Saturday, July 27, 2024

There is no evidence Linking President Lungu to Mukula logs Scandal, ZRA Chief


Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) Commissioner General Kingsley Chanda flanked by Commissioner Domestic Taxis Moses Shuko (l) and Commissioner Customs Sydney Chibbabbuka speaking to journalists during the press conference

The Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) has exonerated President Edgar Lungu from allegations that he is involved in the smuggling of MUKULA logs.

ZRA Commissioner General Kingsley Chanda said that ZRA has no evidence to link President Lungu or his daughter Tasila to the allegations of smuggling of Mukula logs.

Mr Chanda was responding to a question from a journalist during a briefing in Lusaka today on ZRA’s performance last year.

He, however, confirmed that the Zambian government has been exporting the Mukula logs confiscated from some suspected smugglers.

Mr. Chanda said despite the ban on the export of Mukula logs, the government decided to export the impounded logs to earn the country revenue, adding that it was government’s view that the impounded logs would have been wasted had they not been exported.

Meanwhile, the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) has announced that it surpassed its revenue target of K51.8 billion for the fiscal year 1st January 2019 to 31st December 2019 by K1.1 billion.

Speaking during the end of year review for 2019 in Lusaka, ZRA Commissioner General Kingsley Chanda said during the year, the Authority collected K63.8 billion in gross revenue while the refunds stood at K10.9 billion resulting in a net collection of K52.9 billion.

He said the net collection of K52.9 billion translates to 17.6% of the projected GDP estimate for 2019 compared to the targeted 17.3%.

The ZRA boss stated that this outstanding performance is despite the unfavourable economic environment especially during the second half of the year.

“This outturn is attributable to higher than programmed revenue collections under indirect and trade taxes which posted surpluses of K264.8 million and K906.3 million, respectively. However, we had significant poor yields in mineral royalty and excise taxes largely due to prolonged shutdowns at major smelting facilities leading to lower production for the former and the delayed implementation of the telecommunications transaction monitoring system and the digital tax stamps for the latter. Further, the draught that resulted in serious load shedding negatively affected industrial production and consequently tax revenue collections,” he added.

“The growth in revenue for the year to date period compared to the same period in 2018 stands at 9.3% compared to the targeted growth rate of 7.0% revenue projected for the same period. Please note that this performance relates to revenues collected by ZRA only and does not include the performance of non-tax revenues collected by other government agencies.”

Mr. Chanda further stated that during the year, ZRA paid out K10.5 billion in VAT refunds while a further K400 million was refunded towards direct taxes and duty drawback.

He indicated that the bulk of the vat refunds 78%, was paid to the mining sector.

“You may recall that in 2018 ZRA refunded K9.4 billion. The current refunds, therefore, representing 16.1% growth. Going forward, the government through ZRA will allocate more resources to dismantle outstanding vat refunds and minimize accumulation of refunds,” he further added.

“ZRA will ensure that current refunds in 2020 are honoured while a plan will be agreed with the ministry of finance on dealing with refund arrears without distorting the input/output performance of vat in 2020. Paying refund arrears using current collections distorts the actual performance of the tax. For example, of the k10.5 billion refunded in 2019 only k2.8 billion related to transactions in 2019. The balance was 2013-2018 refund claims.”


  1. We are glad the authorities have investigated the wild allegations against his excellency and the first daughter. The truth has finally come out. We now hope that our friends in opposition will concentrate on more serious matters and progressive issues of development . Rather than trying to paint the president black. We hope people will learn to respect the highest office in the land. His excellency is a very humble man who even allows people to investigate him and accuse him of things without intimidation. Let us now move on from this. We know people were paid to raise allegations. Kz

    • Owe which humble man?. Lungu is a smiling assasin. ZRA is toothless get an independent body to investigate, a professional organisation not affiliated to anybody in Zambia you will see what they will dig out. ZRA is not an audit firm spare us these cheap tactics of trying to elude the truth. God the revealer of all things will expose you all.

    • People don’t learn to respect others. Respect is earned, not taught. If a person is not trustworthy, people can’t learn to respect him.

      A President is a public figure. Therefore, he is not supposed to allow anybody to investigate him. Nobody needs his permission to investigate him. He should be investigated when it’s necessary. He is not above the law.

    • I thought there was no scandal!! now there is a scandal but not known who is involved! Yaba.

      Couldn’t get any better. Am more perplexed now.


    • The terrorist has spoken. You are on a wanted list, however may ch you will hide we will find you and justice will be met. Watch your back mate.

      The long arm of the law doesn’t get tired too

    • Ahhh, why am I not surprised? ZRA is just another apparatus of the government that will sit on the truth even if it itches persistently in the anus in order to protect its master. But the Puppet Fvck!ng master will one day be brought to book. I can’t wait to see him sh!t hot stones for the untold misery he has bestowed on the masses.

    • You speak as if Edgar and his minions don’t live among us. As long as he’s in public office everything he does shall remain in the public domain.

