Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Bowman Lusambo’s COVID-19 Enforcement Orchestration in Pictures


Busted Wedding where over 60 Indians were having a party right in Emmasdale
Busted Wedding where over 60 Indians were having a party right in Emmasdale
Busted Wedding where over 60 Indians were having a party right in Emmasdale
Busted Wedding where over 60 Indians were having a party right in Emmasdale
Woman resisting Police Arrested
Woman resisting Police Arrested
Woman resisting Police Arrested
Woman resisting Police Arrested
..but over powered and put in a police van
..but over powered and put in a police van
Lodge Owner in confrontation fight with the Police
Lodge Owner in confrontation fight with the Police
..but eventually over powered and led by his waist to police
..but eventually over powered and led by his waist to police
Man tries to run to safety after being confronted by Police with whipping sticks
Man tries to run to safety after being confronted by Police with whipping sticks
Man tries to run to safety after being confronted by Police with whipping sticks
Man tries to run to safety after being confronted by Police with whipping sticks
Man tries to run to safety after being confronted by Police with whipping sticks
Man tries to run to safety after being confronted by Police with whipping sticks
Police pick up a man found consuming alcohol
Police pick up a man found consuming alcohol
Police pick up a man found consuming alcohol
Police pick up a man found consuming alcohol
Police whip and picked up patrons found consuming alcohol at total filling station in Salama Park
Police whip and picked up patrons found consuming alcohol at total filling station in Salama Park
Police whip and picked up patrons found consuming alcohol at total filling station in Salama Park
Police whip and picked up patrons found consuming alcohol at total filling station in Salama Park


  1. That is Tripoli in Libya!!
    Don’t lie.. that can’t happen in a Christian Zambia during Easter week.
    If true, then Lusambo has committed treason!!

    • No Brother, His doing a great job. These people dot listen. That white man even holding back a stroke on him. A black man would have been shot doing that to white policemen. Bowman on this one he is right. because he is trying to prevent a situation of dying like in USA or UK its unstoppable at that rate. Imagine clean hygienic countries are suffering and those fools in high class hygienic place in Zambia thinking they are safe. Bowman whip them but you will need to look after you family and quarantine from them for now too much contact. think family

    • No Brother, His doing a great job. These people dot listen. That white man even holding back a stroke on him. A black man would have been shot doing that to white policemen. Bowman on this one he is right. because he is trying to prevent a situation of dying like in USA or UK its unstoppable at that rate. Imagine clean hygienic countries are suffering and those fools in high class hygienic place in Zambia thinking they are safe. B0wman whip them but you will need to look after you family and quarantine from them for now too much contact. think family

  2. It’s Simple,obey law! Bowman has made numerous headlines in as far as fighting vices that work to undermine development, health and accountability. Very active and does not only defend good verbally. He is hands on. Given more power he can expose and bring sanity to Zambia ‘s corrupt world.

    • When are they going to enforce this same power on markets and mini buses? The businesses they are targeting at the moment are even more organized than the markets like Soweto.

  3. Now Am worried for the Policemen involved in these operations. They DON’T look adequately protected against possible transmission of the virus meanwhile they are making physical contacts with suspects.One of them will catch Covid-19 just like that!

  4. I think he is fighting for our safety.. while the IG talks through the media, him he is on thr ground.

    • But putting the police officers at risk, look at that officer putting on a balaclava, how does that head cover protect him from covid 19? He thinks looking like SWAT will protect him from covid 19?

    • Maybe he should be the IG…oh wait a minute…which one is higher or who reports to who? Zambian politics…lol

  5. Apa peve’ I support the Government 100%!!!
    These people think just because they have money, they can flout laws & put everyone’s health at risk.
    These people should be following the law of the land, just like we all do when we are in foreign countries.

  6. The Asians cheated that they had gone into a self quarantine. Liars and hypocrites

    **links not permitted****

  7. This seems to be an anti alcohol consumption campaign. To be honest, who is more at risk of spreading the virus between that guy who is drinking his beer in a virtually empty car park and the masses mingling freely at Lusaka’s Soweto and City Markets and bus stations and in mini buses?

  8. The same should be applied to street vendors, congested markets, congested bus stations. They should also bring order and implement rules that curb virus prevention. The police however should also be in protective gear that prevents transmission and contracting the virus. Yes we need to be strict and abide by the prevention advice but we also need to be fair and not be selective about who and when to carry out these so called covid-19 patrols.

  9. This is really a noble cause but the problem; the way we implement things!! Awe mwe! SO crude and pante-pante.

  10. Good work to enforce the law.
    But zambia is a poor country how do you transport people in open Bakkie.
    No dignity stupid i***ts.

