Saturday, July 27, 2024

PF will continue to upgrade provincial capitals by providing all the necessary infrastructure-President Lungu


President Edgar Chagwa Lungu salutes people of Kasama during his working visit on Friday,August 9,2019.PICTURE BY SALIM HENRY/STATE HOUSE ©2019
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu salutes people of Kasama during his working visit on Friday,August 9,2019.PICTURE BY SALIM HENRY/STATE HOUSE ©2019

President Edgar Lungu says Government will continue to evaluate the effectiveness of service delivery and improve public infrastructure to meet the demands of the growing population.

And President Lungu says the PF administration will continue to upgrade provincial capitals by providing all the necessary infrastructure.

President Lungu said this during the commissioning of the provincial police headquarters in Chinsali which was constructed at a cost of 22 million kwacha.

He however said the expansion of public services will be done in tandem with the growth of the economy.

The head of state also noted that most infrastructure for public security services are in a deplorable state and need replacing.

At the same event, Home affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo encouraged President Lungu to continue enhancing development in the country.

Mr. Kampyongo said the construction of the provincial office will improve the operations of the officers.

Housing and Infrastructure Development Minister Vincent Mwale assured Muchinga residents that his ministry will source for funds to expedite the construction of infrastructure that has reached advanced stage.

And PF National Chairperson Samuel Mukupa said President Lungu has shown his desire to develop the country through various projects being undertaken across the country.

Earlier, Inspector General of Police Kakoma Kanganja thanked Government for the support saying equipping officers with modern tools will enable them effectively to execute their duties.

And senior Chief Nkula thanked president Lungu for the continued developmental projects which cut across all sectors.

He noted that among the projects Government has undertaken is the construction of ZNBC studio which he said will promote arts and information dissemination in the province.

The traditional leader also appealed to government to consider supporting agro activities in the area to improve productivity levels.

Meanwhile, Muchinga Province Minister Malozo Sichone said the area has continued to receive unprecedented infrastructure development since its creation.


  1. I would like to address all the allegations and rumours that were started by initially a clone of my account. I am not one to speak about my personal relationships but I have been pushed into a corner. Let me start by saying that I have struggled as a man in a country like Zambia which does not allow for alternative sexualities such that when I finished my studies in the UK i was forced to seek asylum here. I received lots of hate mail from even relatives in Zambia who said I was not human to them. All this time I received support from my partner Callum who i cannot thank enough. Please I do not want to talk about my personal life but I was forced to today. I am who I am and if you do not like gay people that is your right too. I hope we can move on from this and blog maturely

  2. After cries from many fans and haters I have decided to come back. I have been informed that some silly pf cadre has been using a name closely associated to mine. After I checked website I see the chap claims to have a Swiss wife ala naseka. Anyway he is using a different name so that is his right. However for me my wife is white but not Swiss. She is British. It’s seems lungu has started campaigning so why are pf upset that hh called for earlier elections? It’s logical that if u campaigning then you are ready for elections. We in upnd are disappointed in the pf.

  3. Mr President it’s not only infrastructure that should be on your menu 24/7 ,you have yourself all worked out about this infrastructure thing which for the love of traveling gives you an opportunity to be accumulating air miles and imbibing lots of intoxicating substances that make you make horrendous statements at arrival and departure points.
    Your intray at nkwazi house is full, sit down for a moment and address these issues below seriously ;
    – Escalating Mealie meal cost
    – Unemployment
    – Dwindling reserve’s
    – Load shading
    – Carder lawlessness
    – Sky High cost of living
    – Unpresidented corruption
    – Reduction of GDP to 1.8 % from 8%
    – Re-opening of mulungushi textiles,Saudi goats
    houx,solar hammer meals,more money in
    people’s pockets.
    The list is endless

    • Is it true, New Congress Party (NCP) has reported United Party for National Development (UPND) president Hakainde Hichilema and National Democratic Congress Party (NDC) consultant Chishimba Kambwili to the police for falsely accusing President Edgar Lungu of being the owner of the controversial 48 houses in Chalala area in Lusaka.
      The NCP Party which is led by Peter Chanda have asked the police to investigate whether Hichilema and Kambwili had not defamed the President through their “reckless” allegations.
      According to Pastor Chanda it was insane for the two opposition party leaders to accuse President Lungu of being the owner of 48 flats which have been forfeited to the State by Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC).
      “We have reported Mr Hichilema and Mr Kambwili to Central Police…

    • … to Central Police Station in relation to the matter that President Lungu is involved in the 48 houses case which was brought by the Anti-Corruption Commission,” Pastor Chanda said.
      He said his party wanted Zambians needed to understand that politicians had a duty to the nation that whatever they said was true.
      “At the same time being responsible citizens, we try to ensure that there is sanity in the political circles,” Pastor Chanda said.
      The man of God claims that stated that Kambwili’s utterances contravened section 67 of the Penal Code.
      He adds that the utterances by the two incited people to hate President Lungu.
      Pastor Chanda states that the public allegations were also defamation of President Lungu.
      “The Anti-Corruption Commission have stated that they have thoroughly…

    • … “The Anti-Corruption Commission have stated that they have thoroughly investigated this matter from 2016 to date and they could not find the owner of the houses

  4. When you are a leader and you have 80% of your cabinet as useless praise singers and no person in your advisory team wise enough ,let alone competent ,their is a problem as you will be always on the next plane commissioning even properties that are owned by your dreaded political opponents just to show that you are hard working.Your ministers have been reduced to recieving personnel officers,the other 2 driving all the way to muchinga just to receive you and then drive back to lusaka to recieve again what a f**lish way of operating luckily the survived the accident.
    A good leader balances politics and professionalism by carefully choosing a competent team to drive the nation’s development agenda noti piki pili na piki tolo.

  5. Bwana Lungu is going about it the wrong way.1st provide a healthy growing economy then the provincial capitals will develop themselves from tax windfall of increasing jobs & private investments.

  6. Please ignore the above posts they have nothing to do with me ….this is a clear example why we never progress as a democracy in Zambia, here you have this silly individual going to great lengths just to tarnish me using my Avatar and other UK based bloggers all in the name for attention-seeking because he/she can not engage me in a progressive debate. Those I have engaged with over the years know that no matter how vicious the debate I abide by forum rules.
    As I always state my fight is never with any blogger on this website but for the betterment of our country.

  7. May the lord bless all the political party leaders and grant them good health so that come 2021 they can humbly accept defeat. Long live ECL!!!
    Development is taking place everywhere in Zambia and and ECL has managed to provide the much needed leadership the country needs. The president is equal to the task and Zambia will soon be a country to reckon with.
    HH should first stand as an MP in southern province so that he learns one or two things how government functions.For now the people of Zambia are happy with ECL and would like ECL to continue even after 2021..
    HH enjoys fours meals a day.
    HH enjoys fuel and is able to move freely on newly constructed roads.
    HH enjoys freedom and peace in Zambia all because of ECL.
    HH enjoys the independence of the judiciary no wonder he seeks…

    • You make my skin crawl you son of a man, ECL will go down in history of Zambia as a president who resided over taking Zambia back to stone age. Think of your next generation son!!

    • Who owns the ‘miraculously built ‘ 48 houses…? Did your ECL touch even that story at a promotional PF rally in Kasama…? A man of integrity and as President ECL should have done that. He never will talk about the 48 homes again. It’s a shame nobody of his entourage ever said anything,,, nobody. People are really duped. I

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