our hospitals, dismissal of the FIC report, Kitwe-Ndola dual carriageway where work started once PF got into power and even this year it was still being worked on (toll gate not included) up until this year and so on so forth. I can’t continue – my fingers are getting tired. In short, you’ve brought all this on yourselves. Change and we will stop talking.

    • We hear that your former Press Aid Amos Chanda was “constructively” fired for collecting money from Vendatta crooks who have been holding government to ransom, on the premise that, he would persuade the you to subject Konkola Copper Mine to receivership and not liquidation.
      Receivership would have meant the courts appoint a legal entity to run Konkola, as the disputed case is still active for adjudication while Liquidation, which government did on Kokola is where the mine is closed until the case is disposed-off. With Receivership, Vendatta would still be benefiting from Konkola while with Liquidation they don’t. Amos Chanda was paid $300,000 upfront and promised another $900,000 after deceiving President Lungu.
      But aside this, Amos Chanda has/had 6 active cases at the Anti-Corruption…

  3. Okay Ba kalamba Ba Jona, your administration IS NOT Corrupt, but a “VIOLENT THIEVING GOVERNMENT”
    Better now??

  4. The opposition after realizing that President Lungu and the PF mean business with transforming the country for prosperity have no message for the ordinary people but instead embarked on a cheap and unfounded propaganda of labeling anyone who works hard and is success as being corrupt. Its a shame of highest order and soon people will realize the HH and UPND have no substance.

    • Iwe naibwe ka Malinso HH aingilamo shani umu,akulyafe boi,your time for chewing is soon coming to an end,a time is coming soon when you will have an opportunity to prove yourselves clean

  5. ….it’s like the white people are do racist acts but insist they are not racist
    this regime’s activities as articulated @aries and @mbaluso above is the smoking gun
    go ahead and call them baseless demonstrations
    the blame on social media is so childish. social media is just an outlet. if there was no social media, we’d still have sent letters through Zambia post to circulate. social media isn’t the problem, it’s simply bringing to light what’s going on.
    ok, let’s erase social media. can you justify how a fire truck cost $1 million?
    Zambians ain’t fools mr lungu, they are smart and they know the fare market value of goods and services.
    if you want to silence social media. make public all costs associated with projects like toll gates, highways, acquisitions of ambulances…

  6. ….it’s like the white people are do racist acts but insist they are not racist
    this regime’s activities as articulated @aries and @mbaluso above is the smoking gun
    go ahead and call them baseless demonstrations
    the blame on social media is so childish. social media is just an outlet. if there was no social media, we’d still have sent letters through Zambia post to circulate. social media isn’t the problem, it’s simply bringing to light what’s going on.
    ok, let’s erase social media. can you justify how a fire truck cost $1 million?
    Zambians ain’t fools they are smart and they know the fare market value of goods and services.
    if you want to silence social media. make public all costs associated with projects like toll gates, highways, acquisitions of ambulances and fire…

  7. But as lawyer, Lungu was stealing clients’ money. How can someone in his position deny the corruption in Zambia?

    • Really laughable ….he said he was an outstanding law student in his class but today we heard from UNZA Registra that he got a merit which is good but let’s face its not excellent to be bragging about publicly at the airport as if you are in Chawama tavern talking to locals.

  8. ….it’s like the white people are do racist acts but insist they are not racist
    this regime’s activities as articulated by others above is the smoking gun
    go ahead and call them baseless demonstrations
    the blame on social media is so childish. social media is just an outlet. if there was no social media, we’d still have sent letters through Zambia post to circulate. social media isn’t the problem, it’s simply bringing to light what’s going on.
    ok, let’s erase social media. can you justify how a fire truck cost $1 million?
    Zambians ain’t fools, they are smart and they know the fare market value of goods and services.
    if you want to silence social media. make public all costs associated with projects like toll gates, highways, acquisitions of ambulances and fire trucks…

  9. Prove them wrong, failure to do so will vindicate them. Any way my small god (white wife) from Denmark loves tobwa and maheu

    • They will always bring in social media as if it will disappear…its here to stay only transparency and accountability will sort it out. Look at the old man Museveni he wanted to block it now everyone is using VPN apps he has now shot himself in the foot as he can not internet users behavior for business purposes.