  11. Excellent work honorable. It is also good to see that majority of Zambians agree and support you. If anything you are risking your own life to save others. A true leader sacrifices for his people. Keep it up. To the public I say please abide by the directive. For me if I find you I will affect citizens arrest. Kz

  12. Kel3ni I am with you on this one. Bowman continue on this crusade but indeed as pointed out protect the operatives and yourself from any possible exposure. These characters will have all of us dead. But do not take them into police cells but in the middle of Heroes Stadium without any warm clothing or blankets so they learn to obey and understand social distancing

  13. So how much was the Lodge owner charged for contravening? Last week here in Germany, a restaurant manager had to pay €25,000 and his guests €250 each for holding a similar event. Only difference is nobody got whipped physically.

  14. This guy is missing the point if he thinks only alcoholics and light skins are carriers. I understand you are aiming for the top office but, when people see you arguing in unedited videos, you really come out to be dull

  15. Well done super Bowan. Saving the day …you are risking your life for mother Zambia.
    The Pakistan matrix is still fresh in our minds but people opposing what you are doing have chosen to forget.
    Go on and make sure during the operation you and the officers weae gloves and masks.

  16. THis is how it starts …Police have no right to beat people next it will be a Political Party or an NGO meeting beaten under the guise of no permit after the pandemic passes.

  17. Is so difficult to drink from home. Law is law. This convid 19 knows no freedom that’s why we are being told to stay home.
    Don’t just surport wrong doing for the sake of criticizing government.
    These people are putting the nation in danger…..Honrable please continue and ignore the nonsayers

  18. Tarino maybe you need to tell your UK leaders to emulate our approach. We call it the lusambo effect. It may help you guys there to reduce the fatalities. You can’t have thousands of people dying in a so called developed nation. Please tell them about lusambo they can learn a lot from us.

  19. President Cyril Ramaphosa has announced that the deputy president, members of cabinet, and himself will all take a pay cut as part of a contribution to South Africa’s fight against the coronavirus.

    Ramaphosa said that these members of the executive will all take a 33% pay cut over the next three months. The president said that this money will be donated to the established Solidarity Fund.

    In a government gazette published at the end of February, Ramaphosa confirmed that a number of senior officials including the deputy president and ministers would not be receiving an increase this year.

    The official salaries are outlined below.

    Position Total remuneration
    Deputy President R2 825 470
    Minister R2 401 633
    Deputy Minister R1 977 795
    Split over a year, a minister’s salary…

  20. …..The official salaries are outlined below.

    Position Total remuneration
    Deputy President R2 825 470
    Minister R2 401 633
    Deputy Minister R1 977 795
    Split over a year, a minister’s salary works out to just over R200,000 a month. A 33% reduction works out to R134,000 a month (a cut of R66,000) – meaning for the three months, each minister will be contributing R198,000 to the fund.

    The announcement comes after Ramaphosa extended South Africa’s national lockdown by another two weeks, beyond the original 21 days. Most of the initial lockdown measures will remain in place until the end of April, said the president.

    “We are only at the beginning of a monumental struggle,” said Ramaphosa. “If we end the lockdown too soon, we risk a resurgence of the disease.”

    He added that…

  21. Junior j we did that here in Zambia way before the virus spread. Learn to keep up with news in your own country rather than being experts in the affairs of foreign countries. Ubututu

  22. …..He added that risk-adjusted measures will be assessed to ensure certain businesses can return to operation. “We did not take this decision lightly,” said Ramaphosa.

    The priority for the government is to ensure there is not a massive loss of life, while at the same time not allowing the economy to collapse.

    This will see healthcare efforts ramped up, along with financial packages for local businesses.

  23. Our own president, His Excellency Dr Edgar Chagwa Lungu, tried a salary reduction and received a massive opposition even from his own government officials.
    Please let’s offer him our support if he tries again, this time to raise funds for COVID-19.

  24. Try breaking the law in India and you are black African….see how they Will mistreat you…and in Zambia they act like they’re small gods ba makaka

  25. Look at this abominable impostor moron …in the UK where you are …you rightly know Police have powers to arrest but after all methods have been exhausted when you refuse especially if you are in group.

  26. Anonymous – In India they will not go in suburbs of Bandra, Mumbai or Vashi, Navi Mumbai and shambok residents with the Indian caste system…why should you wipe people who you will arrest.
    This same Bowman will be beating you in 2021…stop promoting stupidity

    “This seems to be an anti alcohol consumption campaign. To be honest, who is more at risk of spreading the virus between that guy who is drinking his beer in a virtually empty car park and the masses mingling freely at Lusaka’s Soweto and City Markets and bus stations and in mini buses?”

