Saturday, July 27, 2024

Angola applauds Zambia


Angola State Secretary for Defense, Former Combatant and veteran, Domingos Andre Tchikanha has commended Zambia for playing a significant role in preserving peace in Angola.

Gen. Tchikanha said Zambia has in the past, played a crucial role in hosting the former combatants who left Angola and settled in Zambia.

“The ex-combatants were given full support, material, political and emotional support. They were hosted and Zambia is still hosting refugees from Angola,” he said.

Gen. Tchikanha noted that after the war in that country, many Angolans preferred to remain in Zambia to make it their second home.

“Amongst those that are residing in Zambia are those that fought towards the freedom of Angola,” he said.

ZANIS reports that Gen. Tchikanha said this when he paid a courtesy call on North-western Province Permanent Secretary, Willies Mangimela in Solwezi today.

Gen. Tchikanha appealed to the Zambian government to integrate Angolans so that they freely participate in the country’s development.

And Mr Mangimela has assured the Angolan government that Zambia, is fully supporting Angolan refugees in the country and those who have been integrated.

He said some of the refugees who settled in Meheba refugee settlement were integrated and are doing very fine in production.

“The families that were integrated are now in full production or doing a lot of work in farming and they are also contributing in the economic activities of North-western Province,” Mr Mangimela said.

He added that Zambia and Angola will continue to enjoy cordial relations which were established by forefathers in the areas of defense and security.

Gen. Tchikanha is leading a delegation comprising of the Angolan Ambassador to Zambia, Azevedo Xavier Francisco and some members of the Ministry of Defense, Former Combatant and veterans of Angola to meet and interact with former combatants staying in Zambia to find out what the Angolan government can do for them.


  1. We have done a lot for our friends in Angola. Thank you for acknowledging our support. Foreigners are more grateful than those f00ls the upnd diaspaorans who we educated and yet they went abroad to wipe old people backside and insult us every day. Ungrateful bab00ns. Mwaniya

  2. Zambians citizens come first not these Angolan’s time for them to return home Civil war been over for some time.

  3. Let them go back and settle down in their
    Country.We have looked after them but it’s
    Time they went back.We have our own priorities.Zambians come first then foreigners . Zambians need alot of help as
    Some are really struggling.

  4. Land mines still pose a serious threat to the lives of people that live in that corridor, in fact they have contributed to the slowdown of trade between the two sister countries especially in livestock. People of Western & North Western provinces can’t benefit from the lucrative livestock market in Angola because of mines. Now that there’s no civil war in Angola the two countries must move swiftly to remove the many mines that were planted in that corridor

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