Saturday, July 27, 2024

Scrapping off of Student Meal Allowances is Finally Paying off-Nkandu Luo


President Edgar Lungu’s running mate in the August polls Prof. Nkandu Luo says the scrapping off of student meal allowances is finally paying off.

Speaking when she met students from various Colleges and Universities at her residence today, Pro. Luo explained that the decision to remove meal allowances was well-intended as evidenced by the number of students benefiting from the government’s student loans and scholarships.

She explained that under the old system, only one family member benefited from the government’s bursary program which is no longer the case now.

“The other thing that is not said for you people in higher education is that when I come as Minister of Higher Education, in a family of eight; one of you was given a scholarship meaning no one else would get a scholarship because it was said that we have already given one in that family so we need to look at another family,” Prof. Luo disclosed.

Prof. Luo who is also the immediate former Fisheries and Livestock Minister stressed that it is because of these sound policies that the PF government made that has seen an increase in the number of students rallying behind the candidature of President Lungu and herself in the August polls.

She reiterated that in as much as the decision to scrap off meal allowances was harsh, it has made youths in the country far much better than they were in 2011.

She has since urged student leaders not to be afraid to make tough decisions because that is what leadership entails.

And the students from various higher learning institutions who were led by Emmanuel Maida have assured the incoming Republican Vice President that they will embark on a door-to-door campaign to ensure that President Lungu and the PF government wins the August polls with a resounding victory.


  1. Somehow we expected an apology but it’s you. We were asking for too much. So we’ll say thank you our own way on August 12th. You’ll see.

  2. A wise woman who makes decisions that will bring about long term benefits and not short fixes or lies like hh who tells you that kwacha will appreciate in hours if he becomes president. Zambian will not be f00Ied by crooks like hh
    Thank you mama luo

  3. Iwe Luo, stop justifying your lies. You removed the allowances because you wanted to continue paying yourselves allowances after realising that the country was broke. You did not give us that explanation at that time. No consultation was done. Do you realise how difficult it has became for students especially from poor families to go without the allowances? .Now that elections are around the corner you come up with lies to cover your earlier lies.
    Awe mayo twakana.

  4. “Speaking when she met students from various Colleges and Universities at her residence today…..”
    You are busy talking about covid-19 guidelines this moron is busy inviting students to he home to do she can bribe them then talk gibberish

  5. Jonny she will be your vice president whether you like it or not. Oh I forgot you are an asylum seeker in south Africa, where you are not even wanted. You will die soon I can smell it. Those southaficans will soon start lynching you again. K0lwe iwe

  6. Lies …,…..

    the money stolen by lungu and his gang would have been enough for meal allowances for all students had it been invested properly……..

    Even just the $20 million scamed from 42/42 , the 42 $1 million trucks, was enough to cover meal allowances if it was invested in property………

  7. She is absolutely right, we should also demand for MP’s allowances to be scrapped too in favour of loans. Hypocrite, without Kaunda’s free education, I don’t think this woman would have attained her doctorate. Government grants should be made available to bright less privileged students.

  8. How do you dish out money during elections but find it hard to maintain student’s grants? If MP’s can donate mortuaries then surely they do not need their sitting allowances?

  9. This comments have nothing to do with the affairs of this nation,This just shows how bitter you are as a person, there’s nothing wrong pointing out your opinion but not in this way

  10. I thought students ought to be non partisan not to be used or abused by any politician seeking office. But here plain and openly Prof. Luo is busy canvassing votes from students in clear violation of the rules of engagement. What hypocrisy…!!!

    the the student had this to say….chansoni sana
    “ And the students from various higher learning institutions who were led by Emmanuel Maida have assured the incoming Republican Vice President that they will embark on a door-to-door campaign to ensure that President Lungu and the PF government wins the August polls with a resounding victory.”

    This is absolutely shambolic …..ala bane vote PF

  11. Yes the funds embezzled or pocketed by this government could have been enough to cater for other students in other learning institutions. Instead they decided to punish the students when infact they themselves benefitted from free education under Kaunda. These people think they can insult our intelligence

  12. Where have you seen a university student loan or grant going without a stipend? These PF00ls must be shown the door come 12 August.

  13. GRZ increased the number of students to sponsor from two to many. Previously, there was UNZA and CBU. Currently, not only Mukuba and Mulungishi universities have been added but others too. Stipends were just were bring in confusions like riots. Withdrawn food allowance went to cater for tuition fees in other versities to fulfill cost sharing methods introduced in 1991.

  14. Investing the loan recoveries and formation of endowment funds will be positive also to create a perpetuity and long-term endowment funds for the Higher educational system

  15. When u have thieves who defrauded the country like this ***** kaizer zulu and they boast that they are rich… they should be all be sent to jail & hanged…l would love to personally be the executioner for this *****…he should die by foregoing squad

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