  10. Then why did the British ask for their aid money back Bwana Lungu? There’s no smoke without fire .

  11. Mr President a Mosquito cannot cure Malaria! The Chinese say a fish Rots from the Head Downwards. As a Lawyer ECL was convicted of stealing a Pensioner’s Money and was de-barred by Laz. This is a fact and its on record so Lungu can’t dispute it. A Corrupt President can never successfully eradicate Corruption in Zambia. Birds of the same feathers flock together. B4 Lungu came to Poor but now is rich and a Multi Millionare thru Corruption. People can see all this.

    • When it comes to talking about corruption its like asking a baboon to install an electric fence to stop troops of baboons raiding the maize. He is never concise, its always the same thing for the last 5 years…he shouldn’t even be advising those officials all he has to do is swear-in then they leave if he has issues to raise he should call a press conference.

  12. Very clear that this man is not serious about fighting corruption……his sentiments against those that bring up issues are threatened or called rumour mongers “imfwiti, imfwiti”. It is not hard to tell on which side his heart leans…

  13. Forgive poor Lungu! Even after he got his honorary, he has no vision the corruption oozing like foul pus from his administration!

  14. Even a villager who never went to law school knows laws better than this bigot who is boasting of his law. How can a lawyer liquid KCM in the manner that he did without following the law or How could he have signed th constitution of 2016 which proved to have deadly shortcomings such that now he is trying to introduce yet another constitution, or how could a lawyer have supported the NDF rubbish. People who never studied law are far better that this one at law. He is ever misleading the country.

  15. Sir how about the tribalism thats so rife in your adminstration leading to retirements in national and public interests

  16. Let us stop the politics of hate!
    It looks like everyone commenting has a bone to crack with President Lungu. The more we hate him the more we bless him.
    He has not committed any crime to be the Zambian president. Allow to rule and when his time ends , address his short falls to push your agenda. HH has failed to work with just a few people from other tribes, how is he going to unite 73 tribes together. Are we dreaming?? Are we serious as Zambians?? I doubt.

    • Yes every well meaning Zambian has a bone to chew with Lungu.This is not the Zambia he found he has reduced Zambians to extreme poverty whilst him,his daughter and a few others have had an exponential growth of their wealth.Fyakuifwaila all Zambians want are answers,start preparing to answer them.
      Whilst they steal they dont even pay tax while burdening citizens with tax ,then you wonder why people are annoyed?

    • @Khumalo Mthunzi,
      You are terribly wrong on HH. You seem to believe EVERYTHING ECL says about HH and UPND and not what HH and UPND are about, and that is to save the Zambian people from a very corrupt government in the history of our great nation. It’s really laughable that after all the nonsense that the PF government has brought about in our country and to witness corruption first hand, you still believe in a vision less leader Lungu. How did we end up here as Zambians honestly, are we even that educated as expected to make rational decisions…? It beggars belief. I urge all loving Zambians to vote the PF government out of power period in 2021. ECL has realized that he has lost credibility both locally and internationally and now what to save face by branding the opposition and…

  17. Window dressing deceives only the gullible. People know there is a whole lot of corruption going on everywhere in Zambia. They feel it because they live it daily. Who doesn’t have eyes to see? As they say, it can be very hard to wake up someone who is only pretending to be asleep.

  18. What I sense is ECL genuinely trying to close the door to the corruption room.There is less than 20 months to elections.Makes sense to be seen to be genuinely fighting the vice.Its a case of”If you didn’t still the past years,too late for you now”

    • The biggest mistake lungu made was choosing to ignore those calling him a corrupt thief…….he choose to ignore them because he is a corrupt thief.

      Now the chickens are going home to roost…..

