Saturday, July 27, 2024

Raphael Nakachinda escapes attack from angry MMD Youths


Raphael Nakacinda on a Radio Show in Eastern Province
FILE: Raphael Nakacinda on a Radio Show in Eastern Province

Nominated Member of Parliament and former National Secretary of the Felix Mutati led MMD Raphael Nakachinda yesterday survived lynching from MMD Youths at Findeco House.

Mr Nakachinda who was a guest on Millennium Radio on a special paid for program said the MMD had no President and that he was the leader of the Party.

This did not go well with the MMD, and other youths who quickly mobilized and followed him to Findeco House

Unknown to Mr Nakachinda, the angry youths were preparing to teach him a lesson and as he was exiting the building after his interview, and walking towards his vehicle, the emotionally charged youths confronted him chanting “waya sana Nakachinda” .

When Mr Nakachinda and some of his security guys noticed the MMD youths, his guards were the first to run as he was almost left alone. As the youths asked him why he had continued selling and insulting the party leadership for cheap political survival, the clearly frightened and shaken nominated Member of Parliament U-turned and run back into Findeco House and hid in one of the toilets.

Some of the Youths was heard saying enough is enough and that the next time they caught up with him, they would lynch him

Raphael Nakachinda was on radio where he has continued disparaging High Court Judge Sharon Newa’s November 5th Court ruling which declared that Dr. Nevers Mumba the legitimate President of the MMD.


    • Just a lawless country this one. Any chap can stand up and defie any court order. It started with the one who threatened the constitutional court that if he was not allowed to stand in 2021 there would be chaos in the country, then a guy called Amos Chanda also threatened the judiciary with no reprimand from his boss, then the ministers who stole money by illegally staying in office are still questioning the final court and the final court seems to be crumbling, and Nakachinda is behaving in the same manner and you docile people are surprised. Mudabwa Chani

    • Learn from what happened to big man Major Kachingwe. This Nevers Mumba MMD is as vicious as hell.
      But this is good pressure in the run up to the convention whenever that is possible.

  1. Yeah that is what must be done to people who refuse to obey court orders. Punish them on behalf of the court, do the same to ministers who stole our money by illegally staying in office too.

  2. Yeah that is what must be done to people who refuse to obey court orders. Punish them on behalf of the court, do the same to ministers who stole our money by illegally staying in office too so that they know people can take matters in their own hands because no one is above the law.

  3. I will no longer comment on the substantive article involving nakachinda because I have already advised the young man to desist following the court ruling and to seek advice from us elders. So today I will break from protocol, after all it is Friday.
    What is everyone doing at the weekend? As for me, I am meeting with my old school friends for a mini reunion in Kafue. For those that know me well, KAfue is my second home. Please if you see me, no political questions. Just come by and say hi. You may be lucky to get your drinks paid for. Enjoy the weekend all. Kz

  4. It serves him right. Nakachinda is living in denial but with time he will accept. You lost the court case, accept it and move on or swallow your pride by being on the side of Nevers Mumba

  5. This one is like Bowman, it appears it is a school issue. When some body keeps referring to his title, just know it is clear lack of confidence. As Lusaka province Minister this, As Lusaka province Minister that, As Lusaka province Minister. Very dall character this one, mwamufumishe Kwi uyu Boot licker

  6. Oh yes we are all breaking protocol for the first time I am going to that river motel in kafue to have a drink in peace….something we havent enjoyed in a while guess can even go on the river if the water is calm..phew thanks be to one ecl for taking action.

  7. Nakachinda irritates me big time. Courts already ruled over this matter and what is his problem kanshi. Why live in perpetual denial????

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