  28. Sorry, that’s from Dimba above. Surely, even just telling the Indians to cut the numbers wasn’t going to be better?? Is Bowman paying attention to what Zambians are saying about his actions??? I really wonder….

  29. Since they have failed in both economic and political issues, maybe this one their honorable will win. By the way whipping people was stopped by law globally in 1860, there are still some primitive countries practicing it. There is no justification for corporal punishment, that because this virus is deadly he is okay whipping people, kulibe vaso mu law. So don’t post your loads of ignorance here please

  30. These are the same people who came with the virus from India and Pakistani.No respect for the country, good Lord

    In South Africa wedding guests, the pastor who conducted the ceremony and the newlyweds themselves were arrested and taken to a police station without a fight.
    IN Zambia MA YENDELE…wedding guests violently tried to resist arrest

  32. Where is the protective gear on the police? Come in contact with potential carriers, go back to the police station, spread the contamination… the definition of careless. All this for some social media snaps.

  33. This is good because as you can see the Indians and the Lebanese (what some call white which they are not) travel and bring back the Chinese virus that how the US and Europe got infected by travellers bringing it in. As for beating them they were asked first to get in the police van but think they were better than everyone else. They resisted so got what they desired , the Lebanese and Indians are the scum of the human race

  34. This is how it should be, police doing their job to ensure presidential orders are effective. Its not Lusambo creating this enforcement, its the law taking its course, it does not need an individual – ITS THE LAW. However, if you have people like KZ, assaulting, maiming, harassing, beating and kidnapping innocent Zambians and police do not arrest such rogoes or disobey court orders, we call them public enemy of Zambians number one. They undermine the rule of law in Zambia, they side with foreigners as we saw in photos disobeying the law. Kaizer Zulu should be arrested he is an enemy of Zambia.

  35. Well done Bowman. We need a rap song to celebrate your heroism at this time! It goes like this……”So whose got the Truncheons,…….. and Is Smacking Them Right?! BOOOWMAN. Yo Yo Yo Yo!

    Good work citizen Bowman, we appreciate you and raise you up before God Almighty for great blessings. You are Worthy. For a good man is one who is a keeper of his brothers and sisters in need. Your Excellency, please note, highly recommended for honour. As suggested by others we need to monitise these arrests for money towards protective wear and help to those in need. Fine them. Also give them criminal charges. For those not indigenous, repartriate them back to their countries.

  36. If you remember during the AIDS epidemic, as the disease was taking hold, it was these very communities that spread it as they were using Zambian prostitutes who took the disease to the local communities. Tourism also compounded the spread of the disease amount locals. It’s important for govt to learn from this history. Locals are simple folk and need protecting.

    Even in the time of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ, those Roman Centurions would weald the Spears and chain whips if the colonised Jewish people disobeyed a dictat from Ceasar.

  37. There is no substitution for the law. Move out of stone age quickly. Punishments are only supposed to be meted by the courts of law. So don’t praise wrong things here and expose your full ignorance. There is a reason why we went to school. Some of us are not even part of opposition but we would like to see everybody operating within the law and for those dull ones whipping is not in the law no matter how much you may clap and praise it. Please wake up. If you want whipping to be law include it in bill 10, that’s a civilized way of doing things please

  38. @bongobongo I suspect the other ministers know that their job is not to shepherd policemen to arrest citizens. That job is for the Inv General. If we ask John Sangwa he will say it is illegal for any minister to involve himself in police operations

  39. “When one with honeyed words but evil mind
    Persuades the mob, great woes befall the state.”
    – Euripides, Orestes

  40. This action IS WITNIN THE LAW. POA and enforcement of emergency measurements for the protection of citizens is LEGAL.

    PLEASE OBEY THE LAW. The govt has issued orders to save lives. Don’t just disagree with common sense.

  41. Nickson hahaha no no no. I will hug him because I think he is sad and needs love. Living abroad can be lonely and tough for these immigrants.

  42. Lusambo is uncivilised hence these methods of dealing with citizens. It is no point using force to to discipline people, can the relevant authority please just fine these who are not following the guidelines instead of brutalising them. That man is not even honourable looking at his truck records and the manner he deals with issues. Let us have some sanity please. We are not in the UNIP times anymore. I hope someone sues Lusambo for assault! Let us be cautious and and stay safe at our homes to avoid the spread of the virus.

  43. This is just a waste of time. Until they shutdown markets across the country and limit movement of buses and number of passengers, this is a futile battle. Once it hits the markets that is going to be the end . Will be seeing body bag after body bag. And our health institutions don’t have the capacity to handle the pandemic. It is just a matter of time. And a minister touching a private citizen is assault, he is not a law enforcement officer

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