    • Allow people to investigate him ?does he have a choice?have you ever stumbled upon the constitution of Zambia and did you ever read anywhere where it says a president has to allow investigations ?

    • Does the commissioner understand what the word ”Smuggling” means? Can Mushota with her PhD explain it to him?

  2. The report linked people close to Lungu and not lungu . now back ZRA what are saying about those people close to the President.

    • Can not see the evidence for the sake of his job, scatter teeth is a theif,Lungu ni kabolala, the ka worst president on earth….. the drunk is as useless as they come

    • Can not see the evidence for the sake of his job, scatter teeth is a theif,Lungu ni kabolala, the ka worst president on earth….. the drunk is as useless as they come

  3. I swear Lungu thinks Zambians are dull to believe this remixed mukula story.

    Can they show us evidence of court cases where these so called smugglers have been prosecuted?

    This koswe is way too much. As if stealing was not enough, now has become a big liar.

  4. Come ZRA for once be objective. You are not PFRA (patriotic front revenue authority) but Zambia Revenue authority and therefore your mandate is to the people of Zambia and not PF. Be independent and prudent because what you are currently doing is giving a disservice to the people of Zambia in favor of Lungu and his bunch of thieves. Come 2021 El Scorpio will ready for you.

  5. Ubu ebupuba. ZRA is the wrong body to state such investigations. The only time such issues or reports can come from ZRA is when people are paying taxes on a legal business. It is actually utter nonsense and very immature and unprofessional for their commissioner to even indulge in such matters. Trees were not traded legally or exported legally. This was illegal logging and illegal trade that does not get reported to ZRA. Does this man think Lungu is stupppid to report taxes or pass through them when he is illegally logging? This is like the maize or mealie meal that go to DRC in the middle of the night through Sakanya or some bribed pathways. Does ZRA have such records? God Zambia mwaliba ubupuba. Aba batata Ba Kingsley Chanda chiwelewele.

  6. As Tarionorange says above …..

    If there are smugglers , show us court cases of those smugglers from where you have been confiscating mukula…….

  7. “Under one’s supervision; while one is in a position of power, authority, or responsibility.
    I can’t believe you let this happen on your watch.
    It’s strange—even though it wasn’t on my watch, I still feel partly responsible for the robbery.”
    “Boeing ousted its CEO Monday, a move seen as inevitable amid increasing pressure from regulators, lawmakers and the families of those killed aboard two of the company’s crashed 737 MAX planes, which remain grounded.
    In announcing the leadership change, which removes Dennis Muilenburg from the position of CEO, the company said it was necessary to “restore confidence” in Boeing as it “works to repair relationships with regulators, customers” and others.”
    Who’s going to restore confidence in Zambian to repair reports at united…

  8. These people are like a pregnant woman denying she’s pregnant, only to have a baby the following day. Zambia has become a circus lol!

  9. Since when has ZRA become an investigative body? Since you are at it, can you investigate a certain man whose nett worth jumped from K2m to K23m in 15months? Tell us how he made such money in that period?

  10. When did ZRA become an investigative agency? Just shut the hell up you mascot. You think we are your children who you can hoodwink with your foolish hogwash? Your time is coming when you will account for all your misdeeds and corruption, I fell like puking when I see this man’s face.

  11. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Sometimes i tend to wonder and these are the same people claim to have learnt and being knowledgeable. Ba Chanda sure wat do u take Zambians for? is it the duty of ZRA to investigate the President? Even if by chance u have the opportunity to investigate him will u surely with all decency tell us that he is involved in mukula trade? Muleikala fwe the people of Zambia have now known u clearly because even wen it means lying or deceiving Zambians u dont know how to be smart in terms of covering up a lie. u say this today someone again will say something else no coodination at all thats why we have now known u very well. Mukasebana wen u go out of power this is yo Country learn to be decency and offer your services objectively otherwise it will be a shocker and shameful 4 u.

  12. Why doesn’t lungu himself not deny that he is the mukula theif ………….zambians want to hear it from his mouth.

    But like the clever criminals we see on tv , silence is golden , if you are guilty, and only speak to police ( the public in this case) through a lawyer ( state house officials and others GRZ employees in this case )

  13. Of course that’s the answer I expected from.ZRA.we will know the truth after he is voted out.But.we have evidence.Of retiring interest.crimes against humanity as it is ethnic.cleansing

  14. This is what unemployment can do. People will sing praises because he knows once he looses this job he cant find another. That is why you find Ministers mentioning the name of their President in every sentence, symptoms of the unemployment calamity in the country.

  15. Don’t worry people. Today there might be no evidence but in 2021 it will be there, it will be found by the same people who are defending them now.


  17. Not sure if ZRA has the authority to exonerate anyone. Looking forward to the legitimate institutions to investigate. Too quick to conclude.


  19. This can be likened to that former MMD minister Liato. He buries money in his backyard and later the BOZ governor informs the nation that according to what is in the bank reserves, they don’t have evidence that money has been buried and missing, thus making Liato a saint!

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