Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Lungu receives reports from the Economic Diversification and Job Creation Cluster


President Edgar Lungu, President of the Republic of Zambia this week received the quarterly progress report from the Economic Diversification and Job Creation Cluster.

The President laid out his expectations from the Cluster at the beginning of the the meeting, indicating that there is a more urgent need by the Government to deliver development to all Zambians.

He said the Cluster is the engine of Zambia’s development through economic diversification. The President said prosperity could only be anchored on reliable energy, transport, information and Communication Technology, water resources, and quality infrastructure.

And the President has said the future demands that focus is on investing in climate-smart agricultural practices, including the establishment of resilient irrigation systems while harnessing water-harvesting techniques.

The President expressed happiness that “hope has been restored through various youth and women schemes that have been operationalized to support fisheries and livestock activities in 2020.”

On tourism, the President directed that local and foreign investment be brought into the Northern Tourism circuit. He added that the Northern Tourism Circuit has great potential to attract visitors due to its many wonderful sites.

“The covid-19 pandemic has resulted in lockdowns in most of our partner countries and this has had some immediate effects such as reduced numbers of international tourist arrivals,” The President said.

He further said due to suspended flights and travel bans imposed by many countries, the global and domestic economies have seriously been impacted.

“This is likely to continue for the rema,n,ng part of this year and probably beyond,” the President said, and added, “hence the need to reposition our economic activities to suit the new normal, including finding innovative ways to still encourage tourists to visit our country.”

Other challenges due to covid-19 included disruptions in the supply chain for inputs required in production, construction, and provision of services, the President said.

Meanwhile, President Lungu has said there is need to re-scope some of the on-going infrastructure works to free resources needed to meet emergent demands.

“It is important to be strategic and put in place measures that will deliver quick wins and turnaround the economy to the path of positive growth as we move towards the end of the 7th National Development Plan in 2021 and as we prepare for the next development plan,” the President concluded.

Mines and Mineral Development Minister, Hon. Richard Musukwa presented the Cluster Progress Report on behalf of other ministers.

The Cluster comprises the Ministries of Agriculture; Commerce, Trade and Industry; Energy; Finance; Fisheries and Livestock; Housing and Infrastructure Development; Labour and Social Security; Mines and Mineral Development; Tourism and Arts; Transport and Communications; Water Development, Sanitation and Environmental Protection; Works and Supply; and Youth, Sport and Child Development.

Others are Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Higher Education; and National Development Planning.


  1. “…Meanwhile, President Lungu has said there is need to re-scope…”

    “…indicating that there is a more urgent need…”

    “…The President said prosperity could only be…..”

    “…..hence the need to reposition our economic….”

    That is all this corrupt violent theif knows ……there is need……could be ….

  2. Practicality dictates that inorder to develop the Northern Region’s tourism potential feeder roads must be graded. Not only for tourism but agriculture, business, education and health management all these sectors need good feeder roads to bring development to the rural areas now these terrible bush paths we currently have.

    Practicality dictates that this is not possible when funds which must be used for such important tasks as this are diverted to the buying of luxury SUVs which senior govt officers will eventually own themselves resulting in no grading of vital feeder roads.


  3. ECL reminds me of KK in his later years 1988-1990, the people around ECL are acting exactly like the people around KK did – an iron curtain with similar economic reports being given to the president.
    Bane let’s please learn from history it is our only ally if we really want change the future of this country, and it starts with the president looking at history to learn.

  4. My president for me. Always hard working. Silent but knows what he is doing. They say empty tins make a lot of noise. Just look at how loud hh is. Insulting callers on radio interviews. Writing hot garbage on Facebook and yet no one can quote a single upnd policy in their manifesto. All iwill say is that all those diasporans waiting for hh to win before they return to Zambia, please start planning for your funeral there in diaspora because you will never return

  5. An illiterate man, signed an document called the Constitution of Zambia without reading or understanding it. He is a disguised illiterate man, and sending anything to read is a sheer waste of precious time.

  6. Just look at the man’s face, is that the kind of man you would really like to trust? Mwa minyulezi milomo mwa halimu mane inge sesi nunkile fa lisipa la mupweletete.

  7. Njangwamuloty- A can not with such a face can not read any report…its laughable that such a man wants 5 more years

  8. Ba Mwene Mushi,job creation is simple and straightforward,we need no new industries,we have industries which are limping and what is needed is to pump in working capital,look at Mulugushi Textiles,NCZ,Ndola LIME Copperbelt Solid Waste Management Company limited,just to mention but a few,once working capital is rolled in ,managements of these entities should think about turnaround and proper governance systems should be instituted,so Bwana President think about re-capitalising those companies which are already there before coming up with new onces.Then come 2021 it will be again white wash……..sonta

    Shalom Shalom

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