Saturday, July 27, 2024

Katuka warns PF members as two UPND cadres are killed in Mongu


UPND Secretary General Stephen Katuka has warned the ruling PF “not to stretch their luck too far with violence.”

The UPND says it has noted with shock the death of its two campaign officials in Mongu who were attacked by PF cadres armed with guns, teargas canisters and all sorts of weapons.

The two deceased officials have been identified as District Deputy Vice Chairlady Mwendameyi Mukobela and District Trustee Mbanga Mwangala.

UPND Secretary General Stephen Katuka has alleged that the PF went and attacked the UPND campaign centre and later started chasing two of their vehicles with fire arms and teargas canisters.

“Our campaign team was attacked at the campaign centre in the Kaande ward of Mongu Central Constituency”, Mr Katuka said.

He said this happened when armed PF thugs suddenly started chasing them while firing live ammunition and teargas canisters, causing the vehicle which was being driven by the provincial chairman Mr Musangu Njamba to overturn,and one of campaign member Mwendameyi Mukobela died on the spot while the other one Mbanga Mwangala died at the hospital.

Mr Katuka said Provincial Youth Chairperson Mbangu Mbangu and Constituency Vice Youth Chairman Lubinda Imasiku are still in a critical condition.

He said the Western Province UPND Chairman Musangu is also still admitted to the hospital while Mongu Central Member of Parliament Mwilola Imakando got arrested when he went to report the incident to the police and was charged with a trumped up charge of malicious damage .

He said Police are calling for confusion if this is how they will handle the UPND and has urged them to remain professional in the execution of their duties and apply the law equitably.

“Since the PF cadres involved have been identified , we call on police to immediately arrest them. If they are not arrested , we shall help them do the job. We cannot have police officers behaving like PF cadres”, he added.

He has however urged all UPND members across the country to seriously defend themselves whenever they are attacked as police are not ready to protect us.

Mr Katuka said some Police officers have proved to be PF aligned and unhelpful , hence the need for our members across the country to be ready to defend themselves at all times.

But Zambia Police spokesperson Esther Katongo has dispelled Mr Katukas statement that two of the UPND members have been murdered in Kaande area of Mongu in Western Province.

Mrs Katongo said no one has been murdered in the Kaande ward by election and that the names in the statement of those purported to have been murdered died in an accident which happened in Mongu involving a Toyota Prado and a Mercedes Benz which also left seven vendors seriously injured.

She has urged all political parties to always be truthful when giving information to the public because sensational reporting has potential to bring about disorder.

Mrs Katongo said those wishing to get more facts may get information from people in Mandanga area where the accident happened in which the two people who the UPND are reporting to have been murdered were involved.

“Further, there are survivors of the accident who are the vendors who were bashed from off the road by the drivers of the two vehicles involved in the accident”, she added.


  1. When corrupt african leaders are planning to rig the elections , again and again, they bring confusion in their countries, like staging of ritual killings in Zambia and rumours of vampires in Malawi etc… Their Citizens start suspecting and killing innocent fellow country men, then the police and soldiers start pretending to bring order by intimidating their fellow citizens with more violence ,and causing fear and confusion amongst their people

  2. FACT IS When corrupt african leaders are planning to rig the elections , again and again, they bring confusion in their countries, like staging of ritual killings in Zambia and rumours of vampires in Malawi etc… Their Citizens start suspecting and killing innocent fellow country men, then the police and soldiers start pretending to bring order by intimidating their fellow citizens with more violence ,and causing fear and confusion amongst their people

  3. intimidation by the security forces is done to scare away opposition voters and give the ruling elections: will it be different in 2021?

  4. Here we go again with the ZIG ZAG statements, what happened to statements like “WE WILL CARRY FURTHER INVESTIGATIONS”, remember in any accident there is the witnesses and those who where involved in the accident, who we are told are admitted , have they given their side of the story to conclude that it was just an accident.

  5. fake news, -use of social media to spread false information and the fabrication of lies to discredit media outlets.
    corruption- handing out bags of money at rallies
    manipulator’s toolbox- buying, repression, election hacking, ballot-box stuffing
    Such rulers often manipulate elections because they fear what would happen to them if they were to leave power, so why not give them a way out?

  6. Upndead is Seer 2.
    Misinformation propagandist guruz.

    Are you accusing police officers of violence? Teargas canisters? PF cadres? Mapatizya formula? Can you show us the funeral houses?

  7. Pf the blood of many people you have sent to the grave is on you. No wonder the country is faced with so many difficulties despite all the prayers. Foolish Easter katongo and her police all they do is deny deny just like the ritual killings meanwhile they are catching suspects for a crime they categorically stated that it didn’t exist who are they fooling

  8. The reporting is misleading. There was a car accident!

    Look country men and ladies, we can’t go on like this. Preoccupation with political power is dividing the country. Let’s go back to one party state.

    You simply cannot give the ‘Hoi polloi’ responsibility to pick a side. That is a Western idea not in keeping with our advancement at this stage……a few more evolutions might do it! One Party state in conjunction with military authoritarianism. We can’t do this………..

  9. UPND when you come off the bench ensure bill 11 comes to nullify bill 10, please. Bill 10 has been widely rejected, if it was a match it was going to be 10 one

  10. Its is very irresponsible for some one that high up in a useless opposition party to make such wild claims when the police have not investigated or told us who was behind the violence. By the very act of him making false accusations he is perpetuating more violence by creating a political fight that is only in his own imagination. Let us be responsible as leaders. Kz


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