  19. @Khumalo Mthunzi,
    You are terribly wrong on HH. You seem to believe EVERYTHING ECL says about HH and UPND and not what HH and UPND are about, and that is to save the Zambian people from a very corrupt government in the history of our great nation. It’s really laughable that after all the nonsense that the PF government has brought about in our country and to witness corruption first hand, you still believe in a vision less leader Lungu. How did we end up here as Zambians honestly, are we even that educated as expected to make rational decisions…? It beggars belief. I urge all loving Zambians to vote the PF government out of power period in 2021. ECL has realized that he has lost credibility both locally and internationally and now what to save face by branding the opposition and…

  20. seless. Where did Lusambo, Chitotela, Kapyongo, ECL etc etc get their money from? You tell me Khumalo or you are that pathetic blind and cannot tell the difference?

  21. Lungu we advised you to sue the people calling you a corrupt thief every day ….but you chose to remain silent for reasons only known to you….now the word corrupt follows you even to the toilet.

    The next best thing you can do is go through earning to wealth audit and demand the same for your officials ,

    Because trying to deny that you are a corrupt thief is too late……

  22. When anyone in Government talk about corruption it’s like a dog chasing a car that it will never catch, and even if it caught the car it still wouldn’t drive. Mwanawasa was the only credible person who did his best to stamp corruption out. What else can you call a useless President who can’t suspend a minister found wanting in order for the law to take course without interference. Fire trucks, road contracts, KCM, ambulances and Auditor General report are all stinking of corruption. Mr President just shut up otherwise your chattering just sounds like you making a tampon commercial.

  23. Look how cleverly lungu tries to point to others …..

    No sir , bwana lungu , it is you people are accusing of being a corrupt thief…..

    Can you publicly deny this and answer some questions ???

  24. Mr Lungu people are saying the fish rots from the head….stop pointing at others in your GRZ ,

    we are told that , you sir , are the epicentre of corruption

    We know you have slowed down on stealing, but we need you to account for the more than $40 million you have accumulated

    We know what we are talking about

  25. That’s what RB said also when we all could see that he was a corrupt thief it had to take Sata to prove that truly he was a corrupt thief how many people do you know of who will implicate themselves bwana otherwise you are just making noise we all know deep down that you are corrupt in any case you are the wrong person to even talk of witch haunts because you have been accusing your brother HH of selling the mines , tribalism, being a satanic mean while you even know it’s not true and you can easily verify and persecute him if it came to that but no you weaponised witch haunting you have been a beneficially of witch haunting

  26. PF is so desperate to remain in power that they would even divide Zambia on tribal lines example Sunday Chanda’s articles, Davies Mwila, GBM, Kambwili remarks I still wonder why no one has observed this that when someone is in PF they tend to be tribal I wonder if dividing Zambia is not part of thier campaign strategy this absurd behaviour by is followers alone should have been enough to kick him out of power for failing to unite Zambia but no he had to be a thief too imagine Mr Lungu thinks 365km of road at $1.2 billion dollars is not corruption & thieving then I wonder what corruption & thieving looks like to him , if those Scania trucks can cost us at $1 million each and that is not thieving I wonder what thieving might look like then in short their just way too many examples sir…

  27. Continued here……….

    in short their just way too many examples sir the honest truth is you have failed and urgently need to change government

  28. Well spoken Mr President, people seem to have missed your key words that state that false accusers are themselves liable for prosecution. When a few are brought to book we will see a meaningful change in how people approach corruption allegations. Not for self serving reasons but to really address the scourge. Opposition Politicians and their surrogate CSOs and ignorant bloggers have been crying corruption for years to build their public credibility and attract imperial funding yet not one of them has taken a matter to authorities to investigate and follow it through. Mere trash talking no substance.

