Saturday, July 27, 2024

Government Releases Funds to pay Suppliers of Face Masks in Five Provinces


The government has released funds to pay suppliers of washable face masks in five Provinces.

Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit National Coordinator Chanda Kabwe says this follows the completion of verification of suppliers’ details and quantities supplied in the five Provinces namely; Western, Luapula, Northern, Muchinga, and Eastern.

Mr. Kabwe has explained that the Government has released about K1. 3 million for Western, Luapula K369, 000, Northern K1. 5 million, Muchinga K590, 000 while Eastern Province has received K1. 5 million.

Speaking to journalists in Lusaka, Mr. Kabwe further disclosed that Government has released K1. 6 million to the Ministry of Youth and Sport for various activities including payment to youth groups that supplied masks and for the welfare of the street kids.

He said Government has also released K600, 000 to all the three market associations that had been engaged to supply masks.

The National Coordinator also said Government has released K800, 000 to pay all-women cooperatives within and outside Lusaka.

He added that the Government has further released funds to three youth groups that had been engaged to supply masks in Lusaka and Eastern Province.

Mr. Kabwe said Government has also released K200, 000 to the Ministry of Defense through Mulungushi Textiles to pay traders who had supplied masks and another K200, 000 to Correctional services to pay the traders.

He explained that the payments released so far are part of phase 1 and that phase 2 will include Copperbelt, North-Western, Southern, Central, and Lusaka Provinces.

Mr. Kabwe said suppliers who will not be paid in phase 1 should exercise patience as phase 2 suppliers will receive their payments soon.


  1. Most likely no one received those face masks in those provinces. The most corrupt and thieving government on earth!!

  2. When are you going to pay the pensioners?? You crooks! You are just paying your cadres for doing nothing. Your time is coming close to an end. You will remember this time you are playing around with money. How can money be found to pay for useless things but not things that matter to the people?

  3. “Mr. Kabwe said suppliers who will not be paid in phase 1 should exercise patience as phase 2 suppliers will receive their payments soon”
    This thief is not serious last time he was warning traders for non supply …imagine you as a supplier borrowed funds to supply emergency gear and this moron Chanda is saying this by the time you are paid….interest has eaten up all your funds.

  4. Not only do Zambian lives matter, but they come first. Great developments all round. Good to see asusual the foreign non zambian diasporans giving their two cents on a matter which does not concern them. Go and complain on London or New York times. This is lusaka times. Hahaha

  5. Not only do Zambian lives matter, but they come first. Great developments all round. Good to see asusual the foreign non zambian diasporans giving their two cents on a matter which does not concern them. Go and complain on London or New York times. This is lusaka times. Hahaha. In your so called rich nations you blacks are disadvantaged and probably won’t even get tested till you are dead

  6. How is this news to the general public — PF fails to pay, today is paying its cadres for harassing Zambians –

  7. Apart from his bemba English, I don’t think this is news. The country is on its knees economically and somebody is being given news coverage space to talk about masks. When will this country ever be serious. The other day a minister said youths should start making masks to survive, what if covid was not there, what were they going to be making to survive. Jokes, all over

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