Saturday, July 27, 2024

A Zambian company invests over $3.2 million into a diamond and gemstone processing plant



A Zambian company, Mutinta Jewellery has invested over US$3.2 million into a diamond and gemstone processing plant which is expected to manufacture jewellery from diamonds, gemstones and other precious stones.

The plant which is set to operate fully before end of August 2020 has projected production of over 15 to 25,000 carats per annum and is expected to directly employ about 200 Zambians at the plant while about 100 individuals will be indirectly hired.

Speaking during a tour of Mutinta Jewellery and Gemstone processing plant in Lusaka on July 30, 2020, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development Barnaby Mulenga pledged the ministry’s support to the company as it is in line with government’s policy of value addition and empowerment of local entrepreneurs.

Mulenga is pleased that the development of the processing plant will promote value addition as the industry is currently exporting raw gemstones before processing, hence the set up of a local processing plant will enable small scale miners sell their precious stones in raw form, which can then Ben polished locally before exporting.

He said the ministry of Mines in conjunction with the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry will enable trade facilitation for the company to easily penetrate the regional markets as this will help in developing the sector and generate more forex for the country.

“We want to pledge our commitment in supporting this company as this is a very good investment and will definitely bring in value addition, so we will help you with trade facilitation so that you have a market and its good you will be polishing already existing stones,” the Mines PS said.

He added that government therefore looks forward to the exploitation of Zambian precious stones and gemstones and has encouraged Zambian small scale miners to take advantage of this facility that will create a local market.

And Mutinta Jewellery Chairperson Msafiri Sinkala said the set up processing plant is meant to make Zambia a market place for diamonds, gemstones and other precious stones for Jewellery and empower small scale miners to bring their stones for processing and earn better returns on their efforts.

“We have also engaged experts from China who are transferring skills to Zambians and we have already started doing a test run for most of the machines and will want to make sure that everything is up and running without any problem before full operations begin in August,” he added.


  1. Empowering local businesses without fear or favour. This is what we are about as the patriotic front. What is shocking is that the upnd and diasporans will find a way to criticise this and yet they have never put a single ngwee in this economy. We hear they demigod is a self proclaimed billionaire. However,we don’t see anything he is doing for society apart from reaping benefits for himself as a privatisation crook.

  2. “….the processing plant will promote value addition as the industry is currently exporting raw gemstones before processing,….”

    Botswana banned the export of unfinished diamonds , we are perplexed why PF can’t ban the export of raw gemstones , ??

    Is it because gunasse the Senegalese of grizzly mining and kagem mine are major contributors to lungus campaign funds ???

  3. Mutinta Jewery??? PF is mobilizing its robbers Lewis Mosho and Milingo Lungu.
    PF robbers are busy preparing liquidation papers before even company sales first neck chain.

  4. I think gemstones are a bit of a nasty business myself, but I really think it is vital that control of Zambia’s natural resources remain in Zambian hands and the profits remain in Zambia for the benefit of the people. Don’t let unscrupulous Westerners make off with your wealth!

  5. I am a bit skeptical, when I read “with Chinese experience and know how” It is not only the Westerners you have to worry about, it is the Zambian Politicians and the Chinese.

  6. Everything was ok until I reached the last paragraph…I had a feeling the Chinese where involved…
    We hope this is a company owned by Zambians and run by Zambians and not just using them as a form of brand ambassadors…
    All in all employment creation is a plus…bravo

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