Saturday, July 27, 2024

Coordinated delivery of social service protection programmes key – PS


GOVERNMENT says it remains committed to prioritizing the coordinated delivery of social service protection programmes as close to the people as possible as contained in the Seventh National Development Plan.

Ministry of Community Development and Social Services Permanent Secretary Pamela Kabamba said in a speech read on her behalf by Central Province Permanent Secretary Bernard Chomba during the handover of Information, Communication Technology equipment (ICT) that communication of available social services improved due to translated information in six districts.

Mrs Kabamba commended the first six Single Window Service Delivery System districts commonly referred to as ‘’Champion Districts’’ which include Kafue, Mpulungu, Samfya, Mongu, Lunga and Mambwe for having made tremendous progress in designing and implementing coordinated stakeholder mapping and engagement which has resulted in reduced fragmentation of social protection interventions.

‘’The Ministry has also noted the reduction in the silo approach to the implementation of social protection programmes in the implementing districts,’’ she said.

And Mrs Kabamba further noted that the system has resulted in value for money not only on the part of government but also for other stakeholders involved in social protection service delivery.

Speaking earlier, Ministry of Community Development and Social Services Acting Director Planning Marrian Tembo said a lot of lessons had been learnt from the districts implementing the single window initiative which will go a long way in enhancing efficiency in the districts.

And ILO Country Office Representative for Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique Kelobang Kagisanyo said social protection played a critical role in the national development agenda as it provides sustainable security against deprivation and extreme vulnerability as outlined in the 7 National Development Plan.

He said ILO was pleased to note the efforts of government to strengthen the coordination of social protection programming at national, sub-national and district levels.

‘’One key approach to enhance coordination, is the Single Windows Initiative, as reflected in the 7NDP. It lays a practical framework for improved coordination at district and community level, as well as to improve ease of access to social protection services, ‘’ he said.

He also commended government for establishing a comprehensive policy that was pro-poor and for increasing funding to the social protection programmes as evidenced by the 2020 national budget.

The procured equipment includes six desk top computers, six laser jet printers, five canon digital cameras and three sony digital cameras.

Government adopted the national social protection policy in 2014.


  1. I love that this government has streamlined many service delivery projects. As a senior civil servant this makes me very proud. Only a mad baboon will vote against pf in elections

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