  29. He is already discouraging reporting by a veiled attack on would be ‘false accusers’. A hostile tone that will scare even those with genuine issues to raise. He stands there with a commission he has a hand in and in the same vein claims they are there to tackle all corruption. He has been complicit himself in interfering in cases by not suspending those charged in his cabinet. Who is freely going to adduce evidence against a sitting minister whose leader has implicitly already exonerated? This ACC and board of commissioners is a sham, a charade of despicable proportions. What do they actually do, apart from dangle a few small fish from time to time – leaving the biggest characters to further expropriate resources with impunity.

  30. Lazy bum of a president. Look who is complaining! You have against all evidence consistently branded HH and the UPND as a tribalist and that’s ok as long as its not you who is similarly being falsely branded?
    Whats good for the goose is good for the gander!
    In your case though you are being correctly branded!!

  31. This is nothing but a useless board that will be dancing to the tunes of the appointing authority. What a waste of tax payers money! I certainly agree with Mbaluso@1 that these kind of servants should not be appointed by the Head of state but by an independent body. Problem in Africa a President has too much power and that’s why things are rotten

    • Exactly. We can’t move forward as a nation like this. We desperately need a government to come which will reset the nation by strengthening our institutions such as the judiciary, give real power to the ACC & DEC, ensure that what comes from the Auditor General’s office is acted on, redraft the constitution once and all so that it is fair, inclusive of a clause which states that a president interfering with the constitution, press freedom, freedom of speech, the courts, police service, corruption fighting bodies will be grounds for impeachment. Also do away with this useless public order act and the president appointing people to bodies which ultimately will wind up investigating people in government. Also strengthen the corruption laws. I don’t agree with death sentences in general…

    • …but a minimum sentence of ten years with hard labour is fine. It’s ridiculous that in this country, someone can go to jail for 3 years for stealing a bicycle while someone who steals resources meant to improve and save lives goes scot free.

  32. Everyone believes Lungu is the Mother of Corruption in his PF Govt. Can Lungu deny that he stole a Pensioner’s Money as a Practicing lawyer and LAZ de-registered him. This is on record. Lungu’s PF Govt was involved in many Corruption Deals. The 42 Fire Tenders, numerous Kickbacks from Chinese funded Road Projects, Malawi Maizegate, Ambulancegate etc. B4 he came into the PF Govt Lungu was worth ZK1 million in Assets and within a year he was worth ZK23 millions. Where did he get the Money from within a short time? U go anywhere in Zambia, People point at Lungu’s Properties. His Ministers and Relatives are equally Corrupt. Lungu’s legacy is that he is the most Corrupt President ever in Zambia. Its too late to change this Corrupt and visionless Image. A fish rots from the Head Downwards…

  33. I challenge Madam Chief Justice to grant us indemnity for 1 week against being cited for contempt we tell her what we honestly think about the judiciary she heads. A person receives a substantial amount of money without an invoice nor contract and you say he’s not guilty? Edgar please take a serious self introspection

  34. I hope the president and some dull pf cadres who believe supporting a government right or wrong is patriotism .Please realise that even if PF guned down half the population a sitting president will always have some people singing his or her praises day in day out but these praise should not be mistaken with the support of the grassroots these are praise of bootlickers after all even the worst dictators in the world had some people singing their praises if the PF is really concerned about us let them end the corruption let them stop over pricing projects. You coming here to sing praises of a failed government doesn’t help your party in anyway rather it only angers people that have to live through your high taxes people who have to live through the economic downturn please listen to us we…

  35. Continued here…………..
    please listen to us we are the grassroots look at what happened to RB he was the most worshipped person not until he became former president and if Sata had not died he would probably be in jail


  37. Unfortunately, the Opposition parties in Zambia use undemocratic and downright criminal methods to try and position themselves. They are mostly incredibly irresponsible, desperate and totally thirsty.

    The problem for the current PF administration is their feeling of Powerlessness in dealing with undemocratic participation. The fear of Western governments negative promotion of this type of DEMOCRACY, leaves PF with no voice.

    There is a need to challenge these defamatory imagery used by Opposition, but PF is like a deer caught in bright lights not knowing to go left or right.

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