Saturday, July 27, 2024

Lamba Association endorse Stardy Mwale for Masaiti Central seat


THE Lamba Lima Swaka Association of Zambia (LLASWAZ) has endorsed the candidature of Former Defence Permanent Secretary Stardy Mwale as Member Paliament for Masaiti Central Constituency.

The Association says they are supporting the candidacy of Mr Mwale on the Patriotic Front (PF) ticket because they believe he would represent the pipo of Masaiti well.

At a press briefing held in Ndola, Association President Jimmy Katanga Musuka said Mr Mwale has a heart and respect for the people of Masaiti.

Mr Musuka said Mr Mwale has demonstrated that he can lead and help the people of Masaiti in development.

“Stardy Mwale is a suitable man for Masaiti which is PF stronghold. He visits the people of Masaiti and helps them in so many ways,We want here in Masaiti,” he said.

He said Mr Mwale was born and bred in Masaiti and that his current investments in Masaiti had created jobs for the locals.

Other aspiring Members of Parliament endorsed for the forthcoming general elections by the association include Emmanuel Kasambo for Mpongwe Constituency on the PF ticket, Leonard Fungulwe as MP for Lufwanyama under the UPND.

The others are Stabiso Tshili as MP for Ngambwe in central province, Ellen Gregolack for Luanshya mayor and Diana Mosi for Masaiti District Chairperson.

Mr Musuku however urged party officials from both the opposition and ruling party to adopt candidates that were capable of representing the people and not on a monetary basis.


  1. This is a man who was accused of corruption and now he is standing? African politics is sad, you are viewed as a hero if you are corrupt.

  2. Stardy Mwale is a thief, ask president Edgar Lungu, confirmed by Bowman Lusambo.
    Stardy Mwale is supposed to be prosecuted for having swindled GRZ Kmillions received dubiously and to date, has never constructed a maternity clinic in Kabushi Ndola. PF is full of thieves

  3. And that Association is full of thieves themselves and that is why they are pushing for one of their thieves to be sent to parliament so they can continue to steal through tenders with inflated figures. These thieves will stop at nothing but time is near when pay back will soon come.

  4. Yes , not surprising at all , an accused theif joining accused theives looting GRZ…….

    Zambians are trouble with this PF

  5. Those saying he is a thief can you show record of his conviction? Failing which, shut your smelly bog mouth

  6. “When I think of the great scientific revolutions of the past – print, the steam engine, aviation, the atomic age – I think of new tools that we acquired but over which we – the human race – had the advantage,
    Which we controlled.
    That is not necessarily the case in the digital age.
    You may keep secrets from your friends, from your parents, your children, your doctor – even your personal trainer – but it takes real effort to conceal your thoughts from Google.”Boris Johnson.

    PF time out, yes you can conceal your thoughts from Zambians, but it takes real effort to conceal your thoughts from Google.

  7. Endorsements, Endorsements and more endorsements.
    Only a stupid voter or a very poor person who is satisfied with received a K100 for one day is swayed to voter for any candidate based on the endorsement of an association, a chief or indeed the church.
    Voters need to learn to take aspirants to task, to quiz them and voter for ideas.

  8. Kaizar useless big nose Zulu. You are useless and I will squeeze a broomstick up into your @$$. Respect yourself and quit baiting us on this forum.

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