Saturday, July 27, 2024

Freedom Sikazwe applies to recontest Mpulungu seat


The ruling Patriotic Front (PF) in Mpulungu constituency has started receiving applications from people who wish to stand for different positions under the party ticket in this year’s general elections.

Constituency Secretary, James Ng’andu has since urged every one wishing to contest the various positions under the party ticket to bring their applications to the office.

Mr. Ng’andu revealed that his office has so far received two applications from people wishing to contest the parliamentary seat and another two for council chairperson position.

“We would like to call upon any party member who would want to contest at any level to bring an application.” He said

Mr. Ng’andu said his office will continue to receive applications until the closing date which is March 20, 2021.

“We have so far received applications from Freedom Sikazwe and Leornard Mbao at Parliamentary level and Deo Sichilengwe and George Tembo at council Chairperson Level.” He explained

He added that his office has also received applications from candidates in different wards who want to contest as councilors.

And incumbent Mpulungu Member of Parliament, Freedom Sikazwe has also successfully tendered in his application to recontest his seat.

Mr. Sikazwe explained that he feels he has not finished his service to the people of Mpulungu.

He said he is honored that the people of Mpulungu gave him a chance to serve them and he is ready to continue if they allow him.

“We have achieved a lot with the people of Mpulungu and we will still work hard to achieve more if they allow me to serve them.” He said


  1. “…….Mr. Sikazwe explained that he feels he has not finished his service to the people of Mpulungu……”

    That is all these theives say , the lot of them…

    “…..have not finished……..blah blah blah “

  2. Excellent. Democracy in practice. How amazing. Mr freedom is always in a jovial mood because he is a free man living in a free country unlike the upnd diasporans who are slaves abroad.

  3. The most classic adage regarding trolling is, “Don’t feed the trolls.” Trolls seek out emotional responses and find provocation amusing, so replying to them or attempting to debate them will only make them troll more. By ignoring a troll completely, they will likely become frustrated and go somewhere else on the internet.

    You should try your best not to take anything trolls say seriously. No matter how poorly they behave, remember these people spend countless unproductive hours trying to make people mad. They’re not worth your time of day.

  4. I wonder how much of Mvungu’s printed monopoly money this laughing fooooool Freedom has come with in his Jeep….Sata would never tolerate such nonsense where his ministers are first in line to file applications but today PF have this lazy man Edgar forever sleeping …

  5. “Mr freedom is always in a jovial”? THIS CAN ONLY BE TRUE IF YOU INSTEAD SAY “Mr Sikazwe is always smiling” because smiling is different from jovial mood. THE WORLD CONSTANTLY PUMMELS MAN WITH EXISTENTIAL CHALLENGES. IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO BE ALWAYS JOVIAL. MAYBE FOR THOSE IN PF.

  6. Honourable Freedom Sikazwe deserves another term in office in order to finish pending projects in Mpulungu. In addition position in govt gives him advantage as he is close to the center of power which the Presidency.

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