Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zambia on course to attain the vision 2030 of becoming a middle-income country through skills training


Government says it is on course to attain the vision 2030 of becoming a middle-income country through skills training.

Western Province Permanent Secretary, Danny Bukali said government has prioritized learning as a life-long process which is provided at every level in the country.

Mr Bukali said government will strive to ensure that many people in the country especially the youths are empowered for them to thrive in their various communities.

He said this in a speech read on his behalf by Community Development Director of Finance, Chinyemba Sakanyi at the second graduation ceremony of 55 graduands at Namushakende Community Development Skills Training Centre in Mongu.

“This milestone cannot go unnoticed taking into consideration the contribution of these graduates would make to our province and the country at large. History indicates that no country in the world has developed without an educated populace mainly in skills development,” Mr Bukali said.

“Our commitment as a ruling government is to ensure that skills development rides on the vision 2030 which asserts that, no one should be left behind. This can be evidenced by the strides the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services has made of not only recruiting students from urban areas but also those from far flung areas in the province,” he said.

Meanwhile, Mr Bukali further said government through the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services is in the process of acquiring productive land from traditional leaders and local authorities for the establishment of colleges and skills training centres with the aim of generating income and promoting sustainability in the province.

“I am confident that our traditional leaders and local authorities in the province will support this noble cause so that our people are empowered with necessary skills that will better their lives,” said Mr Bukali.

“I would like to assure you that the Patriotic Front government is not only a listening one, but also an action oriented government. Thus, the Ministry of Community Development shall endeavor to support training centres in the province,” said Mr Bukali.

And when giving a vote of thanks, one of the graduands in bricklaying and plastering, Silinga Nyambe appealed to government to ensure that students who graduate from skills training centres be empowered with loans to enable them venture in different businesses.

Mr Nyambe noted that many youths have no start-up funds to initiate programmes that will see them becoming potential future employers.


  1. Skills training is the only way to go…..

    On top of the GRZ should identify trained skilled youth who can retrain in entrepreneurial skills with the view that these youths will be employing others

  2. This will anger those silly sadist upnd diasporans who voluntarily ran away from our country to seek greener pastures only to be racially abused there abroad. Meanwhile zambia on course to become a middle income country but most of you lost your zambian citizenship. Ouch chibaba

  3. This is no time for jokes.

    Middle income country by 2030? With all these debt defaults?

    Keep barking.

    In fact, just vacate office now please.

  4. TEVETA must now make entrepreneurship as part of vocational training, Govt and the industry can’t absorb all these graduands. Some need to start their own enterprises. Let’s support by buying from them. 20% subcontracts must include the youth

  5. These are imaginery talks in government enclave trying to make Edgar Lungu happy.

    Zambia is doomed those debts mountains are crippling all those chances of attaining such middle income status.

    PF must go!

  6. The Jewish Kabbalah teaches that bad people have good dreams and good people have bad dreams. The bad people will experience bad things in real life so they enjoy the good things while dreaming. Iminkonono.

  7. @KZ. What you been smoking. At least we have a decent paying job and a good lifestyle. We don’t experience load shedding nor do we encounter medicine shortages. Schools till university is free

    Who wants a Zambian passport. What’s it worth.

    For your kind information I still have my Zambian passport and the passport of the country I live in. At least we have a decent life better for our children.

    Your ex boss and his minions have devastated Zambia, you included with your hand in rigging the 2016 elections

  8. So Bill Gates is not an okay guy ah? His father was the head of planned parenthood, and now Bill Gates uses abortion as “population control” Gates has said for a long time now that he wants 7 billion people vaccinated, and not only that he wants everybody to have some sort of an ID with that vaccination for contact tracing, to prove whether you’ve had the vaccine or not, and then you can just imagine what’s after that.

    Just think, right now it’s a mask… If you don’t have a mask on, many times now you cannot go into a grocery store and buy food, or any other kind of services like Walmart or Lowe’s. It does not take a genius to see what’s coming next, it’s a mandatory vaccine with contact tracing which is already in the form of like a Band-Aid with small little needles, which absorbs…

  9. Dreaming is free and allowed, with all stats in minus, how does Zambia become a middle income country. You are failing to pay your debts, Zambia is the first country to default in debt payments in our region, the only country to have a currency devaluation of over 50% in one year and this permanent secretary continues to have a good dream.

  10. True a country without public toilets, small wonder Chinese open their bowels when ever and where ever they need to relieve themselves – is a bush
    KZ, tell me your business premises for conveniency when in town since even stolen money can not build public toilets. Ordinary Zambians do not need constituency big buses, they need decent public toilets.

  11. The so called bad people live long and lavish lives, have everything they want and may die young or old. Some bullies like Trump even become President….kikiki

  12. @scouser what is there to be proud of when you are living in another man’s land, which was developed by stealing Africa’s resources and using the blood and sweat my fore fathers. Indeed you are a brain washed coon. The whlte people there know what they are doing by keeping you ignorant. Even the kids you raise there they will never learn about Africa and its history. A man who does not know his roots and history is as good as dead. Being proud of being asylum seekers. Can you imagine. My friend can you fuseke from there

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