Saturday, July 27, 2024

UPND’s Chisamba MP denies benefiting from Forest 27 plots


UPND Chisamba Member of Parliament Chushi Kasanda says she has never benefitted from the allocation of plots in the controversial Forest 27.

Mrs. Kasanda was reacting to claims by PF Deputy Secretary General Mumbi Phiri who alleged that the Chisamba law marker is one of those who benefited from the allocation of plots even those party President Hakainde Hichilema keeps criticizing the PF government over dezagetting of Forest 27.

“I am very disappointed to learn that the PF deputy SG Hon Mumbi Phir took time to implicate me yesterday the 7th of August 2020 on a radio programme. This was by asking my president Hakainde Hichilema empty questions in one of their (PF) scandals and the reap off of the Zambian people.“

“Surely i expect the deputy SG to have facts at the tip of her fingers. Like my President said, she has a lot of talk time but not knowledgeable,” Mrs Kasanda said.

“I Chushi Kasanda – MP for Chisamba stands as one of the very few MP’S that did not benefit from the said Forest 27. In fact, some time last year I stood on the floor of the House to ask the Minister of Lands to give us a comprehensive list of all that benefited from the scandal of Forest 27 from both the PF and the UPND but the Speaker said:” I will not allow the Minister to respond to that question.” If there is nothing sinister about the allocation of the said land, can the Zambians be availed with that list so that those of us who did not benefit from this scandal can be cleared,” she suggested.

Chisamba Member of Parliament Chushi Kasanda
Chisamba Member of Parliament Chushi Kasanda


  1. The whole Acc investigative team would be very willing to talk to her. Ubusuma bweka bwekafye. The next thing you would hear from them is….. The land in question was in fact owned by her grand mother’s father who gave it to his sister who later sold it to her mother who in turn bequeathed it to her daughter. A. K. A Dr CC

  2. Under lungu ……

    Looting national forests ….
    Debt highest ever……
    Corruption highest ever ……
    Tribalisim highest ever……
    Taxes highest ever……
    Political violence highest ever….
    GRZ Gassing of citizens first time ever….
    Cost of living , highest ever……

    Most important of all…..fellow citizens were being burned alive in our towns by fellow Zambians for the first time in our history……

    You can’t make that up even if you had a wild imagination……lungu is the most useless president Zambia will EVER have…..

  3. Under lungu ……

    Looting national forests ….
    Debt highest ever……
    Corruption highest ever ……
    Tribalisim highest ever……
    Taxes highest ever……
    Political violence highest ever….
    GRZ Gassing of citizens first time ever….
    Cost of living , highest ever……

    Most important of all…..fellow citizens were being burned alive in our towns by fellow Zambians for the first time in our history……

    You simply can’t make that up even if you had a wild imagination……

    lungu is the most useless president Zambia will EVER have…..

  4. Chushi Kasanda minister of tourism, she is Tourists Attraction herself. The beautiful wonders of UPND together with best friend Kasune of Keembe. Lenjes are beautiful mwe. Maureen Mwanawasa is lenje and UPND, just to remind those jerking off PF.

  5. We ask the PF resident LT rats to tell us what lungu has done for for
    Zambia ????

    Ati development ???

    I say even my houseboy , given the billions lungu has had of our money can also do that development…..

  6. HH refused to ever having such an MP in upnd. So the f.00l doesn’t even know his own mps. Further evidence of his arrogance. How can we have such as leader. Insulting mumbi phiri and thinking he is above her because he attended university and stole privatisation money. Hh is a silly little hyena who will never win a single election in his life. Tell me what public office he has ever held. Ati president,matak0 yeka yeka fye

  7. HH refused to ever having such an MP in upnd. So the f.00l doesn’t even know his own mps. Further evidence of his arrogance. How can we have such as leader. Insulting mumbi phiri and thinking he is above her because he attended university and stole privatisation money. Hh is a silly little hyena who will never win a single election in his life. Tell me what public office he has ever held. Ati president,matak0 yeka yeka fye. Kz

  8. Spaka we don’t need to say. We let our work do the talking. Just look around the country . Oh I forgot your f00lish self is not even in Zambia. So I cannot fathom how you can even hold a view on development in country you have not been to in decades. Stick to your adopted countrys and fight for BLM

  9. Spaka we don’t need to say. We let our work do the talking. Just look around the country . Oh I forgot your f00lish self is not even in Zambia. So I cannot fathom how you can even hold a view on development in country you have not been to in decades. Stick to your adopted countrys and fight for BLM. You have bigger problems there like KKK, nationalist parties etc.

  10. Read the twisted and fake information on the same issue written on Mwebantu news. Where is the regulator of news outlets IBA? Why should news outlets such as Mwebantu be allowed to circulate fake news without consequences ?

  11. Leave such honorable lady alone frm the rubbish of talk time mumbi who doesn’t even have eyes to see gbms twanekane….

  12. KZ

    Hehehehe………the truth hurts you theives ……..

    Tell us what lungu has done for Zambia


    “look all around you at development.”

    As if Zambians would eat roads …..

    We tell the theives again that given the billions lungu had, even my house boy can do a better job……

    atleast jobs and exports would be there….

  13. KZ

    Hehehehe………the truth hurts you theives, we know ……..

    Tell us what lungu has done for Zambia


    “look all around you at development.”

    As if Zambians would eat roads …..

    We tell the theives again that given the billions lungu had, even my house boy can do a better job……

    atleast jobs and exports would be there….

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