Saturday, July 27, 2024

There is need to maintain peace and unity even as Zambia heads to the polls-President Lungu


President Edgar Lungu has reiterated the need to maintain peace and unity in the country, even as the country heads to the polls.

President Lungu emphasised that the government believes in peace and oneness, adding that this should be the basis for all Zambians even as the country heads to the polls.

ZANIS reports that the Head of State has since urged politicians to ensure that they do not destroy Zambia, by desisting from engaging into divisive activities such as violence and tribalism.

President Lungu was responding to calls from Chiefs Kapichila, Mpamba and Senior Chief Mwase of Lundazi district in Eastern Province, who earlier called for peace before, during and after the August 12, general elections.

The President said the call from the traditional leaders should apply to all political parties in the country.

And President Lungu thanked the traditional leadership in the district, and the region at large for advocating for peace in Zambia.

Earlier, Chief Kapichila, who spoke on behalf of the other traditional leaders during the meeting with President Lungu, called for peace in the country before, during and after elections.

Chief Kapichila said traditional leaders and their subjects want to experience continued peace in the country.

Meanwhile, the chiefs in Lundazi have thanked the government and President Lungu for the commitment towards developing the district and the country at large.

Chief Kapichila told the President that the provision of bicycles for headmen, as well as vehicles for chiefs has eased the work for all traditional leaders.

Later, President Lungu inspected construction works at the Lundazi Bridge, and made it clear that the project was about development and not politics.

The Head of State further said that the process of development will continue even after elections.

“For those saying we will not vote for you if you do not work on the bridge, we are saying we have a duty to do these things for you. After the bridge is done, we will continue working,” he said.

President Lungu has since asked the residents of Lundazi to give the contractor, Shachitari Construction company space to execute their job diligently.

Meanwhile, Road Development Agency (RDA) Chief Executive Officer, George Manyele, said the K71 million Lundazi bridge project is scheduled for completion in September this year.

President Lungu who is in Eastern Province on a working visit, inspecting developmental projects in the region, is expected back to Lusaka tomorrow.


  1. Yes Zambia needs peace and unity. But we’re NOT going to get it from Edgar China Lungu. His government preaches division, corruption and violence. Two months ago PF government shot and killed two innocent citizens. Last weekend Zambian police shot an opposition convoy. You are the biggest hypocrite ever! Shame on you!

  2. Really laughable …if this donkey wanted peace and unity all he has to do is call for a sit down with the opposition but he is afraid to face them. Where was he when Kamba was issuing threats on Sangwa’s life…he has never said anything in public!!

  3. Edgar Lungu and his Criminal Enterprise of a Government,on yet Another Covid Super Spreading Campaign trip.
    We the people also want to hear & see the Opposition on the Campaign trail.
    Why is PF so Afraid of Level Playing Field ,how can this be democratic.You will not suffocate the will of the people .
    Kuya Bebele

  4. They are busy flying all over the country with his shameless Grandma Bo Inonge with Luo campaigning yet they dont want their opposition friends to do the same…this man will go down in history as one of the most undemocratic Presidents to ever reside in State House,

  5. But most of the time Lungu is seen raising his tightly fist in readiness to strike. Why can’t he take the knee every time he makes such pronouncements in protest of violence for a change.

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