Saturday, July 27, 2024

Lack of leadership has contributed to the loss of employment by Zambians-NAREP


President of the opposition National Restoration Party Steve Nyirenda says lack of leadership has contributed to the loss of employment by Zambians in various sectors of the economy.

Mr Nyirenda says regrettably, the PF Government has failed to provide solutions to the investor Community on various challenges they are facing such as high taxes.

And Mr Nyirenda has projected further layoffs in the mines if the PF does not intervene in the problems facing the mining sector.

He said the development at Chambeshi metals where 299 workers will be laid off after it was placed on care and maintenance is a tip of the iceberg as more mining companies are likely to follow suit.

Mr Nyirenda has urged the government to dialogue with the mining companies to find the lasting solutions to the challenges they are facing.

Meanwhile, Mr Nyirenda says the PF Government under President Edgar Lungu is a failed project and must not be given another chance in 2021.

Mr Nyirenda said the PF have failed to find a solution to the challenges facing the nation such as high food prices hence the need to vote them out next year.

He has warned Zambians that they will regret if they vote for the PF next year.

Mr Nyirenda said NAREP has the solutions for the challenges facing the nation hence must be given chance to govern.


  1. Cry us a river. You were able to run that silly muvi TV successfully under the leadership of pf you ungrateful hyena

  2. @kz, yesterday I was commenting on Dr Mambwe insulting the electorate and PF leadership and I said though UNZALARU should be disciplined, deregistration was harsh. Mr kz you are not different from Dr Mambwe and you deserve discipline from your leadership. Its unzambian to insult a leader or an elderly person just because he holds a different view from yours. Look at the age of the man you are calling hyena. Infact he has contributed so much to employment in this country through muvi tv relationship challenges with government not withstanding.Please apologise right here. According to your claims on this forum, people take what you say here as PF position.

  3. “Mr Nyirenda says regrettably, the PF Government has failed to provide solutions to the investor Community on various challenges they are facing such as high taxes.”

    Just another neoliberl con artist. Look back at the last 30 years of neoliberalism, and see the results. If there is high unemployment, a collapsed currency, and high inquality, then it is the result of IMF/World Bank advice, and neoliberal policies like free trade, deregulation, currency devalulation, and preferring foreign over local investment.

    The only answer is a return of the State in creating mass employment, renationalisation of the ownership of the mines’ shares.

    Why wait for ‘foreign investment’ when Zambia has all the copper? Get paid for the copper, and you don’t need investors. Own it or tax it…

  4. Ok brothers and sisters , after reflecting maybe the term hyena was not acceptable language. However, this man needs to also respect the pf government. If it was not for this government providing a favourable environment for private median to run, he wouldn’t be where he is today. Edgar Lungu is a father of the nation who deserves respect. Respect is not earned just by age and it is reciprocal. We hope he will also apologise to the pf leadership. Kz

  5. Leaders are to give respect not insulting them shut your mouth if where you come from there is no respect. Appreciate Leaders that are chosen by Jehovah.

  6. @ KZ, should we be praising the PF for the bare minimum? i.e, the right to freedom of expression and right to own and run a business such as Muvi TV? Should we be saying thank you to the humble leader?


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