Saturday, July 27, 2024

Respect Traditional leaders, Politicians Come and Go, Chiefs Remain, Chavuma PM warned by Chief Chinyama


CHIEF Chinyama of the Luvale speaking people of Zambezi District in Northwestern Province has advised Chavuma area member of Parliament (MP) Victor Lumayi to stay away from involving himself in Traditional matters concerning the installation of Chiefs in Chavuma District.

The traditional leader says the area MP should immediately stop using his name in order to gain political mileage in traditional matters in Chavuma District.

He says, Politicians come and go but traditional leaders shall remain hence Mr. Lumayi must start respecting traditional leaders for he is still their subject despite being a representative of the people in Parliament.

He was reacting to statements issued by the Chavuma Mp in which he is quoted saying he will not accept the installation of a chief in Chuvama district selected by the Luvale royal establishment and that Chief Chanyama has also given consent to that.

The MP is reported to have his own preferred candidate and title of the chief to be installed in Chavuma, a thing that has so far brought kerfuffle in the area.

The Chief who according to the Luvale tradition is second most senior from Chief Ndungu has advised him to instead initiate developmental projects in Chavuma constituency to benefit the people.

He has urged the MP to see to it that Chavuma district gets an equal share from the national cake and not just fighting traditional authority.

Chief Chinyama has also pledged to work with the government and has advised the people of Zambezi and Chavuma districts to support and lobby for development from the government of the day.

He was speaking live from his palace in Chinyama Litapi in Zambezi district this morning during a ZNBC radio one program dubbed ‘TONA TUSEKETE’


  1. BMW Bally Must Win
    ZNBC= Zambia Needs Bally Chapwafye
    BOZ= Bally Of Zambia
    BENZ= Bally Ena Ni Zii
    BBC= Ba Bally Chapwafye
    BALL= Bally Alikwata Leadership Lyonse.
    TBN= Team Bally Nationwide.
    CBC= Call Bally Chapwa
    ZABS= Zambia Accepts Bally System.
    CAB= Chapwa Asova Bally
    BBQ= Bringing Bally Qualities.
    BBA/BAC= Bally Brings Accountability/ Bally Allows Continuity
    BCE= Bally Changes Economy
    BC= Bally Chapwafye .
    BMW= Bally Muntu Wesu
    TB= Team Bally
    ABSA= Ala Bally Supplies All
    FNB= Fyonse Ni Bally

  2. The Traditional Authority is our system of government that has lasted generations. Unfortunately we have adopted alien traditions that has caused injury to our traditional governance system. In our tradition if somebody comes with money, mealie meal or chitenge and gives to canvass for your vote, such a person will get zero and all villagers will shun him. But alas! today he will get the most votes. Chieftaincy has been compromised because of the continuous interference by politicians. Our traditions have some of the best land tenure that settles any land conflict easily. We all need to support our chiefs from this onslaught by politicians. Politicians only realize the role of chiefs when they’re out of power. We have so many conmen now masquerading as chiefs. Even quacks like Jack…

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